Wave of Comments Contest // Let's dialogue : #149 / 2% TO @NULL

in blurtfirst •  last year 

Peace Blurtians,

I pray that you all are doing well.
Beautiful day here in my city, how about your place?

Your journey on Blurt can be difficult at the beginning but the situation will change as the circle of life presents us with up and down.

I am glad to welcome you once again Blurtians members of diverse communities in the dialogue game Wave of comments backed by Blurt blockchain.
The mini contest held Once every THREE days on Blurtconnect-ng is fun and surely will initiate great conversation among members of the communities.

Here are all rules about the Waves of Comments:

  • Day's initial topic of discussion is defined as follows:

"Blurt is growing rapidly, what is your opinion about the introduction of communities on blurt.blog amid this third anniversary celebration?".

  • It is , not a mandatory topic, so your comments can be about random subjects.

  • Contestants should include in their entry a question addressed to the next author and not forget to answer the previous question (Except the first commenter) available before submitting your entry.

  • Place in the comments section your opinion as a sentence with at least 15 words.

  • Add a number considered to be the correct addition of your valid entry to your comment, so your current entry is valid.

  • Patience for at least 2 valid comments from different authors before adding your next comment below the main post.

  • There is No limit of comments, but the deadline is 3 days after the contest launches. All valid entries will be counted as they appeared below the main post.

A1:My comment is so genuine that I may be upvoted in the course of this contest. Are you interested in the contest? c1.
A2:I am new here but I feel that I get good vibes from the wave contest. Blurt has helped me find the love of my life here in the local town of AYWES. Have you got friends since you joined Blurt? c1
A3:I met on Blurt many friends, especially in ICT. The coming holidays could be exceptionally disturbed with all the flight cancellations and passengers not allowed to travel due to the ban. Do you plan to travel during the coming days?c1
A1:Yes, sure. I will go visit my grandmother whether it rains or snows. I will find my way to visit relatives even though restrictions are still in action. Do the curfew and lockdown operational in your city? c2
A4: at least 15 words...? c1
A2: at least 15 words...? c2
A1: at least 15 words...? c3
A3: at least 15 words...? c2

Selection of the Winners and Prizes

The moderator will intervene to resolve comment counting issues. You should edit your entry within the contest duration if you have done something wrong. We can help each other to keep the count in order. Thanks

Authors will be selected according to the number of valid entries. Winners are ranked based on the total value from the highest to the lowest numbers obtained at the deadline.
Six winners will obtain respectively 18; 16; 14; 12; 10 and 08 Blurts from @blurtconnect-ng to their accounts.

it is not finished...

Authors' engagement in the dialogue room will be rewarded with upvotes on their comments.

In case of equal points between two or more authors, the winner will be the first to enter a valid comment under the main post.

Blurtians' comments are greatly appreciated as the contest's rewards in the coming edition will increase as the interest for interaction among the members keeps growing.

Winners of the previous edition

Blurtconnect-ng team members were pleased to read all your comments in the last edition of the wave of comments contest. Your continual participation motivates us all in the community.

The winners were determined according to the time of comment submission.
Ten authors gave us the honor to constantly interact in the 146th edition of our contest. Eight Blurtians have been considered for the prizes. There were equal numbers of comments that occurred during the dialogue. The first prize went to the valid comments posted as early as the main article. Also, comments get one full point when containing an answer followed by your conversational question.

I really appreciate the interaction in the community and the engagement

Here are the awardees of the previous edition.

1 . @soniap C10, 18 Blurts
2 . @sariana23 C7, 16 Blurts
3 . @olusolaemmanuel C6, 14 Blurts
4 . @jazminru C6, 12 Blurts
5 . @oneray C2, 10 Blurts
6 . @thegolemseye C1, 8 Blurts

Blurtconnect-ng also offering the comment upvote as a reward to all the winners coming after the 6th position.

Blurtconnect appreciates your uninterrupted support of the Wave of Comments contest.


