My reply to @khrom, seen from a wider perspective...SELL! SELL ! SELL!

in blurtpolitics •  2 years ago 

This is my reply to @khrom 's post concenring where to promote blurt.

While the sentiments behind this are to be applauded, I found myself asking some other questions.

Questions that - in my opinion - come waaaaay before the title of the post.


'Answer's are easy', as they say - asking the right questions however, is the tricky part.
And one that's not learned very easily, it seems - as can be easily observed by the responses of those with large stake, to open debate.

WHERE ELSE CAN I PROMOTE BLURT ? - is the question.

I think there are far more pertinent questions to be asked, prior to @khrom 's inquiry, and far more relevant.... if there is to be any 'blurt evolution'.

(This post is leaving aside any of the crypto currency trends - of which I'm very cynical about to begin with).

Maybe, and before we even get onto promoting blurt elsewhere....we need to ask about some other things.

My entire career has been in sales, one way or another.

The most fundamental foundation of any successful salesperson, in any product whatsoever, is a simple one.

Product knowledge


If you have no idea about what the actually product is - then you will never be able to sell it.

Obviously the next question to be asked, is this...


A financial one ?.....
And using blogging as the format in which to generate interest in the product?

Ok, that being the case, you then have to ask what content will generate interest ?

I do not think, personally, that the quality of content - even by those who are witless 'witnesses', is of high enough quality to attract intelligent investors.

This is excluding the 'greater fools theory' model - of course.
If the greater fool IS the target market - then in which case, it makes the whole platform nothing more than a ponzi scheme*.

*Leaving that possibility aside - it means that quality content , and lots of it - is first required in which to generate any interest in terms of blurt promotion.
That, ( in my opinion of what constitutes 'quality') - is simply not happening.

Ok, so if it's not a financial product- but a content orientated product - what then?

There is massive censorship going on, day in and day out on the blurtblog- which is for all pragmatic purposes right now - the main front end of blurt.
(it's now making twatter look good by comparison).

Anyone with two brain cells to rub together knows that this is the case.

The comments sections are not 'the market of free ideas', but controlled solely at the whims of the account who posted the content.
If they do not want you to be seen by others, on their comment section, that is upto them - this makes it NOT a free market of ideas and debate- but an environment controlled by those wishing for others not to see what it is you wish to say.

Any defense of this mechanism of censorship - and those who defend it - ARE GAS LIGHTING.
Anyone with semblance of philosophical and intellectual honesty know this.

The stupid people try to gaslight you into believing something else.
That's because they're stupid.
...Or they're disingenuous manipulators with a desire to control others words, and who think theyr'e 'a bit clever' - (which , un-ironically, also makes them very stupid).

So back to the orignal point.



It can't be the 'free speech' angle - you would be laughed at, due to it blatantly not being the case.

It can't be the financial product angle that's based on attracting investors who see it as a quality content platform.

It can't be either of those things above.
Not without doing some gas lighting of your own in a promotion - which is an extremely fast road to nowhere.


..And I've spent my career in sales, one way or another - and 'have sold ice Eskimo's'.
....But always with integrity and honesty - not lies and duplicity.


Before we look at promoting - maybe we need to ask ourselves 'what is it that we're selling ? - what IS our product ?'...

So people - thought experiment :

I'm the punter- you are the sales people ...

Pitch your sell to me about the product, Blurt?

I'm waiting.
And remember - every negative question from the customer, is merely an inquiry to purchase, but with unanswered caveats.

Go on people....Sales pitch me.

Sell me on Blurt !

....I'm waiting.....

As the potential customer - I can be as brusque as I like.

As the sales person who's looking to sell their product - YOU CANNOT.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thanks for your reply. Of course, it is very accurate and I ask myself this question myself and I am aware of what you are talking about ... I understand your position especially after the action with freezing accounts and I guess that you deleted the blurt for good then, but I somewhat look at it just like @frot Blurt has its strengths. Of course and its direction is a failure but so far nothing stands in the way of developing forentends without this crap. As long as the changes do not go in the wrong direction at the hardfork level, you can ignore the old team a bit. In turn, whether any unfavorable HF will pass still depends on the witnesses. I also see a chance to get out of this swamp here, and I'm sticking to it for now.

In addition, my assessment of what is happening here is still not unambiguously negative. It is also not a typical ponzi because we are not dealing here with a situation where you invest to multiply who knows how much or rather a service that is a blogging platform in one form and not another, there is also some profit for those who contribute. Implementing a character creator from other mega projects here also proves that he rather treats it as a project expanding his activities.

Another issue is that the founder is not anonymous. He appears under his name, e.g. on linkedin and boasts about his project. You can contact him. In the case of most ponzi schemes, there is no contact with the creators because it is known that if a swindle comes to light, it can be prosecuted.

What I see here are two options:
or the desire to get hooked on a project and abandon it at the opportune moment.
or the greed and stupidity of the creator with the simultaneous lack of trust in people that led to a situation from which he can't get out of now because he doesn't have the balls to admit that he fucked up the case or humility enough to look at the case without ego and see that he made mistakes at all ;]

Of course, from both of the above it is impossible to choose otherwise than through lies, censorship and the use of orwelian newspeak such as FUD.

