German community getting more and more pressure over on Hive 🇩🇪 Die deutsche Community bekommt immer mehr Druck drüben auf Hive - ENG/GER

in deutsch •  3 years ago  (edited)

As you all know, I was part of the German Community over on Hive until my rant with themarkymark.

I missed a very important comment under one of my posts done by @don-t during my vacation...

You can read it here, but it is in German:

To be honest I was absolutely shocked! @greece-lover seems to be getting nuked by the same goons, that are wiping my posts and comments over on Hive.

I don't think this will be the last incident, that we will be seeing from over on Hive!

My call to action for the German Community as (still) a member of it (even on Hive): Pack your bags and come to Blurt!

The German Community has an awesome voting culture and they support each other! They have even been criticized and attacked for this over on Hive!

Here it would be a blessing!

PS: I know there a some german whales here reading this!

Wie ihr alle wisst, war ich Teil der deutschen Community drüben auf Hive, bis ich mich mit dem Markymark anlegte.

Ich habe einen sehr wichtigen Kommentar von @don-t während meines Urlaubs unter einem meiner Posts verpasst ...

Ihr könnt diesen hier lesen, aber es ist auf Deutsch:

Ich war ehrlich gesagt absolut geschockt! @greece-lover scheint von denselben Idioten angegriffen zu werden, die meine Posts und Kommentare drüben auf Hive plattmachen.

Ich glaube nicht, dass dies der letzte Vorfall sein wird, den wir von drüben auf Hive sehen werden!

Mein Aufruf an die deutsche Community als (noch) Mitglied (auch auf Hive): Packt eure Koffer und kommt zu Blurt!

Die deutsche Community hat eine großartige Upvote-Kultur und unterstützt sich gegenseitig! Sie wurden dafür auf Hive sogar kritisiert und angegriffen!

Hier wäre es ein Segen!

PS: Ich weiß, dass hier ein paar deutsche Wale mitlesen!

If you like (and you have a spare vote), please take a moment to vote for my witness. It would be much appreciated:


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The only issue I see is we lost a great German community as they became collateral damage in the hostilities that double-u continued to escalate. Many left feeling insulted, as their voting culture had been labeled a voting circle. I disagreed with that assessment and said as much in multiple places when it happened.

To clarify, the label was not issued in any form of this needs to stop, it was issued in an attempt to compare their vocalization against VTS to be hypocritical given how much they spent voting among one another. My stance was if we stopped worrying about others stake (VTS or self vote etc) none of this mattered. The comparison I made for the hypocrisy was that double-u was being a hypocrite against VTS when he was self voting himself thousands of Blurt per week. I wish the response could have stayed more direct on him as I was making it.

The person I was closest to here was one of the whales that left, michelangelo3.

I mention all of this to let you know there is probably talk among the German community about this, and while one can easily discount double-u as not being innocent (nor dotwin in my opinion) the rest were and were judged (imo) due to a guilt by association.

If you can help mitigate some of that it would be great. It's a shame that it climaxed as it did, but I find myself being forgiving to megadrive despite losing my closest connection here because he ignored for months growing hostilities directed at himself and VTS users till things blew up. I imagine it had to suck having the pub talk shit about you for so long before it got amplified there at the end.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, the voting circle referred to a group of people and not german community. But it was labelled anyways as the community and led to people leaving and damaging blurt.

If the Germans were to return, would their holding together voting culture be accepted here?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yeah, if they don't again insult anyone, no one cares what they do.
Also, if they give equal rights to other person on using the vote same as they do.
I know you mean what i say

Perfect! 🤙☺️🌞🙏🍀

Maybe they need to stand up for themselves rather than just leave like we did with the wallet freezing. You can’t just leave everywhere got to at least try and make a change first.

I support others choices on whether to stay or go. It isn't for me to decide whether a place is a good fit for another. It really hit me hard seeing my friend leave, and I believe he was collateral damage for the selfish tantrum and mob targeting being created by double-u. While I wish he had stayed, it wasn't myself that was insulted so my desire is selfish and I recognize that. I say the same thing for megadrive. I believe he overreached in his talk of voting circles that led to my friend leaving, however I wasn't in his shoes being attacked by a growing mob led by double-u for months despite trying to reach compromises that were constantly rejected. So it's easy for me to say oh he should have not done this, or tried that from my armchair not being the one under fire.

