Assortments of rice and pumpkin and current development strategies.

in instablurt •  2 years ago 

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I am @ahik777 from Bangladesh

Assortments of rice and pumpkin and current development strategies.


Rice pumpkins are developed as home rice in Bengal. Perhaps to this end it is known as rice pumpkin. Be that as it may, the yield is higher in the field (machaya). Youthful pumpkins (jali) are utilized as curry and mature pumpkins are utilized to make jam and halwa.

We should know the healthy benefit and development technique for rice pumpkin. Healthy benefit: rice pumpkin is a nutritious vegetable. Rice pumpkin contains various nutrients, supplements, sugars, fats and calcium. Restorative properties: Rice pumpkin pills and jelly are valuable for lungs. Rice pumpkin seeds are annihilated by worms. What's more, its juice blended in with sugar fixes acid reflux.

Assortment Presentation Cross breed Pumpkin: Hira - 451

This assortment of gourd is dull green and normal natural product weight is 1-1.5 kg. This assortment of rice pumpkin can be planted consistently. The yield can be collected in 50-55 days. This assortment is sickness safe, high yielding crossover assortment, advantageous for significant distance transportation. A yield of 30-35 tons for each section of land is accessible.

This assortment of gourd is dim green and normal natural product weight is 2-2.5 kg. This assortment of gourd can be planted from Magh to Chaitra month. The yield can be reaped in 60-65 days. Every pumpkin is 10-12 inches. This assortment is impervious to infection, wool buildup and fine mold. A yield of 25-30 tons for each section of land is gotten.

Chalkumra Bhairavi.

This assortment is a high yielding assortment of paddy. The shade of rice pumpkin is green and the normal load of the natural product is 1.5 kg. This assortment of rice pumpkin can be developed practically throughout the entire year aside from winter. Crops begin coming in 40-45 days. Every gourd is 20-25 cm long. The yield is 10-15 tons for every section of land.

Pumpkin is superb.

This assortment is a high yielding assortment of paddy. The shade of rice pumpkin is green and the normal load of the organic product is 1.5-2.0 kg. This assortment of gourd can be developed from Chaitra to Kartika month. Crops begin coming in 40-45 days. Every gourd is 25-30 cm long. 8-10 tons for every plant and 13-18 tons for each section of land.

Pumpkin Sumaiy.

This assortment is a high yielding, cross breed, ready paddy reasonable for stockpiling and significant distance transportation. The gourd is long round and green in variety. The seeds ought to be planted a ways off of 4 x 4. Youthful weeds can be gathered 50 days subsequent to planting. Yield is 12 tons for each section of land.

Additionally there are a few different assortments like Jupiter F-1, Polster F-1, Durant, Durbar. Paddy development soil Its development is great in topsoil and atel topsoil soils that are liberated from flooding and have great seepage. Planting time: Pumpkin can be developed consistently. In any case, from Chaitra to Jaishtha month is the best opportunity to plant seeds.

land planning On the off chance that you give rice at home, you need to make mada. What's more, on the off chance that it is developed in the land, it must be ready with a couple of furrows and stepping stools. Pit making: 75 cm (2.5 ft) wide and 60 cm (2 ft) profound pit ought to be made. Establishing distance: 2-2.50 meters separated, seeds ought to be made and planted.

Planting 4-5 seeds ought to be planted per plant. Two in number seedlings ought to be kept in each mat. Care It is ideal to water periodically during dry spell from the get go. Seepage ought to be given to waste of storm water. Bauni macha ought to be accommodated establishing trees. Some of the time cut and relax the dirt and give some free soil at the base. It likewise smothers weeds.

Likewise Read Development of Stevia as Hostile to Diabetes and Sugar Substitute counterfeit fertilization Rice and gourd are sexually unbiased in nature for example the two vegetables produce male and female blossoms independently on a similar plant. So both are cross-pollinated crops. At the point when the time has come to get their blossoms, the plant first creates an enormous number of male blossoms. Female blossoms are likewise created.

Fertilization among male and female blossoms is fundamental for pumpkin plants to prove to be fruitful. Anthers of male blossoms contain dust. For fertilization, the pollinator should be moved to the pistil of the female blossom and set the organic product. Whenever pollinated accurately, the bloom will drop after a specific time and the pumpkin will keep on developing. Without fertilization, the youthful organic product shrinks, spoils and tumbles off.


When the colder time of year comes, pretty much every house in the provincial area of Jessohar begins making pills with tin and rice pumpkin. It is extremely relentless work. It likewise requires a great deal of investment. One of the customary provincial dishes is Bari produced using heartbeats and pumpkin.

