The mind becomes tired.

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

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The holy heart of the Holy Prophet and the Companions of great character also used to laugh and joke. He used to join games and jokes. They responded to the call of their inherent nature. He used to give joy to the mind, he used to take measures of peace and happiness in the heart and through it he used to get new energy and activity and jump into action.

Like the body, the mind also becomes tired. So speak wonderfully and wisely to get rid of this fatigue.

Give peace, happiness and joy to the heart like leisure time. Because discomfort in the heart makes him blind.

I give my mind a chance to laugh a little with the cancellation, so that it can help me to walk the difficult path of truth.

Therefore, there is nothing wrong with talking lightly and laughing. There is no sin in arranging for the consolation of one's mind and companions by playing Mubah Kriya, if it does not become a permanent habit and there is no tendency to be engrossed in it all the time. Because if it is like that, then morning and evening will have to be spent in it and as a result there will be reluctance to fulfill the responsibilities. Even where seriousness is important, laughter will start. That's why it has been said to add as much humor to the conversation as you need to add salt to the food.

Because it is not the job of a Muslim to ridicule the people without paying attention to their honor and dignity. That is why Allaah says (interpretation of the meaning): O you who believe! Because maybe he is much better than that.

It is also not appropriate or permissible to resort to lies for the purpose of making people laugh. The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) warned about this and said that destruction is for those who lie to make people laugh. His destruction, destruction for him.

There are many types of entertainment and sports that the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) declared permissible for Muslims. With the help of these, Muslims can lighten the burden of the mind and gain vitality. These sports motivate people to take active part in worship and duties. These bodies can gain strength training with the help of exercise sports. Because of this, people can also be ready to take part in jihad.

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