I'm about to leave a lengthy comment for double-u that may interest you.

I will do everything I can, to get them back here!
I did a post over on Hive yesterday (how is your German?😜):

The German Community has a beautiful upvote culture! If they come back, Blurt will have to live with this! No discussions...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Die Sache ist vorbei.
Wieso sollte jemand zu dieser One-Man-Show hier zurück kehren, geschweige denn Geld investieren.
megadrive und seine bezahlten Leute haben Blurt ruiniert.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Erlaubt mit bitte ein paar Fragen.
Wobei ich direkt noch dazu sage, dass ich keinerlei Hintergründe über den technischen Ablauf von Blurt - Hive etc. habe.

Blurt hat doch mehrere Communitys, oder?
Für mich sieht es so aus, als ob über die ganze Welt verteilt, Blurtianer ihre Beiträge einstellen.
Wieso können ein paar Personen solches Unheil anrichten?
Bei einer dezentralen" Sache?
Was ist nötig, um das wieder in Ordnung zu bringen?

Vielleicht sind das dumme Fragen, aber trotzdem...

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Grüß dich!
Deine Fragen sind nicht dumm.
Wenn man den ganzen Schlamassel nicht mitbekommen hat, stellen sich genau die Fragen, die du gestellt hast.
Ja klar, Blurt hat mehrere Communities über die ganze Welt verteilt.
Die deutsche Community war halt besonders in folgenden Punkten:

  • Wir waren von Anfang an dabei.
  • Wir habe durch dick und dünn zu Blurt gehalten.
  • Viele von uns haben viel Geld investiert.
  • Wir hatten fast alle eine starke Voting-Power.
  • Wir haben viele arme User in verschiedenen Ländern unterstützt.
  • Wir hatten von Anfang an meine Kneipe als Treffpunkt. Dort kamen auch gerne User aus anderen Ländern hin.
  • Wir hatten Personen unter uns, die eine äußerst starke Hilfe waren bei der Einführung von RasPi's für Blurt-Nodes.
  • Nachdem wir von megadrive und seinen bezahlten Leuten äußerst schlecht behandelt wurden, verließen die meisten von uns Blurt.
  • Vorher wurde die Stimmung von super zu miserabel.
  • Der Kurs sank durch Verkäufe.

Bei einer dezentralen" Sache?

Es gibt nichts zentraleres als Blurt.
megadrive bestimmt alle Zeugen mit den millionenstarken Votes von Gemeinschafts-Blurt-Accounts. Die Votes der Community haben dabei wenig Wirkung.

Was ist nötig, um das wieder in Ordnung zu bringen?

Gute Frage! ;-)

Lieben Gruß

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Danke Dir für deine Informationen.
Was sind Gemeinschafts-Blurt-Accounts?
Wieso hat eine Person darauf Zugriff?

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Was sind Gemeinschafts-Blurt-Accounts?

Ich bezeichne die Accounts so, deren BLURT eigentlich niemandem gehört.

Wieso hat eine Person darauf Zugriff?

Weil megadrive einer der Gründer von Blurt ist.
Zu Beginn von Blurt war durch die Foundation angekündigt, dass nach 2 Jahren (das war am 07.07.2022) diese Regentschaft enden würde. megadrive hält sich aber nicht an diese Zusage, obwohl sie so ausschlaggebend für manchen Investor war.


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Ich danke Dir für deine Antworten.
Ich habe leider - bzw. jetzt Gottseidank - nichts investieren können, aber bin trotzdem "Deprimiert" über diese Entwicklung!
Hab ein schönes Wochenende.

Posted from

Wenn die "Sache vorbei ist", fahr deine Witness Node runter und zieh ab...

Du bist ein Rang 23 Blurt-Witness mit 42 Mio. BP votes. D. h. jede Menge Blurtarianer haben dir ihr Vertrauen geschenkt, allem voran Jacob, der die Leute ausdrücklich aufgefordert hat, für dich zu voten.

Deine Präsenz als Witness passt nicht zu deinen obigen Aussagen. Dieses Verhalten ist inkonsequent und definitiv nicht förderlich für Blurt.

Megadrive gibt sich Mühe und die Dinge entspannen sich auch wieder...

