Is it halal or haram to eat bidi-cigarettes?

in instablurt •  last year 

My Dear Blurt,
I am @ahik777 from Bangladesh

it halal or haram to eat bidi-cigarettes?


Question: Smoking is halal, haram or makruh? Likewise what is the arrangement of jorda, gul and so on ready by tobacco?

Reply: As per the agreement of specialists, smoking is Makruh as it is extremely hurtful to wellbeing. Aside from that, because of awful stench in the mouth, friend people and heavenly messengers endure. Correspondingly jorda, gul and so on ready from tobacco are likewise unsafe to wellbeing as per specialists and ought to be stayed away from. (Addurrul Mukhtar: 6/460, Ahsanul Fatawa: 8/110, Afke Masayel Aur Unqa Lobby: 7/182, Fatawaye Faqihul Millat 11/406-409)

Eating bidi-cigarette implies smoking. This is according to the Islamic perspective and the clinical perspective, there is no legitimacy in any class, there is no advantage by any stretch of the imagination, it is unsafe according to the Islamic perspective as well as it is exceptionally hurtful concerning wellbeing. Above all else, I'm featuring its unsafe perspectives according to the Islamic perspective.

According to the Islamic perspective, the Shari'i deciding is that all legal advisers and mujtahadeen concur that it is wajib (compulsory to annihilate) to abstain from that which causes mischief and obliteration, and it is totally haram.

Imam Ahmad and Ibn Majah said it is a great deal of damage, it is quite a lot of mischief. Qur'anic instruction - Don't hurl yourself entirely into obliteration.

Self-hurt is totally prohibited. It has its hurtful angles, for example,






  1. wellbeing harm; 2. monetary misfortune; 3. Social harm.

Wellbeing harm: Tuberculosis, disease happens in lungs. Face becomes pale (no light), untimely loss of teeth, windedness, wheezing, infection with dormancy (no essentialness), diminished sexual power.

Monetary misfortune: If you wantlessly squander cash because of multiple factors, you should pay all due respects to Allah. Futile, squandered, on the off chance that you give cash, sins are pardoned, atonement is acknowledged. Heaven is bound forever.

Social Harm: Smoke harms the climate by harming the general public. Assuming somebody sits with him, he is additionally hurt for no great explanation, regardless of whether he is vexed in his heart, he can't express anything for courteousness, close to home harm is finished.

Assuming you supplicate with a terrible stench in your mouth, there is a high opportunity that your requests won't be acknowledged. Holy messenger of kindness ought not be close, be denied of God's leniency.

Every one of the legal advisers concur that the conspicuous is prohibited or haram. So a call to all wise residents to 'Quit any pretense of smoking'. My allure particularly to taught siblings don't hurt yourself, don't urge different siblings to smoke openly. No rational individual could want for this.

Special thanks to the supporting team..@outofthematrix @leifasaur @r2cornell @saboin

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