BLURT should distance itself from DPOS.

in blurt •  3 years ago  (edited)

Recently, I read a post from BLURT bad boy @lucylin. Although the rambling post contained spelling errors and strange thought patterns, he brought up some really good points about how voting for others with DPOS is basically communism and not an actual reliable profit model. I couldn't agree more.


People tend to complain about how BLURT is "pay to play". This is actually my favorite part about BLURT! It's a shimmer of hope. Resource credits on Hive are basically a scam if you really analyze it. Just another trick for the rich to get richer. People with blue collar jobs and little money to invest are limited and whale are not limited [by RC]! Sure, tipping also limits poor people, but it's at least based on actual value, not being rewarded for having stake! And RC charges too! So Tipping is actually way more fair for the little guy!

DPOS on hive itself is also very ponzi-esque. The more you invest the more you make over X amount of time. My favorite part about @lucylin's post is how he makes the point that thigs do NOT work like DPOS in the real world. People like to come up with insane logical fallacies about how rich people get richer anyways.

Let me tell you dear readers why this is stupid. Let's say you are looking to buy a house. You buy your first house. Your friend who is a trust fund baby already bought 3 houses. Does your friend get extra big houses worth more than he paid because he made the real estate broker more profit overall? NO. [And even if he did get a discount, he didn't make more actual dollars in hand, or any profit at all ... that would be fucked and probably illegal].

The diesel pools based off staking nfts on hive and also the mining tokens seem to me like they are just straight up ponzis. The more you invest the more you make and it's directly linked to other people investing or "pooling in". Another literal money printing machine for Hive whales.

Getting rid of DPOS wouldn't be easy for BLURT, but you could AVOID ADDING CERTAIN THINGS like diesel pools etc. You could also fork in some capitalist things, like tipping. This will probably never happen, but it would be nice to actually discontinue both curation rewards and also stake based voting on BLURT. This might sound extreme, but imagine how much BLURT is wasted off people just auto voting to make profits. You know half the votes on BLURT are from people who don't even read the posts they are voting on. BLURT devs could at LEAST implement some kind of linear tipping system like Publish0x uses.

DPOS is a horrible profit model in my opinion. It's just outdated unless you want to run whale scams. We could simply use the DPOS for something different and less impactful on the actual token price. Maybe stake could give you a rank on your page and a certain amount could give you a verified check next your your name [if you stay off the coal lists]. The actual rewards on the blogs could be done through TIPPING in a CAPITALIST model. @lucylin is right, in what world do we pay people to tip? How is that sustainable?

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