Hive ist inzwischen definitiv keine Option mehr! Was dort abläuft ist absolut krank. Hier mein Post dazu auf Hive:

Abschließend möchte ich dir folgendes mit auf den Weg geben: Überdenken bitte nochmal deine Rolle und deine Haltung hier auf Blurt... Fakt ist, so bist du keinem eine Hilfe... LG

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

So weit ich das beobachtet hatte, habe ich wegen Jacob's Aufforderung so gut wie keine Stimme erhalten. Ich hatte die Votes vorher, da ich mal recht viel für Blurt getan habe.

In deinem Kommentar ging es um die deutsche Community.
Darauf bezog ich mich, wenn ich sagt, "die Sache ist vorbei".
Die User aus der deutschen Community haben sich nach der schlechten Behandlung hier erst vor nicht langer Zeit reihenweise verabschiedet.

megadrive schreibt nach vorne, er will Frieden, und zeitgleich lügt er im Discord und in Kommentaren weiter über mich und andere Personen.
Das lasse ich mir einfach nicht gefallen. Und da das nun schon so lange so geht, ist mein Ton inzwischen oft auch sehr ausfallend geworden.

So weit ich das beobachtet hatte, habe ich wegen Jacob's Aufforderung so gut wie keine Stimme erhalten

Das tut nichts zur Sache... Es geht um den "Geist" und um die Geste hier auf Blurt. Ich finde das war ein tolles Signal, was hier alles möglich ist, wenn man nur die Meinung der anderen respektiert und "aushält" auch wenn man anderer ist.

In deinem Kommentar ging es um die deutsche Community.
Darauf bezog ich mich, wenn ich sagt, "die Sache ist vorbei".

Ok, sorry, dann habe ich dich missvertanden...

Das lasse ich mir einfach nicht gefallen. Und da das nun schon so lange so geht, ist mein Ton inzwischen oft auch sehr ausfallend geworden.

Wieso so dogmatisch? Du hast keinerlei Stake hier im System und bist Rang 23 Witness. Wieso nimmst du die Sache nicht einfach etwas entspannter?

Mir wäre lieber, wir holen gemeinsam mehr Deutsche zu Blurt zurück. Du hast ja gesehen, was mit mir und jetzt auch greece-lover passiert ist. Es wird noch viele mehr treffen auf Hive.

Probleme auf Blurt hin oder her... Hive ist doch keine Option mehr oder? Hast du meinen Post auf Hive gelesen? GLG

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Danke für deinen Kommentar!
Nein, ich habe deinen Post auf Hive noch nicht gelesen. Das werde ich aber noch tun.
Eine gute Woche wünsch' ich dir!

PS: "Du hast keinerlei Stake hier im System ..."
Ich glaube, du bist erst später dazu gekommen.
Ich hatte lange Zeit den größten Stake auf Blurt (gekauft mit 50000 USD), bis mich dann ctime überholt hat. Mich hat dieser "Krieg" hier viel Geld gekostet. Ich hatte ihn nicht begonnen. Aber eventuell ist es verständlich, wenn ich mich gegen Lügen wehre.
Das mit dem Stake ist Schnee von gestern.
Ich wollte dir nur zeigen, woher eventuell ein Teil meiner Witness-Stimmen resultieren.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ich hatte lange Zeit den größten Stake auf Blurt (gekauft mit 50000 USD), bis mich dann ctime überholt hat. Mich hat dieser "Krieg" hier viel Geld gekostet.

Ich weiß auch, dass es Krieg mit der Deutschen Community gab. Erklären konnte ihn mir nur keiner... 🤷‍♂️

Deine Verluste scheinen dich sehr emotional werden zu lassen... Das wird sie aber nicht wieder zurück bringen!

Du kannst aus deinen Verlusten jetzt aber das Beste machen! Das ist 1000 Mal sinnvoller für dich!

Ich kann dir nur folg. Rat geben (so mach ich das zur Zeit):

Geh mit 500 oder 1000 Ocken hier ins Rennen (bei mir sind es meine gesamten Hives im Wert von ca. $1.000), somit hast du auch wieder Votingpower und die Leute nehmen dich auch wieder etwas ernster.

Dann lass uns hier wieder eine Deutsche Community aufbauen. Ein Raum, wo hier wieder Deutsch gesprochen wird!

Bist du bei Hive? Glaubst du Hive ist ein bleibenswerter Ort? LG

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

💩 Idiotic shit!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We probably need to acquire that German voting culture in other cultures.

