Millions watched live on the BBC as respected cardiologist Dr. Aseem Malhotra explained the dangers of Covid mRNA injections and recommended the entire vaxx program be stopped! Malhotra, one of the world's leading heart specialists, expertly avoided being cut off as he shared evidence from research and his own personal experience, detailing the massive risk of injury and death from the Pfizer and Moderna injections.

Please watch the 8 minute clip either on Rumble, Bitchute, or Odysee.
“What is almost certain... my own research has found, and this is something that is probably a likely contributing factor, is that the Covid mRNA vaccines do carry a cardiovascular risk. And I’ve actually called for the suspension of this pending an inquiry, because there’s a lot of uncertainty at the moment over what’s causing the excess deaths.”
He also reminded viewers (most of whom were hearing it for the first time) that Pfizer's own safety data, which was used to justify emergency use authorization and billions of shots worldwide, showed that at least 1 in 800 recipients suffered a serious cardiac event.
Dr. Malhotra told the millions watching that his own father died in late 2021 from cardiac arrest, and a peer-reviewed study found the most likely cause was "2 doses of the Pfizer mRNA vaccine".
"It is time to pause the vaccine rollout and to really investigate this problem."
That was 2 days ago. Immediately, paid experts from various mainstream media outlets and government agencies announced that Dr. Malhotra is an "antivaxxer". His Wikipedia page was edited to say he is an "advocate for vaccine hesitancy" and that his views are not supported by public health officials.
It appears the damage to the narrative has been done, however, as yesterday the BBC headquarters' windows were plastered with thousands of stickers, each bearing the name of someone who is suspected to have died from the mRNA injections.

It seems the public is increasingly aware that these so-called vaccines are not only ineffective, but dangerous as well. As I wrote yesterday, here in Canada most people who took the first 2 shots are now staying away from the boosters, and less than 1 in 4 is currently up-to-date with the injections. Rasmussen found 28% of Americans say they know someone who has died from Pfizer or Moderna's mRNA product, and 40% of the vaxxed are sweating over the likelihood they're going to drop dead. As more and more realize they've been tricked, the narrative of "safe and effective" not only looks ridiculous, but like it was an intentional lie from the start. Many are talking about trials for crimes against humanity.
Just a few days ago, the CDC had to release safety data listing hundreds of serious adverse reactions that bear further investigation. 2023 has seen nonstop events and stories leading toward awareness of the harms being caused by this experimental technology.

Thanks to Dr Aseem Malhotra, tens of millions more people now have knowledge they can use to investigate the documented evidence showing the mRNA "vaccines" are toxic and deadly. Some say this is all part of the plan, and he was put on the BBC to play his part in changing the narrative. Others believe he was just lucky and the broadcasting giant simply made a mistake by having him on to talk about cardiac health. One thing seems certain: it's no longer a secret that these experimental shots are safe enough to justify mandates, and probably not even safe enough to be used anymore AT ALL. Immediate action must be taken to save lives, and that means a pause in the use of Covid mRNA injections, an end to censorship of views that differ from the official story, and open conversations to determine what action humanity should take next.
Soon all hell will break loose, when the 💩 hits the fan... 😕
Another great article @drutter....did not know this just went down. Very good to hear, and sad and disturbing ofcourse.
That his dad died of the shots? If that's what you meant, yeah for sure. But I guess that's what woke him up, because from what I've read he was pro-vaxx early on, and now obviously he has investigated thoroughly and changed his tune 180 degrees. A lot of us, even smart people, got dragged into the psyop and went along with some evil shit.
I'm referring to the general population understanding what's going on and raising hell about it like never seen before. I would say the most interesting part of your post was the building with the names off all the dead stuck to it, placed there, by the people. Seems like at this point everyone knows someone that has been injured or killed by the injections or we are soon getting there. Also notice how they've cutesied up the language like A++ marketers. Ie.The "jab" ....."injections" doesn't doesn't sound so good does it?
Ahhh yes, sad and disturbing indeed! I remember about a year ago, friends at the weekly freedom rally (before we moved up here to nowhere land), telling me they know more people injured by the shots than by Covid. At first it was just a few people saying that, then it was many of them. I must assume by now it's pretty much everybody who has a large circle of acquaintances. I don't have a big circle myself right now, but talking to others who do gives me an impression of what's going on. Thanks for your comment brother.
Yeah almost every friend I know knows somebody personally who has done ye old stroke and croak, but I don't know of anybody personally yet...well for certain because there is that one friend in question.
That's sad
One thing I know is that they are doing all of these on purpose.
The best thing to do is to enlighten people so that they won't take the shots.
That's right, I think staying informed and spreading awareness is the best thing we can do right now.
Totally scripted...
They know they're not getting many more suckers to roll up their sleeves... time to let them know they've been tricked.
But then what?!?
Then 3/4 of the world dies and a massive amount of skills, culture, and knowledge along with it. The remaining vaxx-injured survivors will need Blurt Universal Basic Income (BUBI).