Don't Lose Your Governance Voting Power (EN/Español/Deutsch/한국어)

in blurt •  last year 


Dear Blurt Community,

Two days ago, I published the post Proposal 31: What can you expect for 2024 on Blurt? to remind you that my Proposal #24 "Blurt ecosystem proposal" is expiring, and I have created the proposal #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024" to replace it.

Hace dos días, publiqué el post Proposal 31: Proposal 31: What can you expect for 2024 on Blurt? para recordarles que mi Propuesta #24 "Blurt ecosystem proposal" está por expirar, y he creado la propuesta #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024" para reemplazarla.

Vor zwei Tagen habe ich den Beitrag Proposal 31: What can you expect for 2024 on Blurt? veröffentlicht, um Sie daran zu erinnern, dass mein Vorschlag Nr. 24 "Blurt ecosystem proposal" abläuft, und ich habe den Vorschlag Nr. 31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024" erstellt, um ihn zu ersetzen.

두 일 전에 나는 나의 제안 #24 "Blurt ecosystem proposal"이 만료되고 있음을 상기시키기 위해 Proposal 31: What can you expect for 2024 on Blurt?라는 포스트를 게시했으며, 제안 #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024"을 대체하기 위해 만들었습니다


I extend heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has already supported Proposal #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024" through a governance vote. In just 48 hours, it has garnered over 8.17 million BP of support, propelling it to second place. Currently, it receives funding at a rate of 2,693.118 BLURT/day out of the requested 9,000 BLURT/day. Proposal #24, on the other hand, is no longer receiving funding.

Expreso mi más sincero agradecimiento a todos los que ya han apoyado la Propuesta #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024" mediante un voto de gobernanza. En solo 48 horas, ha acumulado más de 8.17 millones de BP de apoyo, lo que la impulsa al segundo lugar. Actualmente, recibe financiamiento a una tasa de 2,693.118 BLURT/día de los 9,000 BLURT/día solicitados. Por otro lado, la Propuesta #24 ya no está recibiendo financiamiento.

Ich möchte allen herzlich danken, die bereits den Vorschlag Nr. 31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024" durch eine Governance-Abstimmung unterstützt haben. Innerhalb von nur 48 Stunden hat er über 8,17 Millionen BP an Unterstützung erhalten und sich damit auf den zweiten Platz geschoben. Derzeit erhält er eine Finanzierung in Höhe von 2.693,118 BLURT/Tag von den angeforderten 9.000 BLURT/Tag. Der Vorschlag Nr. 24 hingegen erhält keine Finanzierung mehr.

제안 #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024"을 지지해 주신 모든 분들께 깊은 감사의 말씀을 전합니다. 단 48시간 만에, 이 제안은 8.17백만 BP 이상의 지원을 받아 두 번째로 올라섰습니다. 현재 요청한 9,000 BLURT/일 중 2,693.118 BLURT/일의 속도로 자금을 받고 있습니다. 반면에, 제안 #24는 더 이상 자금을 받고 있지 않습니다


Explanation of Blurt Decentralized Fund (BDF): The BDF is a community-driven decentralized finance platform operating on the Blurt blockchain. The BDF provides financial support to Blurt ecosystem projects that contribute to the platform's growth and development. The BDF operates with transparency, recording all funding decisions and transactions on the Blurt blockchain to ensure accountability and build trust. By voting for a proposal, you directly contribute to its funding! For more information, see How the DAO Proposal steers the course of Decentralized Autonomous Organisations

Don't Lose a part of your Governance Voting Power, supporters of proposal #24 who do not withdraw their support before it expires in a week will lose a part of their governance voting power. The funding proposal system contains a bug where a supporter's BP is not returned when the proposal is deleted, either because it expires or fails to receive enough votes for funding. The fix for this bug is part of the Blurt HF09 Candidates (BIP 0004), which has been adopted but the implementation and deployment date have not yet been communicated.

No pierdas parte de tu poder de voto de gobernanza, los partidarios de la propuesta #24 que no retiren su apoyo antes de que expire en una semana perderán parte de su poder de voto de gobernanza. El sistema de propuestas de financiación contiene un error donde el BP de un partidario no se devuelve cuando la propuesta se elimina, ya sea porque expira o no recibe suficientes votos para la financiación. La solución para este error forma parte de los Candidatos a Blurt HF09 (BIP 0004), que ha sido adoptado pero la fecha de implementación y despliegue aún no ha sido comunicada.