Reassembling, I appreciate your advice because it is very wise advice. However, I believe that the slogans such as freedom of speech, the possibility of monetizing content and innovation, which I came up with for the intro, are not a scam here. The lack of downvotes in total so far prejudges the matter of censorship because you can set any frontends and Blockchain does not hide anything ;]

Do my actions make sense? @drutter writes under my last post:

Blurt is rotten at its core, Khrom. We have 3 or 4 comment-farming circle-jerkers running the platform, and anyone with a brain who looks into it will see that.

You're right, of course, but there's also something else going on here. Without this promotion and an attempt to create normality in this broken swamp, we can skip this platform immediately and sell sell sell, as @lucylin writes... we will not fix it just by talking about it and refraining from promotion and any actions aimed at improvement and development . We cannot wait for that because it will not happen just because we know how it is.

It's like this pseudo pandemic. if conscious people just complain that it's a hoax, that the world is broken and the elites want to make us slaves and do nothing else, they may as well put the shackles on straight away.

Every day most people work in the shit that surrounds us to survive and every day they try to build normality in this shit. And that's why there are still wonderful places to go and people to meet ;)

So until im witness here i just trying to do impossible and change course of action. why promotion? Because i believe that new people here is a new opportunities to do some change. For example some person who join to team with @fervi and become a witness with hard programming skills could do a difference. Or another but strong fraction between. Maybe someone who want to connect his game to blurt or someone else. this gave us just some re balance of influence here and another group of interest who makes a pressure.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

High Regards Khrom,
I found this thru @world-travel-pro's recent post.

I wanted to say I appreciate the communications between witnesses like yourself and others who appear to have a good grasp of the block.

I don't get involved however because I have been using the Blockchain for the last 6 years in a way where I don't get bothered by all the things everyone else gets bothered by.

For one, THIS IS NOT SOCIAL Networking!
STEEM isn't a social network and hive sure as hell AINT a Social Network.

STEEM wasn't money, hive isn't money, and BLURT is sure as shit, NOT Money.

Now with those two things out of the way, maybe it will become apparent as to why communications keep breaking down. For example; I continually ignore and avoid all conversations on this Block when it comes to parties discussing it like it has ANYTHING to do with a "Social Network that Pays" ... to me that just seems absurd.

I've been trying to get Matrix:Element server up and running off of Graphene whereby the Chatrooms can be paid for via BLURT/STEEM/hive ... Like Discord but better. This ONE SIMPE Plan would go a long way if I could develop it on my own... which I can't. Using the native crypto on a chain to pay for services like Hosting and Storage is THE ONLY WAY forward. Getting other IT services plugged in would also be nice... with the idea being that the rate of the crypto burn could conceivably catch up to the rate of inflation. But this doesnt work if people just want a pay to blog place to complain about everyday.

Kind Regards 🥓

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Ok here is a serious reply...

Blurt has....

No downvoting
An easy to use menu system
Its a lot like Steemit circa 2018
A good system in place to stop spam and bots
A working crypto currency
Its not under total deep state content control

That is enough to keep me interested, for real!

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's a sales pitch ?...c'mon man !

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah, that's it - all I want is for the value of the tokens to hold reasonably steady so that I could earn some sort or returns.

With a few clicks of my mouse I could become a Blurt whale, but given that the token price only goes down and there is nothing to curate, I'm not going to!

We could all do far better posts, but it's not a good use of our time is it?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I was in a conversation about this with Khrom recently, and posted about it here and here. But he stopped replying. It's hard to find anyone willing to confront reality and take on the real problem.

You're right, more/better content isn't what will fix Blurt. That's about as backwards as could possibly be. What we REALLY need to fix Blurt is right there in my posts about it - we need to stop the corruption, hypocrisy, and cronyism at the very top. Nobody is going to be interested in Blurt while it's just a big money-making scheme for 3 or 4 guys that prevent anyone else from joining their club and just syphon out all the investment that anyone else dares to put in.

We literally are run by comment-farming circle-jerkers playing with printed stake, who use their insider powers to stop anyone else from doing what they do. People playing fair haven't got a hope. We are suckers.

Until we deal with that, Blurt is broken and useless. The only independent people making a dribble of income here are locked to the tit of Blurtbooster (Blurt's universal basic income). I'm one of the top content-creators here, but since I don't immediately milk my payouts off the platform, I'm LOSING money. I now have $1500 to show for 10 years of nonstop full-time work and investment (5 years of crypto donations on YouTube and 5 years on these 3 blockchains). If we could somehow get the "foundation"/insiders/owners of this blockchain to decentralize control, we have a chance. Then, a positive feedback loop of investment, content, hype, and rising token price could occur.