Blurtconnect-ng team along with the community members appreciate all the support wave of comments has received from prominent stakeholders on Blurt. We wish to notify furthermore lovers of Blurt engagement to please kindly participate in this unique weekly pub. We have tripled our winning prize pool. Please do let us know if you do not wish to be mentioned.

In the bid to add more value to the price of BLURT,
We the @blurtconnect-ng team have adopted to set 2% of all our post payouts to @null as our contribution to BLURT burning.

In a situation where this rule is omitted in a post, the equivalent amount (2%) from the said post will be transferred to @null.

If you love our work and wish to support us, please kindly vote for us as witnesses with the link below.

Authors get paid when people like you upvote their post.
If you enjoyed what you read here, create your account today and start earning FREE BLURT!
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  ·  last year  ·  

I think it will be nice if there are more communities involved. That means there are a lot of members already.c1

It will be great to have a community there too. But there's a community already on WhatsApp platform. C1

  ·  last year  ·  

Congratulations on the third anniversary!🎂🌹 I think it's fantastic to introduce communities in blurt.blog and keep growing.C1

A platform without active participants will be useless. C2

  ·  last year  ·  

It is nice to have more interactions here in this platform. With this, we learn a lot of different things. c2

  ·  last year  ·  

Shalom, it's good to see more participants, here I am learning. Wow! C1

  ·  last year  ·  

Yup i was even called out for not following the directions at first. But it is ok, there is always a first time you just learned from your mistakes. c9

Yes we learn by doing couple of mistakes. I remember the first time I took the bold step to try it out I only did just one comment. C9

  ·  last year  ·  

At first, this wave of comments is a bit complicated, as you interact, understanding and participating are challenges, because you have to be attentive when the two comments pass, which is everyone's turn.C12

The country contest looks confusing at first but once you get it right it's a game changer. C8

  ·  last year  ·  

I am just knew in this wave of comments too. I was confused at first though. But for the succeeding episodes, I was already enjoying. Thanks to all of you. c8

  ·  last year  ·  

Regarding the subject, I think that community union is important on this anniversary C8

  ·  last year  ·  

I can already imagine in the next edition, I hope they will be interesting topics as we have been dealing with and discussing so far.

From which we have also learned.C5

  ·  last year  ·  

For the new wave of comments we hope more participants will join, so let's invite in the groups so that there are new topics to discuss.C10

  ·  last year  ·  

Little by little, but with firm steps, this time it was our turn to invite, in the next wave of comments, we will start again to touch different topics. C4

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Blurt is growing as well as each one of us who integrate this platform, I have been here for a short time as well as @sariana23 @jazminru and. @napito. I am in this learning every day of those who have their time here. Thank you for your comments that enhance Blurt.C9

  ·  last year  ·  

@salvador emmanuel the interaction is very important and I see that the ols has grown C7

  ·  last year  ·  

More members means more interactions and more learnings and it is more fun too. c7

  ·  last year  ·  

The truth is that I don't have much time in Blurt, and therefore I don't know many people, but we can advertise it a lot, that's for sure. C3

  ·  last year  ·  

Special thanks to the organizers of this contest!!

It's my wish for blurt to continue growing. The communities in blurt gives room for participation and growth of blurt. Also, these communities triggers the interest to visit blurt blog. C1

  ·  last year  ·  

This time we welcome @bigbdp and again @jazminru. I take this opportunity to encourage @napito, she is lost. C2

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes it is good to interact with more people. Everyone is welcome in here. It just a matter of giving time in coming back to this post.c6

  ·  last year  ·  

As more users join, the interaction becomes more fluid, respecting the regulations of the wave of comments.C7

It's one step at a time. The first is to bring new user's and the next is the interaction. C8

Interaction is very important and vital, and that alone is what can make the wave of comments grow when new people join. C7

  ·  last year  ·  

To continue making this wave of comments known, so that friends continue to join this dynamic and have good interactions.C6

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes, it is nice to be here reading your thoughts and opinions about different matters. c5

  ·  last year  ·  

I love this wave of comments, as @sariana23 says we have learned from the good content presented here and that we will continue to feed ourselves from those that come.C11

