Swan rearing and its care.

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I am @ahik777 from Bangladesh

Swan rearing and its care.


Swans don't just decorate the house. Guards houses, chases thieves, eats grass evenly. Insects and spiders make the place sparkle. Swan meat is eaten. Covers and pillows are made with his eyelids. Lays very few eggs per year. Because of this, the swan breeder is more motivated to produce chicks from her eggs than to eat them.

Swan species:

There are different species of swans. Toulouse, Emden, China are particularly notable among them.

Habitat of Swans:

Swan house shall be open-air, ventilated. But care should be taken to prevent sun and rain from entering. Flooring can be of various types – paved, hard and rough.

To prevent burglars from entering the house and foxes or any other wild animals from harming them. It is better to surround some area in front or back of the house with wire mesh. This place will be useful for their wandering. Such space shall be 4 square meters per duck. One egg-laying box should be provided for every three ducks inside and outside the swan house. The size of the box will be 50 sq. cm. There will be separate containers for water and food.

If you want to breed swans, you should keep one male duck after 3/4 female ducks of heavy breed. Swans should not be used for breeding unless they are one year old. It is best if they can be used for breeding at the age of two years. Female ducks are fertile for up to 15 years. But Marda became somewhat incapable of reproduction in seven years.

Eggs and Hatching:

Usually they start laying eggs in spring. Swans start wintering in China. They lay eggs in the morning. More eggs are laid in the second and third year than in the first year. 2nd and 3rd year eggs are also quite large in size. Swans of Shankar i.e. Oxycan swans or China swans and Toulouse or Emden hybrids will lay more eggs than Emden or Toulouse China swans.

Add it to the egg:

Swans incubate their own eggs and stop laying eggs when they hatch. Swan eggs can be boiled well with turkey hens or Muscovy ducks if available.

Swan eggs can also be hatched with chickens. In this case, 4/6 eggs per chicken and 10-15 eggs should be placed per swan. If the swan eggs are placed under the hen, the farmer has to make arrangements to rotate the eggs himself. Because of the large size, the chicken cannot turn the swan's eggs.

Food for baby swans:

Swan food is pretty much like normal duck food. But at first four weeks, swans grow very quickly, so they need more meat in their food than baby ducks. A one-day-old chick of heavy breed swan weighs about 85 grams and at 4 weeks its weight is up to 1 kg 600 grams.

Care of breeding swans:

Adult swans should be well fed for up to 6 weeks before the breeding season. At this time, they should eat 165 grams of balanced food every day, in which the portion of non-vegetarian food will be 16 percent.

Diseases of Swans:

It is a big advantage in swan breeding and business that they do not suffer from diseases. There is no epidemic of disease. Mortality rate up to marketable age is not even 2%. However, one should be aware of the following diseases in swan rearing: coccidiosis, cholera, coryza, spirocytosis, malnutrition etc.

Watching the swan in the help of man:

The swan gets exceptionally near everything around it and hence, any new solid, individuals, creatures, monsters frighten all over by making a snickering sound. Indeed, even areas of strength for with, ordinarily even assaults. Nonetheless, among the swans, the Chinese swan is the most incredible in watching.

Swan eggs and meat:

Swan meat and eggs are valued as rarities. 10-week-old swans can be eaten as meat and the meat exchange is great around then. At ten years old weeks, the swan weighs 4.5 kg. 12 to 18 hours prior to butchering the swan for meat, all food with the exception of water ought to be halted.

Offer of swan feathers:

Swan plumes can be utilized to make sleeping pads, covers, sleeping cushions, pads, pads, in a word, everything for sitting and leaning back. Delicate plumes on the back and tummy of swans are sought after for making these sleeping pads. Swan quills ought to be culled when the swan quits laying its most memorable eggs. This plume is culled three to four times each year. Plumes ought not be culled in winter. 50 totally mature swans can deliver four and a half kilograms of quills.



Local chicken raising methods and meds.

In the event that you want to develop desi chickens, you ought to know about desi chicken raising methods and medications. If you don't understand you will lose business. Today we ought to find out about various information and experiences concerning local chicken developing, essentially every house in rural areas of Bangladesh keeps local chickens. Our farmers and farmers are working enthusiastically to meet the food needs of people of the country. The meaning of chicken in the monetary and social improvement of the country is huge. Its importance in the public economy is reliably extending a direct result of decently low endeavor and execution in little land.

Local poultry developing is a basic strategy for free work of jobless youth, landless farmers and unfortunate provincial women. Their creation limit isn't precisely new chickens anyway their cost is genuinely unimportant stood out from new chickens so the compensation is higher. By far most of people of the country are encountering invigorating issues. Chicken meat and eggs are incredible wellsprings of animal meat. This issue can be settled by filling the absence of animal meat through meat and eggs. To fulfill the meat need of general society, local chicken developing should be extended. From one perspective, it will be plausible to convey safe meat, as well as lessen the exorbitant dependence on poultry chickens.