Dark kalai (thikri kalai) and rice gourd are utilized as elements for making pills. Many individuals use radish, onion and papaya notwithstanding rice and pumpkin.
The tin bought from the market or created in one's own property is first cleaned by shaking in the Kula. Then, at that point, the tin is absorbed water after it is totally cleaned by crushing it with a stone grater. This drenching system is begun in the first part of the day.

Then, at that point, after lunch, the splashed banana is cleaned in a sack of chaat. Then, at that point, the dirt is washed in lake water. Never wash in tube-bubble water. Iron in the tubeware water turns the pills red. Looks awful.

Nonetheless, even subsequent to washing, a few green husks stay on the outer layer of the pots, they must be picked by hand like picking rice. For this situation, every one of the neighbors, of all shapes and sizes, take part in this work and there is a ton of cheer. From that point onward, one more fixing left for making pills is pumpkin. In the first place, the pumpkin is cut into two cuts along the center with a stick, then, at that point, the seeds are isolated from the delicate piece of the bosom and taken out with a clam.

Toward the finish of the relative multitude of cycles, a little later at night or around midnight, the glue is covered. However, the flavor of mille kota pills isn't seriously mind-blowing. Quite a while in the past I used to see one more cycle in metropolitan regions. Bate pills were given in Shil Pata.

In any case, the pills are left for the time being in the outdoors in the dew. You need to get up promptly in the first part of the day and foam the squashed pills with your hands for quite a while.

Ladies at times structure a pill and pass on it in a compartment of water to check whether the blend is right. Then, on the top of the house or at a high spot, the froth material is organized in succession by hand on a cotton mosquito net, flimsy fabric or plastic rope.

also, once in a while turned around to the sun. In this manner it must be dried well in the sun for 5/6 days. On the off chance that the pills are made in clear climate and extreme winter, the pills taste better. Assuming it is shady and hazy, the pill will smell and become red. They don't bubble without any problem. I could do without to eat. It tends to be eaten for 12 to 14 months on the off chance that it is dried well and put away in a fixed holder. In any case, in the event that it is hot, the pill doesn't taste as great.

Hilsa fish, prawns, eggplant, duck, chicken eggs with eggplant are exceptionally delicious food. Eggplant with eggplant or eggplant and potato stock is exceptionally delectable.

On the off chance that the fertilization is deficient, the natural product arrangement isn't great, it decreases the market worth of the vegetable, the natural product limit is diminished and the yield is low. An adequate measure of dust should be applied to the corolla of the female blossom for legitimate development of the organic product. Fertilization requires a medium or pollinator.

Fertilization of rice gourd is fundamentally finished by bugs particularly honey bees. Be that as it may, commonly the yield is diminished because of absence of wanted bugs because of inappropriate fertilization. Fertilization should likewise be possible with one bee colony for every section of land to create more organic product through regular fertilization. Or on the other hand the rancher can anticipate startling yield in the event that he pollinates himself.

A large portion of the ranchers in Bangladesh are negligible and limited scope, so fake fertilization is their main arrangement. Studies have demonstrated the way that counterfeit fertilization by hand can build the yield of gourd and sweet pumpkin by 25-35 percent.
Assuming the gourd blossoms get legitimate daylight, they begin sprouting evening and blossom till 7-8 pm. Counterfeit fertilization of gourd should be possible from the evening of the day of blossoming till the following morning.

In any case, assuming you fertilize the following morning, the natural products will be less, however the blossoms that are pollinated from early afternoon to the night will prove to be fruitful on every one of the blossoms that are pollinated. Sweet pumpkin blossoms sprout promptly toward the beginning of the day and the sooner fertilization is finished in the wake of blooming, the better the yield. Counterfeit fertilization of sweet pumpkin ought to be finished by 9 am.

Compost application strategy Urea 10-12 kg, TSP 8-10 kg, Murate of Potash 3-5 kg, Gypsum 3 kg, Zinc Oxide 100-150 gm natural compost is better. (Rate wise) Compost use rule: Aside from urea manure, any remaining manures ought to be blended in with mother soil 7-8 days prior to planting seeds.

Flies and bug control The fundamental adversary of pumpkin development is the "fly" bug. At the point when this bug chooses the blossoms and products of developed pumpkin, the pumpkin becomes red and crown jewels. Accordingly, the pumpkin fell into the tempest. Bug sprays utilizing sex pheromone techniques, killing bugs immediately, clean development, making bug traps and utilizing poison snares can be utilized to keep away from these bugs. collect Rice pumpkin plants begin proving to be fruitful inside 60-70 days of planting. If you have any desire to eat rice and pumpkin as a vegetable, you ought to take 400-600 grams with green structures. It ought to be collected following 120-130 days of development to give jam or pills.

Nourishing advantages of rice pumpkin.