The wave of comment is growing and I am inviting @hayat90 to join us too. C6

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

There are new participants in the interaction, let's continue to invite others so that there are good dialogues. Today longest day of the year (summer solstice). C8

  ·  last year  ·  

Wonderful that you have joined @bigbdp to the wave of comments and interact with everyone in this good dynamic.C5

  ·  last year  ·  

To be honest, I read better than I write in English, but I can always help myself with the google translator. C1

You can write here with another language

  ·  last year  ·  

Showing up, today I had to run some errands, I'm happy to see @jaizmiru active in the comments, little by little we will be more. C1

  ·  last year  ·  

I understand that as sharing on my profile 😳 they complicate me with those terms @soniap C6

  ·  last year  ·  

You will understand little by little, retweeting is that in the publication two arrows appear next to the answers at the end, there you click on it, it will appear on your blog and those who follow you will see it @jazminru C4

  ·  last year  ·  

You can also reblurt. Reblurting will help too. It will appear on the feeds of the people who follwed you.c4

  ·  last year  ·  

@soniap I still don't understand retweeting and I have no idea how to invite C5

I think by using other social media platforms to canvas about the contest will be cool and use blurt tags so that Blurtians on those platform can get a notification. C5

  ·  last year  ·  

Friend @salvador emmanuel, I have no idea how to post on the blog of my contacts. C4

Yes I guess the tagging strategy should work. But those we are friends with we can comment on their blog to tell them about the challenge too. C4

  ·  last year  ·  

You have to publicize this wave of comments by retweeting this publication and also by writing to your friends so they can join this dynamic.C3

  ·  last year  ·  

I love that my friend @jazminru is interacting in this wave of comments and a new community depends on all users to be a success with our participation.C2

When more user join them the connection and assistance from each other can start. We grow by lifting other's. C3

  ·  last year  ·  

You can expand your horizon in this platform because there are good articles from the different members and you can also express your thought in the comment section and even interact just like what ee are doing. c3

  ·  last year  ·  

@olusolaemmanuel, that's how it is friend and by the way we learn from other C2

  ·  last year  ·  

When I started this wave of comments, I forgot to put the "C" at the end, I understood; I'm glad my friend @jazminru is active here.C13

  ·  last year  ·  

Glad you made it on board, @jazminru, you're doing well.

It is very true @rubelynmacion, there are interesting topics that, help us to acquire knowledge, besides it is enjoyable.C7

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

@soniap , I only used a translator, you told me that only in English I don't know how to use IA. C11

  ·  last year  ·  

Yes this is a good way to understand different topics and learn some more. Hope to learn more.c12

I believe this wave of comment in the nearest future would be one of the biggest contest on blurt. C11

  ·  last year  ·  

Cuando comencé no entendí fué nada y tuve 12 borrado @soniap siempre activa C10.
When I started I didn't understand it was nothing and I had 12 deleted @soniap always active C10

  ·  last year  ·  

True the AI thing is very interesting. I have some other facts through this platform.c11


Here are the awardees 149th edition

1 . @soniap C21, 18 Blurts
2 . @jazminru C16, 16 Blurts
3 . @olusolaemmanuel C16, 14 Blurts
4 . @rubelynmacion C14, 12 Blurts
5 . @sariana23 C14, 10 Blurts
6 . @bigbdp C1, 8 Blurts

  ·  last year  ·  

Buenos días ☀️ gracias

  ·  last year  ·  

I think we are divided here between English speakers, who are the majority, and Latinos, who must use a translator to participate and understand others, of course, those of us who do not speak English.

I know that many Latinos write and understand English, even if they do not pronounce it.C9

  ·  last year  ·  

The good thing is that in the end someone understands and helps you @jazminru.