Local chicken developing methods
Since bygone eras, the women of common Bengal have been raising chickens as a wellspring of additional compensation. Chicken fertilizer is a first rate normal excrement that can be used to help cultivating yields. Poultry waste and litter can be used to convey biogas, which can add to the public economy by saving fuel.

Local Chicken Thought: Free wandering chicken thought doesn't call for much speculation or work supply. If local chickens can be brought up in the going with way, a fair advantage can be expected with basically no cost. To raise chickens, the chicken house should be opened in the initial segment of the day and given some food. Around evening time, before the hens get back, some food should be given again. Close the entrance when you get back. A thick layer of rice wheat or sawdust (1 inch) should be laid on the floor of the chicken house so it doesn't get covered. If the restroom or litter is solidified, it should be turned over and over and the lavatory or litter should be cleaned following two or three days.

Components of Desi Chicken:

Local chicken meat and eggs are purported to be more flavorful and more delightful than various assortments. Thusly, disregarding their low turn of events and little size, local chickens are exorbitant to raise. Local chicken lays 30-40 eggs in 1 year. Their eggs are more unassuming than other chicken eggs. Regardless, the expense of their eggs and meat is high. You can acquire more by taking care of less money. Other than analyzing or completing any work, you can gather this neighborhood chicken farm at your own home. Local chickens are less disposed to afflictions so there is no bet in raising them. Issues or infections can be smothered if there is an idea with respect to a couple of things.

Local chicken feed: The regular overabundance or occupant food of the house, for instance, discarded rice, curry, scattered wheat, paddy, bugs, discarded pieces of vegetables, grass, creeper leaves, rocks, stone chips, etc . Since it fulfills various enhancements of chickens and they are sound.

Making Desi Chicken House:

There should be an open house for local chicken developing. 1.5 m (5 ft) long x 1.2 m (4 ft) wide and 1 m (3.5 ft) high house should be created. The mass of the house should be made of bamboo sheets or wooden sheets. Also, mud walls can moreover be made. The wall or wall should have openings for light and wind stream. Houses can be assembled using straw, tin or bamboo with polythene doorways. 10-15 chickens can be kept in such a house. Raising strategy: Local chickens can be brought up in two different ways.

Standard method: In our country, an enormous part of the local chickens are brought up in the ordinary technique. Traditional system suggests chicken raising.

The foremost disadvantage of the standard system is low capital and low compensation. The women of our country back local chickens in this standard way. But this advancement is a la mode, there are various difficulties. Thusly, the advantage of raising chickens is low. Regular chicken developing achieves longer creation cycles, less eggs are laid, less chicks are imagined, more infections occur, chickens and chicks pass on, etc.

It expects around 140-170 days to complete the creation example of local chicken in traditional system. So we ought to acknowledge about their creation cycle. Its creation cycle is all around isolated into 4 segments - ie, egg laying - 18 to 24 days and deliver - 21 days. Anguishing - 90-100 days
Rest - 10-multi day.

Neighborhood chicken bringing up in bound conditions
Present day procedures: Relatively few local chickens are brought up in current systems or in bound conditions in our country. Present day procedure for poultry developing suggests bringing chickens up in confined conditions. This procedure is more capital heightened at this point less useful. Local chickens are not raised in that frame of mind because of their low turn of events and little size. It is super costly to Keep them in detainment. Local chicken lays 30-40 eggs in 1 year so it's anything but a great deal of advantage.

Chicken droppings: Chicken droppings are a good wellspring of normal manure. While rummaging chickens, chickens eat bug vermin so they don't have to deal with them much extra food. It requires less feed and costs less for the chicken owner. Market potential Isolated from the local market, this country chicken can be sold in the gigantic market. Chicken eggs can be offered markdown or retail to neighbors, close by shops or markets.


Combinations of rice and pumpkin and current improvement systems.

Rice pumpkins are created as home rice in Bengal. Maybe to this end it is known as rice pumpkin. In any case, the yield is higher in the field (machaya). Young pumpkins (jali) are used as curry and mature pumpkins are used to make jam and halwa.

We ought to know the solid advantage and advancement method for rice pumpkin.
Sound advantage: rice pumpkin is a nutritious vegetable. Rice pumpkin contains different supplements, supplements, sugars, fats and calcium. Supportive properties: Rice pumpkin pills and jam are important for lungs. Rice pumpkin seeds are obliterated by worms. In addition, its juice mixed in with sugar fixes heartburn.

Collection Show Cross variety Pumpkin: Hira - 451

This collection of gourd is dull green and typical regular item weight is 1-1.5 kg. This grouping of rice pumpkin can be planted reliably. The yield can be gathered in 50-55 days. This grouping is affliction protected, high yielding hybrid combination, profitable for huge distance transportation. A yield of 30-35 tons for each segment of land is open.

This combination of gourd is faint green and typical normal item weight is 2-2.5 kg. This collection of gourd can be planted from Magh to Chaitra month. The yield can be harvested in 60-65 days. Each pumpkin is 10-12 inches. This variety is impenetrable to contamination, fleece development and fine form. A yield of 25-30 tons for each part of land is gotten.

Chalkumra Bhairavi.