Until then, any advance we make will be soaked up and stolen by Megalomaniac, Richarse, and 1 or 2 of their friends (hard to tell exactly, as they use a network of fake accounts to do their dirty business). There are a few more dirty buggers like blurtyield, offgridlife, practicalthought, leifasaur etc but they are not the inner circle that really is the rot stopping Blurt from being viable.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sorry i just somehow missed your reply. i have very little time to spend on blurt so i usually i prefer do something than just talking ;)

Of course i agree whit all you saying. And of course you have right that better content don't do the job ;)

but as i say above here i se this from the other perspective where do something for now with fake stake is not really easy and in the meantime Blurt could just fall because no other actions to show people that we trying to do something interesting here.

privately i cannot do anything with fake stake. i don't have any resources to do something more than just remembering what is a problem and talking about that. Whales like a mmk or ctime can.

I can only, with people like @fervi, developing infrastructure to built some difference here for, people who like @fort and i looking here some place to publishing sharing their thoughts and gain something for that. For example by, securing network for us and for example if it will be hot here we can always do another fork.

And also i can participate in blocking future HF if they want to make some unacceptable changes on blurt blockchain and that's i'm trying to do here.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Alright, I understand you're too busy, and that you wouldn't be able to do much even if you had more time. As I've pointed out - and nobody is able to come up with any reason I'm not correct - Blurt will continue to fail and die unless this problem is solved. We will just have to hope for the best. Good luck.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well, I wouldn't see it so badly. some things just take time. I think we'll have to wait a year and a half to see how things go.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Is that when Rychade and Megalomaniac are going to end their corruption?

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I doubt it, but it took about six months to a year for most of the projects I've seen to bounce back from the crisis or fail completely right after things started to go wrong. And more or less after such a time it was clear that if you still have any coins in this project, you can easily withdraw them because they are unlikely to rebound. Although these are just statistics, and examples of projects such as dogecoin, which was a shitcoin for 2 years, of course teach us that sometimes something unpredictable can happen.

Posted from

Hi @khrom & @drutter,

(Just thought I would interject here.)

We also need to consider... the crypto tide is receding. Once value begins to flow back into the crypto sea all the fundamentals change.

There are seasons... and now is the time to invest in the future rather than expect the returns of summer.

We are here... and that means we have made the decision to go long on Blurt.

There are always going to be problems to solve... the bigger (more successful) the project the bigger the problems there will be to solve.

Rather than thinking Blurt is broken... we all need to remember the reasons why we first came here in the first place... and find vision/ways to build undeniable value around the platform we have chosen to establish ourselves on. (That's my point of reference anyways.)


Comet Ranker

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Rather than thinking Blurt is broken... we all need to remember the reasons why we first came here in the first place... and find vision/ways to build undeniable value around the platform we have chosen to establish ourselves on. (That's my point of reference anyways.)

those are golden words. It is in this spirit that I try to act.

Despite being aware of the problem of blurt bososter. Here I will add from myself about the booster because you asked what it was about.

The problem is that it's the biggest force after upu. Unlike upu, the entire stake belongs to the founders and they have power over it, and in the case of upu, these are funds from the delegation. In the first case, only the founders earn money on the treatment, who by the way use this account to maintain power, regardless of whether others like their actions or not, which disturbs the assumptions of this blockchain as a place where we decide who creates it.

However, while it is still understandable, the biggest problem with this sum is that it was entirely printed by the regent's account, which was programmed to create these blurts out of nothing for 2 years. And here is the greatest risk:

These are mega-easy blurts for free that have a value in the pot that is almost equivalent to what all the rest have. In the event that they were paid out, for example, during some bull market in the future, they would reset the stock market, crashing the market and leaving people who invested here, huge money with nothing.

The more so that they are owned by the same people who are responsible for most of the infrastructure through which blurt works. Which in the case of the aforementioned action would practically bury this network at the moment and would not even give a chance for these investors to get back, for example, in the future.

Of course, it cannot be assumed that this is the intention of the creators, but also taking into account the numerous already famous scams on the crypto market, it is also not surprising that such "setting" raises anxiety, especially among investors such as mk and ctime who have the most to lose here.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well we can hope to be the next dogecoin I guess. But I really don't see it happening unless the corruption ends. The corrupt ones who rule this chain will just continue to take all the profits for themselves. I don't think dogecoin was ruled by 3 corrupt circle-jerking comment farmers using printed stake against everyone else. We don't have a year and a half, if we don't prove ourselves as viable immediately there's no future here. It is most likely already too late.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Therefore, I believe that one of the key issues is promotion.

In turn, regarding this sum, @mariuszkarowski said somewhere that when it comes to rycharde, it is a drop in the ocean and if the blurt network were visited by 2 or three more investors like mk and ctime, this sum that holds and multiplies megadrive on blurtbooster it wouldn't be so overwhelming either. The whole pain with this is that it is a matter of scale that in relation to the price of blurt and the number of applications and other functions that have here, this amount is simply large for now. However, there is a chance to disperse it to other users and change the balance of power here.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If you were casting a very cynical eye over it all, you'd almost be forgiven for hearing 'ponzi' whispering in the wind, wouldn't you....

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Want a sale pitch ,.
Social media blogging for crypto rewards is legit in the eyes of government and tax man .

As a free stateless man ,.. my stomach turns just saying it .
But for now i see no other way .

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