My broken dream

in instablurt •  last year 

The most unfulfilled hope I felt in my life ..!!!


I don't even know how to start.
It When I remember, I feel a lot of disappointment, sadness and regret. I have many unfulfilled hopes in my life.


Among them, this is the hope I felt.
🚚 Buying a small size lorry. 🚚


Being a carpenter by profession, I wanted to make my career easier. As a carpenter I wanted to succeed at work. Therefore, I made a great commitment to work well and improve. My efforts were successful and day by day I got more contracts. It is my hope to complete those contracts soon and hand them over to the client


I used to run the carpentry shop in my village, which is located a few kilometers from the city. Traffic in villages is less as it is not as busy as the city. It is my hope to provide a very efficient, cost-effective, fast and good service to the client who comes to get the service from me. When a person contracted me to make one or more pieces of furniture, I expected it to be done quickly and well.

The clients who gave me the contract ran into a problem. After making the furniture, finding a truck to transport it was a difficult task. I have been looking for a good solution for this for a few days. I needed a small lorry to transport my hand-made furniture such as doors, windows, doors, cupboards, etc. to the client's house.

Then I decided to buy a truck.


I paid the time by doing the work and collecting the necessary money for it. I worked hard to reach my goal day by day. Suddenly, due to the economic inflation in Sri Lanka, the price of vehicles went up unimaginably.


These are very difficult times for middle class people like me. The amount of money I collected was not enough to buy a vehicle. It hasn't been long since this happened.


Still, in view of the economic situation in Sri Lanka, not only the price of vehicles, but also the prices of all goods, food and beverages have not decreased yet. I am waiting with great sadness for Sri Lanka to develop economically again.

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