This grouping is a high yielding collection of paddy. The shade of rice pumpkin is green and the ordinary heap of the regular item is 1.5 kg. This grouping of rice pumpkin can be grown essentially all through the whole year beside winter. Crops start coming in 40-45 days. Each gourd is 20-25 cm long. The yield is 10-15 tons for each segment of land.

Pumpkin is great.

This collection is a high yielding variety of paddy. The shade of rice pumpkin is green and the ordinary heap of the natural item is 1.5-2.0 kg. This combination of gourd can be created from Chaitra to Kartika month. Crops start coming in 40-45 days. Each gourd is 25-30 cm long. 8-10 tons for each plant and 13-18 tons for each part of land.

Pumpkin Sumaiy.

This variety is a high yielding, cross variety, prepared paddy sensible for storing and critical distance transportation. The gourd is long round and green in assortment. The seeds should be established far off of 4 x 4. Energetic weeds can be assembled 50 days ensuing to planting. Yield is 12 tons for each segment of land.

Moreover there are one or two combinations like Jupiter F-1, Polster F-1, Durant, Durbar. Paddy advancement soil Its improvement is perfect in dirt and atel dirt soils that are freed from flooding and have extraordinary drainage. Establishing time: Pumpkin can be grown reliably. Anyway, from Chaitra to Jaishtha month is the best an open door to sow seeds.

land anticipating the remote possibility that you give rice at home, you want to make mada. Likewise, in case it is created in the land, it should be prepared with two or three wrinkles and ladders. Pit making: 75 cm (2.5 ft) wide and 60 cm (2 ft) significant pit should be made. Laying out distance: 2-2.50 meters isolated, seeds should be made and planted.

Sowing 4-5 seeds should be planted per plant. Two in number seedlings should be kept in each mat. Care It is ideal to water occasionally during drought at every turn. Drainage should be given to misuse of tempest water. Bauni macha should be obliged laying out trees. A portion of the time cut and loosen up the soil and give some free soil at the base. It in like manner covers weeds.

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fake preparation Rice and gourd are physically fair-minded in nature for instance the two vegetables produce male and female blooms freely on a comparable plant. So both are cross-pollinated crops. Right when the opportunity has arrived to get their blooms, the plant initially makes a colossal number of male blooms. Female blooms are similarly made.

Preparation among male and female blooms is central for pumpkin plants to end up being productive. Anthers of male blooms contain dust. For preparation, the pollinator ought to be moved to the pistil of the female bloom and set the natural item. At whatever point pollinated precisely, the blossom will drop after a particular time and the pumpkin will continue to create. Without preparation, the energetic natural item psychologists, riches and tumbles off.

In case the treatment is lacking, the normal item game plan isn't perfect, it diminishes the market worth of the vegetable, the regular item limit is decreased and the yield is low. A sufficient proportion of residue ought to be applied to the corolla of the female bloom for authentic advancement of the natural item. Preparation requires a medium or pollinator.

Preparation of rice gourd is generally wrapped up by bugs especially bumble bees. Nevertheless, ordinarily the yield is decreased due to nonappearance of needed bugs due to unseemly treatment. Preparation ought to similarly be conceivable with one honey bee settlement for each part of land to make more natural item through normal treatment. Then again the farmer can expect to surprise yield if he pollinates himself.

A huge piece of the farmers in Bangladesh are unimportant and restricted scope, so phony treatment is their fundamental plan. Studies have shown the way that fake treatment by hand can assemble the yield of gourd and sweet pumpkin by 25-35 percent.
Accepting the gourd blooms get authentic sunshine, they start growing night and bloom till 7-8 pm. Fake preparation of gourd ought to be conceivable from the night of the day of blooming till the next morning.

Anyway, expecting you treat the next morning, the regular items will be less, but the blooms that are pollinated from early evening to the night will end up being productive on all of the blooms that are pollinated. Sweet pumpkin blooms sprout speedily around the start of the day and the sooner preparation is done directly following blossoming, the better the yield. Fake treatment of sweet pumpkin should be done by 9 am.

Manure application procedure Urea 10-12 kg, TSP 8-10 kg, Murate of Potash 3-5 kg, Gypsum 3 kg, Zinc Oxide 100-150 gm normal fertilizer is better. (Rate wise) Fertilizer use rule: Beside urea excrement, any leftover composts should be mixed in with mother soil 7-8 days preceding sowing seeds.

Flies and bug control The essential foe of pumpkin advancement is the "fly" bug. Exactly when this bug picks the blooms and results of created pumpkin, the pumpkin becomes red and royal gems. Likewise, the pumpkin fell into the whirlwind. Bug splashes using sex pheromone strategies, killing bugs right away, clean turn of events, making bug traps and using poison catches can be used to avoid these bugs. gather Rice pumpkin plants start ending up productive inside 60-70 days of planting. In the event that you really want to eat rice and pumpkin as a vegetable, you should accept 400-600 grams with green designs. It should be gathered following 120-130 days of advancement to give jam or pills.

Special thanks to the supporting team..@outofthematrix @leifasaur @r2cornell @saboin

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