You'll see how, here in the interaction, we will all look for ways to help the other. C11

  ·  last year  ·  

I also use a translator to be able to understand what I write in other languages. What time is it right now? In Venezuela 11.55am.C15

  ·  last year  ·  

Dear @blurtconnect-ng, your content was selected manually by curators @ten-years-before, @nalexadre to receive a curation from BeBlurt 🎉

BeBlurt (Blurt frontend): https://beblurt.com
BeBlurt Delegation program: manual curation + 85% reward back

Thank you sir 🙏

  ·  last year  ·  

Ok @olusolaemmanuel we should tag more users to join us and support our guests C3

  ·  last year  ·  

It's a great place to get to know each other, discuss different topics, as well as learn about other cultures, it's something that I really love. C6

  ·  last year  ·  

I am enjoying and at same time learning here too. The topics were interesting too.c10

  ·  last year  ·  

Good morning ☀️ everyone here 🌻 I love being able to interact with you and I think I caught the thread. C9

The choice of topics matter too. I remember when we were talking about AI. That's my most interesting topic ever discuss here so far. C10

  ·  last year  ·  

You passed the comment @jazminru. With AI, images work well, you have to research that and use it.C14

  ·  last year  ·  

Of course, we talk about AI, but also about the beautiful places of the countries, their culture and customs, because although technology is important, so is each country where we live. C8

  ·  last year  ·  

That's right, friend @sariana 23, it's hard for me to use a translator because of the connection 😢 C12

  ·  last year  ·  

It is really good if we can understand each other well since we come from different parts of the world.c13

  ·  last year  ·  

With a translator and whatever, we communicate with everyone to make our wave of comments actively, nourishing ourselves with the good topics that we express here.C16

  ·  last year  ·  

It is great to know that there is a desire to communicate, with or without a translator we can interact.

Personally, I love being here, although for different reasons, I get lost and can't interact. C10

There are lots of translation site that can help you guys since you weren't familiar with AI. C12

  ·  last year  ·  

There are many Spanish-speaking people who don't understand Spanish 😭 it's hard for me to make myself understand @rubelynmacion C13

You mean who don't understand English or Spanish?

  ·  last year  ·  

Eso es lo que me sucede, que digo una cosa en español y eso que hablan español y entienden otra amigo, así como ud. Escribí que se me hace difícil hacerme entender en perfecto español, aún entre latinos 😬 C 14

Te entiendo mejor ahora.

  ·  last year  ·  


  ·  last year  ·  

I love this wave of comments and we all make each other understand @blurtconnect-ng So I congratulate the organizer and everyone who participates.C17

Language shouldn't be a barrier or excuse, that excuse can be turn into a skill at last to learn something new. C13

  ·  last year  ·  

I also congratulate @blurtconnect-ng, for the opportunity of this wave of comments, because if it were not for you, we would not interact in this enjoyable way. C12

  ·  last year  ·   (edited)

Agree with you friend @sariana23 and for the next wave of comments I would like to celebrate the anniversary of Blurt.C18

  ·  last year  ·  

The language doesn't stop me, since I've been doing this, I haven't seen any in Spanish, a translator is used, friend @salvador emmanuel C14

  ·  last year  ·  

Since translator is readily available, we will make use of it so that we can understand each other and so far everyone is writing in english, that's good.♥️👏c14

Those translator site are free to use. They can easily change and understand everything. C14

  ·  last year  ·  

@Salvador Emmanuel Thank God, I can use the Google translator without problems because of the platforms it doesn't work for me C15

  ·  last year  ·  

Those of us who are active in this wave of comments do so in English, this is for everyone to participate and understand the interactions in this way.C19

  ·  last year  ·  

It is that there is Spanish, English, Arabic and others, so the main language is English, those who do not understand like me, we must translate. C13

  ·  last year  ·  

Since I've been making a post, I've had to make them, in Japanese, Ukrainian, English and even Chinese, friend @ sariana23 C16

  ·  last year  ·  

You have to use the translator to interact with people of different languages ​​existing on the platform, so we can communicate our publications and comments with different users.C20

  ·  last year  ·  

It is so, at least here, in the wave of comments, there are 4 Latin people, or more if they join, and I think all or almost all of us use translator, this makes it clear that we want to share no matter what. C14

That's good, we can see how technology has help us. If not for translation site it won't be easy for others to join us. C15

  ·  last year  ·  

Through the translator we can communicate regardless of the language, it is a wonderful tool for this wave of comments that unites several countries.C21