Putting My Content On DTube Is Now On Hold

in dtube •  2 years ago 

Like with any of these DPOS voting systems there is always an issue with whales that have a problem with you, your content, or they just love profiteering off the hard work of others. There once was a time where I had this problem on Steem (that's long been over), now that I've begun uploading more consistently on DTube, looks like that same problem has arisen there.

There is an account named 'Nannal', I'm quite sure they run two other accounts 'llll' and '03934fdc-e41a-47a9-9a31-6caf645247c2', on DTube who has been downvoting all of my content regardless of the 'quality' or the subject of the video. Like seriously, even my gaming videos which is completely unrelated to politics, one would think my controversial content is what set them off. This 'person' has, seemingly, been targeting my content and I've also confronted them about it by tagging them on the very comment sections of the videos that were downvoted. Of course, like every coward with no face, I get no response... In fact, the comments tagging them gets downvoted too. Not a SINGLE response for a genuine and simple question...

"Why are you downvoting my content/videos?" - Nice... Simple... Direct... non-confrontational. No answer. In the end, I went as far as to check out the DTube Discord with not much help so far, but then again, it's been almost half of a day since I've brought it up. Not much help, but a handful of people understood my views.

Now, I get it. People will say, "well, every account has every right to vote how they please"... Yes, I agree. Just as I have every right to expose these "users" for abusing their voting power and having the gall to downvote but not the balls to explain why. Ahh yes... The story that has been repeated on similar DPOS voting systems in various blockchains.

Well, as a result of this I've just decided to no longer participate in DTUBE by not submitting any of my videos. Will I be around to curate? Not nearly as often as I do on other platforms like Hive or every now and again like I do on Blurt (I'm a busy guy sometimes). Maybe, perhaps, I'll come out of this with some new friends and new people to follow.

It honestly is just annoying to be going through the same thing I went through back on Steem, but it is what it is.

Have any of you been through the same issues on DTube? Was it the same user I was talking about in this post? Let me know below and let's connect. Link me your DTube account and I'll consider subscribing there or here!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi, my first two gaming videos by one whale

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm not sure if you've got a microphone but do some commentary sometime. I'd love to watch with some commentary. I'll subscribe on YouTube with my gaming channel. On YouTube I have all my channels split apart that way my politics/society is in one channel and gaming is in the other.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks, I am planning for that, but not yet. I need to find some silence before, which is not yet.

But mic I am planning to buy soon, as i may post audio logs for development of blurt

Posted from https://blurt.one