I am completely unaware of the problem that many have had on Hive because I am one more who has created content, I have been voted and also ignored leaving my publications in "zero" and although emotionally it does not affect me, I do see the "war" between users with pain each defending their position.

In all honesty, I must say that sometimes I feel out of place here at Blurt when the interaction does not occur through the comments that should produce good content, be it my own or someone else's, and also see frivolous posts and with votes greater than 800 Blurts.

I must admit that you come with an experience that I do not have nor do I have the "contacts" to rub shoulders with people with high voting power; I'm not here behind those who have that power either, but... As a small person like me to contribute (in addition to creating content) to promote new proposals to strengthen good customs?

Should we write in German or encourage the German community to kindly read articles in another language?

You @outofthematrix and @world-travel-pro already have a long way to go and a great reputation... Could you point me to a way forward to help?

Is there any initiative that helps to this end and to be able to participate?

Many of us may not be whales, but we are certainly a great school, and together we can show a little more strength

Posted from

Just be yourself, comment, socialize, post, joke around, and do your best to have fun and build little connections with others and before you know it you can be a top earning blogger like I was on Hive, until they come after you for being too successuful! Haha, then they call you a milker or farmer, instead of a success. Hive and communism go hand in hand, the good thing about Blurt is, if you have success here, nobody can take it away from you with downvotes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I had read of some discontent with the most powerful of Hive, but... here at Blurt I have also read of attacks on other users. maybe I don't understand the reasons for those attacks, but since there are no negative votes, they are just written words complaining about something I don't understand, haha.

Without a doubt, I will follow your advice and that of outofthematrix because seeing their own experiences I will be able to achieve what I am looking for in Blurt

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Agreed! Although we can still have our earnings taken from us other ways, like if the whale are targeted by management and the currency loses 90% of its value... devaluing every payout I have ever received, and every purchase I ever made, by 90%. They can't downvote you but your earnings aren't safe until you take them off the platform and convert them to something stable. That's my mistake, I never took, I only gave. Always keeping every satoshi I earned or bought, powering up, and supporting others with my stake. Lesson learned?!

Hive is way worse mate! Just did a post over there for the German community only in German:

The 'downvote plague' is getting worse and worse there!

The DVs even hit @antisocialist, who is mostly the same opinion as theDorkyDork. He is getting nuked by an account called neoxian...

All hell is breaking lose over there...

Time to get my Blurt Banner going on Hive again! lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It seems the Blurt whales have stopped the huge selling campaign they were on, or at least most of them. Any dips are being bought now. If the BTC and crypto market recovers from 20k soon, BLURT may be in for a large jump, as whales buy back in upon seeing that Blurt survived the last couple months.
Personally, if I had been able to (and had decided to) power down my BLURT, now would be when I started to wonder if I should put it back in. The huge drops we saw in mid-June stopped, and sentiment seems to have begun to warm.


I tend to agree. Im still holding a half million plus. The big dissapointment for me, is that things could have and should have been done much differently and a lot of "pain" in all forms was totally unecessary. So Im hoping that there is a new understanding and approach where this kind of thing does not happen again. It really took the wind out of my the point where I dont even feel like posting anymore, but as the days go by, I miss more and more all that was good with Blurt including you two guys. Im currently in the process of revamping my blog and presence for a more fun and go with the flow approach. And help where I can with input and other stuff. But I can t get bogged down in upsetting shit anymore. If managment wants to make poor decisions and run this place into the ground with my money tied to it, then I ve already made my peace with thay being out of my control and will just hope for the best going forward. Hope you guys are doing well and having great day :)

Haha, yes mate! 😂 But actually, you don't need to... The Markinator is doing it all by himself:


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Und wenn dann dein Konto "eingefroren" wird?

What you are doing here under my post is perfect! 👍 Get into contact with the people, find mutual interests and connect. I will support you with some votes! 👌🏽

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much for your guidance.

Posted from

This is great to hear and happy you are reaching out and welcoming them. You are doing a great job, far better than your BFAM these days. Keep up the great work!

While writing, I was thinking about you mate. You would have done the same! 🙏🍀❤️

They are fighting every day everywhere in Hive. Happy to see people moving to blurt where you can express your ideas freely without getting any downvotes. voted for your witness !