There are a few kinds of pumpkins; Like sweet pumpkin, rice pumpkin, jalikumra and so on. Sweet pumpkin is a fruiting vegetable that is a couple of types of Cucurbitaceae in the fundamental sort Cucurbitaceae. Sweet pumpkins are pudgy round and have a dazzling orange inside when ready.

It has a place with the Chalukumra or Jalikumra family and is green in variety. Rice pumpkin is wealthy in supplements. Every 100 grams of rice pumpkin contains food energy 13 kcal, fat 0.4 g, sugar 3 g, fiber 2.9 g, fat 0.2 g, L-ascorbic acid 10.1 mg, potassium 150 mg, magnesium 11 mg, calcium 26 mg. . We should know the nourishment of rice pumpkin


As an enemy of microbial specialist, rice pumpkin wipes out destructive microscopic organisms in the stomach and digestion tracts. It battles against gastrointestinal contaminations or ulcers. It helps in eliminating the corrosive created in the stomach because of fiery food or fasting for quite a while. Rice pumpkin is an extremely helpful vegetable to lessen body weight and fat. It works with blood stream in the veins. Rice pumpkin can likewise be eaten as an option in contrast to unhealthy feasts.

Rice pumpkin fills in as a nourishment for mental patients, as it cools the nerves of the cerebrum. To this end rice pumpkin is called cerebrum food. Drinking rice and pumpkin squeeze consistently diminishes the side effects of tuberculosis. Rice gourd helps quit dying, in situations where blood emerges with hack, rice gourd juice is great. It stops the dying.

Rice pumpkin squeeze likewise assists a great deal in facial skin and hair with mindful. Customary use of rice gourd juice on hair and skin makes hair sparkly and skin lovely, rice gourd additionally forestalls maturing. Also, rice pumpkin seeds alleviate gastric sicknesses. Clogging, fart and unpredictable pee because of any explanation, eating rice pumpkin is extremely gainful.


Its young leaves and tips are normally eaten as vegetables. Rice pumpkin is a nutritious vegetable that contains different nutrients, minerals, sugars and fiber so the advantages of rice pumpkin are quite a large number.

Rice pumpkin alleviates numerous sicknesses including tuberculosis, stoppage and gastric.

Rice pumpkin is wealthy in supplements. Per 100 grams of rice pumpkin contains - healthy benefit 13 kcal, fat 0.4 g, sugars 3 g, fiber 2.9 g, fat 0.2 g, L-ascorbic acid 10.1 mg, potassium 150 mg, magnesium 11 mg, calcium 26 mg, sodium 2 mg, cholesterol 0 mg, iron 0.2 mg, zinc 0.7 mg, phosphorus 13 mg.

Advantages of rice pumpkin.

As an enemy of microbial specialist, rice pumpkin dispenses with hurtful microscopic organisms in the stomach and digestion tracts. It battles against gastrointestinal contaminations or ulcers. It helps in eliminating the corrosive created in the stomach because of fiery food or fasting for quite a while.

Rice pumpkin fills in as nourishment for mental patients. Since it cools the nerves of the cerebrum. To this end rice pumpkin is called mind food.

Drinking rice and pumpkin squeeze consistently lessens the side effects of tuberculosis. Rice gourd assists with halting dying, in the people who hack up blood, drinking rice gourd juice stops the dying.

Rice pumpkin is an extremely helpful vegetable to lessen body weight and fat. It works with blood stream in the veins. Rice pumpkin can likewise be eaten as an option in contrast to fatty feasts.

Rice pumpkin squeeze likewise assists a great deal in facial skin and hair with mindful. Standard use of rice gourd juice on hair and skin makes hair glossy and skin wonderful, rice gourd likewise forestalls maturing. Also, rice pumpkin seeds ease gastric illnesses. Stoppage, fart and unpredictable pee because of any explanation, then eating rice pumpkin is exceptionally useful.

Unpleasant gourd and harsh gourd are extremely nutritious vegetables. In spite of its unpleasant taste, its ubiquity is wide. The majority of the times it is sold at an exorbitant cost on the lookout. Unpleasant gourd and gourd are accessible in the market over time. Unpleasant gourd is a little greater in size and Uche is somewhat more modest. Harsh gourd has numerous restorative properties. Its juice is utilized to treat polyuria, skin sicknesses, stiffness and asthma. Certain individuals particularly diabetics consume it routinely as it is valuable for wellbeing overall. Its utilization as medication is normal in certain pieces of Southeast Asia.

Creation season.

Development of harsh gourd is conceivable whenever of the year, however severe gourd is essentially developed in the dry season in this country. Gourd seeds can be planted whenever among February and May. Uchche can be developed whenever of the year. Be that as it may, its development is more in winter.

Land choice and readiness.