Verlieren Sie nicht einen Teil Ihrer Governance-Stimmkraft, Unterstützer des Vorschlags #24, die ihre Unterstützung nicht zurückziehen, bevor er in einer Woche abläuft, werden einen Teil ihrer Governance-Stimmkraft verlieren. Das System für Finanzierungsvorschläge enthält einen Fehler, bei dem das BP eines Unterstützers nicht zurückgegeben wird, wenn der Vorschlag gelöscht wird, entweder weil er abläuft oder nicht genügend Stimmen für die Finanzierung erhält. Die Behebung dieses Fehlers ist Teil der Blurt HF09 Kandidaten (BIP 0004), die angenommen wurde, aber das Datum der Implementierung und Bereitstellung wurde noch nicht mitgeteilt.

거버넌스 투표력의 일부를 잃지 마세요, 제안 #24를 지원하는 사람들이 만료되기 일주일 전에 지원을 철회하지 않으면 거버넌스 투표력의 일부를 잃게 됩니다. 자금 조달 제안 시스템에는 제안이 만료되거나 자금 조달을 위한 충분한 투표를 받지 못해 삭제될 때 지원자의 BP가 반환되지 않는 버그가 있습니다. 이 버그를 수정하는 것은 Blurt HF09 후보자들 (BIP 0004)의 일부로, 이미 채택되었지만 구현 및 배포 날짜는 아직 공개되지 않았습니다.


Governance Voting Basics:
It's essential to understand how governance votes work, whether for proposals or for selecting witnesses on the Blurt blockchain. Here's how it operates:

  • Proportional Impact: Each governance vote you cast divides the value of your support. Supporting multiple proposals diminishes the impact of each vote. The same principle applies when supporting witnesses (although proposals and witnesses are separate entities).
  • For example:
    • If you vote for one proposal, the requester receives 100% of your BP value.
    • If you vote for two proposals, each requester receives 50%, and so on.

I urge the following Blurtians to withdraw their support vote from proposal #24 "Blurt ecosystem proposal" within 7 days, as it will be too late afterward. For those interested, please consider supporting proposal #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024".

Insto a los siguientes Blurtians a retirar su voto de apoyo a la propuesta #24 "Blurt ecosystem proposal" dentro de 7 días, ya que después será demasiado tarde. Para aquellos interesados, por favor consideren apoyar la propuesta #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024".

Ich fordere die folgenden Blurt-Nutzer dringend auf, ihre Unterstützungsstimme für den Vorschlag #24 "Blurt ecosystem proposal" innerhalb von 7 Tagen zurückzuziehen, da es danach zu spät sein wird. Interessierte sollten bitte in Erwägung ziehen, den Vorschlag #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024" zu unterstützen.

다음 Blurt 사용자들에게 제안 #24 "Blurt ecosystem proposal"에 대한 지지 투표를 7일 내에 철회할 것을 촉구합니다. 그 후에는 너무 늦습니다. 관심 있는 분들은 제안 #31 "Blurt ecosystem proposal 2024"를 지지해 주시기 바랍니다.

Remaining voters for proposal #24: @acabiba, @alynnyaung, @besticofinder, @bluesniper, @blurt-1683810, @blurtland, @cleanenergygarro, @corraleswitness, @cristo, @davidesimoncini, @drakernoise, @fredkese, @g10a, @globetrottergcc, @hilaricita, @iamjabez, @idayrus, @j85063, @jcchelme, @maskuncoro, @myanmarkoko, @offgridlife, @oneray, @ozelot47, @pedrobrito2004, @randula, @rebejumper, @refleksi, @rubelynmacion, @sagarkothari88, @techclub, @tekraze, @unbiasedwriter, @vimukthi, @world-travel-pro, @zulfrontado, @zulma

To cast your governance votes, please visit:

Don’t miss this opportunity to shape the future of Blurt. Your votes matter! 🚀🌟

Thank you for your attention and support.

Have fun on Blurt & BeBlurt

@nalexadre - 8th Witness on Blurt

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  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks … I unvoted via BeBlurt …. Please confirm my unvote.


  ·  last year  ·  

Oh my Gosh!

Muchas gracias por avisar, hermano querido.


  ·  last year  ·  

Yep, I confirm 👍 the vote is removed, you are no longer in the list of supporters as shown in the image below.


  ·  last year  ·  

Proposal #24 unvoted.

Thanks for the announcement and recommendation

  ·  last year  ·  

Unvoted proposal #24.

Thank you for the tag.
Done as requested.


  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for the shout out, done...

  ·  last year  ·  

Hi @nalexadre I am sure I have already removed myself from the t Proposal 24 and have voted Proposal 31

Do I also have to vote ....

To complete the full voting ??

Thanks in advance @nalexadre :)

  ·  last year  ·  

Hi @hangin, no it's ok you're not on the list of remaining voters for proposition #24 of the post, so you don't have to do anything more. Many thanks again for your support of my new proposal 2024 🙂

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