Thanks so much mate! It is much appreciated! 🙏🍀❤️ I couldn't keep my mouth shut either on Hive... 😂😂

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yepp german community is here from long and more are always welcomed ( just some people can be listed out who are not happy )

The more community people are here, the more they can support their communities, like we do have latin american, Spanish and African communities.

I know there are other communities, but they do not support each other, just their personal multi accounts😆

Anyways keep writing on blurt

Yes, I hope we will one day have a big German community here... 👍

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I would love to see that

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

We do have our issues here at Blurt, but they certainly also have problems over at Hive! I hope more Germans come here soon.

Yes they do! Still too many users there sticking to the rewards, hoping they will get through somehow...

PS: I got your mail📩😜

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wie will man Deutsche überreden hierhin zu kommen wenn man von "eingefrorenen" Konten hört???
Wer investiert denn in eine Sache - wo vorher schon angekündigt wird, dass "Praktisch" alles futsch sein kann???

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

"How can you persuade Germans to come here when you hear about "frozen" accounts?"

Gute frage! Great question!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you for mentioning my comments, and yes the Greek was also shot down from this bunch of Idiots and selfish honeypot suckers there is not one rewardpool what´s safe with them ;)
And we saw before the same troops plundering Steemit in the same maner, its a shame what money did to some folks and they don´t mind about, they feel good and always on the right side, we the others are for them always on the wrong side and just in their way to empty the pool and swap it in their deep pockets ;)

Steem is fine now as soon as the hive cabal left steemit was fine and easy. Never had one issue there since they left.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yes, that´s right y dearactually there is a kind of peace, but there is also a huge amount of money gone from there to other chains.
I just have had problems with my first account the one which is called don-thomas if I make there a new post I will get in seconds downvotes from the friends of the old witnesses so that my rep will go down and I´m not able to gain any steem, and so i decide to use only the second the old helper account actually it works fine ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes i get the same results on hive, and i used to get it on steemit too, so i quit both

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

...that´s bad, because normally all the real weired guys are away from Steemit, they sit in their new honeypot on Hive, but anyway there is still Blurt as an option, even when got nearlythe sameprobs here, just without the downvote button, the voting behaviour is nearly the same for the normal posting votes and the witness votes, that´s some thing what bothers me really ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

ive pretty much given up worrying about voting - so long as im not being downvoted or censored - and i am everywhere else apart from bastyon and gab - that will do...

The 2 Germans talking english... 😂 I did a post yesterday over on Hive: (Got nuked!) 😂

It is absolutely crazy, what is going on over there at the moment! I hope some of them read my post!

Let’s hope they continue so more come here :)

Looks lovely there🌞... I am sure more will come! 🍀

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

hehe like in the good old days on STEEMIT before all that shit with HIVE started, you know that I was one of the curators from the German team what Greece-lover had started on Steemitwe both had all that fun with the witnesses PFUNK, TRANSISTO and a lot more including your best friend ;)

No, I didn't know that! I guess it's always the same handful of jerks...?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

yes always the guys who built the bidbots, after they had to stop this activity the league of the righteous came the Steemwatchers/Hivewatchers.

They worked hand in hand with the guys with the full pockets (of course also the ones with the bots) to destroy accounts with downvote-trails. Accounts of newcomers who had no idea what was going on and of course made mistakes.

However, these weird guys abused their power so mercilessly (there were more than 10 million steem access for voting) that accounts with 60s and 70s reps who thought differently were also completely destroyed under false claims.

Das sind allesamt Heuchler...

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That's a great German community, to support each other, that's what others haven't done yet. I'm glad Germans are coming to Blurt.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

some of us where still here all the timejust nobody take notice of it ;)

We will se how it works out next time for us, if we end being marekd and blacklisted as a voting circle, or if we were accepted as normal members of the blurt community !?

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

That is what I miss most, since I'm here: the German Community! That was by far the hardest thing to let go of, when I left Hive...

Yes, that upvote culture MUST be accepted here! End of story!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Absolut richtig ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow this is a good post. I like it. I am new user.

Just reading about that drama over there is exhausting. I was 1000 percent happier all around the day I quit that place.

I am trying to get some of the German community back here.. Hive definitely isn't an option anymore...

I can’t support a shit show like hive even if I made money there, I wish more people would stand up for themselves and build here and elsewhere rather than just keep their head down and pretend they don’t see it to earn £30

Well said! Amen! 🙏🌞

Hello @outofthematrix
Thank you for sharing such great content!
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