Back To Posting On D.Tube

in dtube •  2 years ago 

After that whole situation blew over on D.Tube regarding a 'whale' being too aggressive with their votes on D.Tube, it seems as though now things have changed. Of course, there is still no direct apology, or acknowledgement regarding the situation, to me, but I'm fine without it.

Now, I've decided to continue posting onto D.Tube after connecting with some real kind people there. More of my gaming content and my political content will be posted there and let's hope I don't have any more negative run-ins like that again. Although, I'm not as much of an active curator - my votes are worth practically nothing - I do plan on using my time to curate there when it becomes more feasible.

I'm just one out of many other examples of where whales get too aggressive 'protecting' 'their' chain. Personally, I believe if you're a witness to any site similar to D.Tube, or like Hive, you should reconsider how aggressively you gatekeep content on the site. Pointing users to the right etiquette earns you friends while being aggressive on downvotes earns you voting wars and a bad reputation. It doesn't cost you any influence on the chain to be courteous and reasonable.

It's all water under the bridge now.

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