The right land, most importantly, should be chosen for the development of unpleasant gourd. A land with great water system and seepage offices and sufficient daylight ought to be chosen. The dirt of the land ought to be made undisturbed and harsh by furrowing and frightening. The dirt and pit ought to be good to go for appropriate root development of the gourd plant. In addition, in the event that you can try not to over and over develop a similar harvest on a similar land, you can decrease the pervasion of illnesses and bugs.

Establishing strategy.

In the wake of splashing the dirt well with water, the 15-multi day old seedlings ought to be established the following evening. Seedlings ought to be planted with soil. Then, at that point, put water flat broke.

Care Water system: in the event of dry spell, water system ought to be finished depending on the situation. The side effects of absence of water are appeared at changed phases of plant development. For instance, plant development stops at the underlying stage, blossoms drop later, natural products quit developing and drop, and so on. Water system ought to be halted when the natural products start to develop during the creation of severe gourd seeds.

Waste No more water system is expected after the beginning of downpours from June-July. Beds and depletes ought to continuously be saved clean for seepage of land. Since gourds can't endure waterlogging.

Mulching After water system, soil compaction disturbs air flow in the root zone of plants. In this way, after every water system, the dirt at the foundation of the plant ought to be broken.

Arrangement of Bawny is the primary consideration of gourds. Seedlings 20-25 cm. A space of 1.0-1.5 meters ought to be produced using the level. Ranchers for the most part don't utilize bunds for paddy development yet rather cover the land around the lines with straw. As the Uchher tree is more limited, great yield is additionally acquired in this strategy. Notwithstanding, in the event that the severe gourd is developed in the dirt during the storm, the market worth of the organic product will diminish because of the discolouration and accordingly, the yield will likewise diminish because of the rot and decrease of regular fertilization. What's more, by utilizing rabbits or lofts, the harvest yield increments by 25-30% contrasted with cover. The nature of the organic product is additionally better.

Banana Development.

Banana is extremely popular overall as a nutritious organic product. When banana seedlings are planted, 2/3 of the time is no more. Because of the enormous size of banana trees, there is compelling reason need to fence to shield them from cows and goats. On the off chance that it isn't impacted by other regular disasters including floods, it is feasible to get paddy from 1 section of land of land (Eri-Aman joined) 80/90 maunds. Its assessed cost is 45/50 thousand rupees. It will cost (counting compost, work, development and cleaning) around 16 thousand rupees. Then again, bananas of one section of land will be sold from 1 lakh 80 thousand to 2 lakh taka. The most extreme expense will be 50 thousand rupees. Banana mocha is likewise utilized as a great curry.

Land arrangement and manure application: The land ought to be arranged well by furrowing 7/8 times. Then natural manures (eg cow excrement, kachuripana and so on) ought to be applied as 12 tons for each hectare. Then dig an opening a ways off of 2.2 meters. Each opening ought to be covered with soil by applying 6 kg compost, 500 gm kheil, 125 gm urea, 250 gm TSP, 100 gm MP, 100 gm gypsum, 10 gm zinc and 5 gm boric corrosive. Following 15 days new and sword shara (sword seedling) seedlings of endorsed assortment ought to be established in each pit. Along these lines, typically 1000 to 1000 seedlings can be planted per section of land. Afterward, 125 grams of urea and 100 grams of MP for each plant ought to be applied in 2 portions at time frames months.

Establishing time Banana seedlings can be established in three seasons in a year. The main season is mid-January to mid-Walk. The subsequent season is mid-Walk to mid-May. The third season is mid-September to mid-November.

In-between time Care.

Water system is expected following 15-20 days during dry season. It is important to keep the nursery liberated from weeds for a very long time in the principal phase of planting. Care should be taken to guarantee that there is no waterlogging in the banana estate. Friend Harvests For the initial 4/5 months subsequent to planting, the land stays unfilled. On the off chance that seedlings are established in September-October, sweet pumpkin, cucumber and different vegetables can be developed as intercrops in the banana garden.

Banana sickness and its counteraction.

Bananas are typically gone after by creepy crawlies, Panama illness, Banchitop infection and Sigatoka sickness. Bananas are normally spotted with dark spots when tainted with scarabs. Malthion or Sevin 85 WP with Libasis 50 EC can be applied for avoidance. Banana leaves ordinarily become yellow in Panama illness. At times the tree parts upward. There could be no other measure to forestall this illness with the exception of evacuating the tree. Banana leaves become little and hindered when tainted with Bunchitor infection. It tends to be applied by blending ragor or sumithion in with water for concealment. Little yellow spots show up on the leaves when impacted by Sigatoga. At one time these spots are enormous and brown in variety. In the event that this condition happens.

Special thanks to the supporting team..@outofthematrix @leifasaur @r2cornell @saboin

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