New: whalesAll contentvideoburnbotkrblurtactifitartgameszzannewsblurtgermanr2cornellphotographylolzaimusicwamblurtblockmemeblurtlifeblurtindiablurthispanoHotTrendingNewDAppsmarc-allaria in blurt-178594 • 8 days agoFIRST WHALES OF THE SEASONFIRST WHALES OF THE SEASON 7 PHOTOS Fr En La saison des baleines commence tout juste ici, à Boa Vist Cap-Vert. Les baleines à bosses migrent depuis le pole nord pour…marc-allaria in blurt-178594 • last monthFIRST WHALES WATCHING IN 2025 !!FIRST WHALES WATCHING IN 2025 !! 3 PHOTOS Fr En Voici notre toute première obsevation de baleines pour cette année !! Ces deux baleines sont passées juste derrière nous…marc-allaria in blurt-178594 • 6 months agoWHALES FROM CAPEVERDEWHALES FROM CAPEVERDEmarc-allaria in blurt-178594 • 7 months agoICELAND - JAPAN - NORWAY : WHALES KILLERSWHALES KILLERS 4 PHOTOS Fr En Cette année vous avez été quelques petites centaines de personnes de toutes nationalités à profiter de Maesha, le catamaran qui vous a mené à…ilovemylife in save • 9 months agoSave the whales.This is the book I read today. Waterskiing threatens the lives of whales. Children's ideas to save whales are brilliant.solosatoshi in bitcoin • 9 months agoBitcoin 🟠 whales 🐋 are accumulating at a pace never seen before.#Bitcoin whales are accumulating at a pace never seen before.marc-allaria in blurtography • last yearFIRST WHALESFIRST WHALES 4 PHOTOS Fr En Les premières migratrices sont arrivées cette semaine. En avance cette année, peut-être parce que l'eau est plus chaude que les autres…marc-allaria in photography • 2 years agoWHALES WATCHINGWHALES WATCHINGmarc-allaria in photography • 2 years agoHUMPACK WHALES - Again!HUMPACK WHALES - Again!marc-allaria in photography • 2 years agoHUMPACK WHALESHUMPACK WHALESopidia in blurtbooster • 2 years agoHOW TO GET A VOTE FROM BLURTBOOSTER & random newsThis post is to help users who own a small stake and have a hard time getting votes with blurtbooster . Fuck me i am dumb I read many comments and also posts About people complaining they…marc-allaria in photography • 2 years agoMY LAST PHOTOGRAPHY #2MY LAST PHOTOGRAPHY #2buzzcutt in blurt • 3 years agoWhy muting is a bad look for BLURTRecently, I have made a few posts asking about muting, freezing and coal lists. Mostly asking for clarification on the topic, which I received. I also accidentally started the most insane thread of…buzzcutt in blurt • 3 years agoBLURT should distance itself from DPOS.Recently, I read a post from BLURT bad boy @lucylin. Although the rambling post contained spelling errors and strange thought patterns, he brought up some really good points about how voting for…marc-allaria in photography • 3 years agoWHALES OF CAPEVERDEphotography of whalesbeelightfully in blurt • 3 years agoWhales and little fishes, let’s all just get alongThere is something that I see coming up over and over whilst navigating on here, and it’s both comparisons and past history regarding hive and steemit and discussions about ‘whales’ (those with the…esecholo in dtube • 3 years agoBack To Posting On D.TubeAfter that whole situation blew over on D.Tube regarding a 'whale' being too aggressive with their votes on D.Tube, it seems as though now things have changed. Of course, there is still no direct…esecholo in dtube • 3 years agoPutting My Content On DTube Is Now On HoldLike with any of these DPOS voting systems there is always an issue with whales that have a problem with you, your content, or they just love profiteering off the hard work of others. There once was…offgridlife in blurt • 3 years agoThe Big Blurt Dip continues….. How low will it go ?It looks like a handful of whales continue to dump their Blurt for lower and lower prices. This will probably continue for the next 4 weeks as a few big whales sell off all their Blurt. Maybe we…ytyeasin in whales • 3 years agoSome information about whalesWhales are occasionally seen in the deep sea, but they do not usually come to the surface. These giant fish occasionally float on the water to collect their food and to breathe. And once they…