Summary of the half-year survey - "How did you come across blurt?"

in blurt •  2 months ago 

It's been about half a year since the survey was posted. During this time, 143 people have cast their votes and wanted to answer the question of how they found the blurt network and came to us.

This may not be an impressive number of respondents, but the respondents themselves honored us with considerable effusiveness. Almost every respondent did not limit themselves to leaving a comment with a number, but also added something from themselves.

Below I have prepared graphs summarizing the data from the survey:



The result so far is also not surprising. As one might expect, the vast majority came to blurt from hive or steem. Interestingly, only 7.88% (13 people) indicated the downvote as a direct cause, however, from the statements one could conclude that it was a much more significant factor in the matter of making a decision under point 7. Either way, it is not surprising. Because people who were already familiar with this type of blockchain were able to easily move here and also knew what they were dealing with and what benefits it brought. After all, the decision to start using hive or steem at the very beginning resulted from the fact that this "product" meets their needs in some way ;)

The second main way that users reach us is through recommendation. As you can see, word of mouth is the most effective method of promotion. It is therefore worth stopping at this point for a while and thinking about this fact.

Since the main source of new users who have never had contact with this type of network before is word of mouth, it is reasonable for us to develop various programs encouraging users to invite their friends. Bloggers themselves should also care about this. The more people they invite to our platform, the more followers, comments and likes they will receive for their blog entries, which in turn will make them earn more. Even new users gain a certain amount of BP very quickly, which allows them to reward users.

It is therefore important to realize how important it is to talk about our network in your environment. Remember that everyone is on Facebook because everyone is on Facebook, not because Facebook is the best choice, but because that is where you can reach the largest number of people. If we want this to change and for blurt to meet our reach needs, we need to convince users that it is worth trying to be here.

Other reasons that could be classified as our discoverability on the network, i.e. all sources from permlinks, discoverability in Google or through exchanges, together collected 26.06%. So there is also something to do in this field.

Personally, I think that for blurt to be successful, position 3 should be the first position 2 second and position first, third. So there is something to work on.

Apart from the result itself, the survey also had a positive side effect that I did not expect at the beginning and which is also very important. Well, it allowed different people from blurt to get to know each other and showed which users are actually active members of the community.

Because the post was available to everyone and pinned, everyone could see the comments of others and thus find their blog and also get to know a little. So a second introduceyourself was created.

And here's a question for you: do you want me to leave this survey for another six months or do you think it's worth ending it at this stage?

I encourage everyone who took part in the survey to read the results:

@mariuszkarowski @dotevo @freakeao @hilaricita @paulindstrom @rebejumper @offgridlife @ariezeh @olusolaemmanuel @mostrorobot @monirrohan @eliel @sammy00 @cleanenergygarro @cryptopie @bigbdp @drutter @cosmicboy123 @blurtconnect-ng7 @pedrobrito2004 @abbak7 @shadflyfilms @amaterasusolar @ozelot47 @fervi @jcchelme @aldatapia @khanarshiya @practicalthought @drlobes @randula @iyanpol12 @hossy @ubaidenviro @henryglowz @frankdunag @jazminru @testarasta @barluquete @kcrumb @darth-azrael @jadams2k18 @borgheseglass @ronnie10 @uthus2k @dezaxe @potosha56 @paulaago @skylac83 @sharkz @daisyphotography @saboin @darthnava @ben.dunk @foryoubtc @omotejudith @rikarivka @barski @stewie.wieno @elkezaksek @janita2024 @angelica7 @awak-dalam @pixelfan @dotwin1981 @ultravioletmag @arienshanto @actifraenk @bitphoto @mdshelon @happyphoenix @favy @ilovemylife @maobi2203 @acecreations @dannicomnet @leifasaur @amanda46536 @greeneducator @sydney2 @joviansummer @parkname @anniemarie @rojinakhatun1988 @aljif7 @neycor @happycoachmate @puncakbukit @hurairkhan1 @mists @yintercept @jaichai @ahsansharif @contrabourdon @candy49 @faul @kenodhi @princekeys @chaosmagic23 @jmehta @ramannehra @rjvai @samadbro08 @argenvista @epodcaster @anyiglobal @mein-senf-dazu @gduran @xaaliyahholtx @celi130 @khokon70 @leafstudynet @liumei @jazminru @jaxm11 @logen9f @jadeaca @surfgrrl @testarasta @hugo1954 @ollasysartenes @urch @moha02 @argenvista @rekha-sunil @fractalwalrus @yousafharoonkhan @colexion0 @sabuon @goldenrays @davidcentenor @fizz.vai @mahmud552 @sabus @emmanuel237 @abdulmomin @lanefrog @khanarshiya @ayesha24 @rasel8 @mosharaf075 @abdulalim132 @mohammadali09

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  ·  2 months ago  ·  

It's easy for Hive people to come here since they are very similar. It will probably be rare for web2 to find their way here.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

It was hard getting started, @offgridlife life sure helped me figure things out. We connected on X and he invited me over from there. I still have lots to explore and understand about Blurt Blogging but one day at a time finding my way 🙏

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Not surprising that most people came from hive or steem, therefore feel like Blurt is going to smoke hive because people wouldn't leave Blurt because they're tired of downvotes and disrespect from whales.

I just joined Blurt and plan on staying for 2025! 🤙 Nice post

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Thanks for the mention. Well, if you leave it there, the numbers will increase. But, that indication itself is subjective to change and it isn't that accurate. Since, it's about people's opinion. It might change within time. But, I think people's behavior and their interaction to the changes and upgrades of Blurt as a network is what really matters.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

do you want me to leave this survey for another six months or do you think it's worth ending it at this stage?

If there are significant results that will be taken into account and will not be archived just as statistical data, but will be the basis for further work and strengthening of the blockchain, then it is worth continuing the survey for another six months.

In Blurt, you need several market studies in the crypto world to come to a conclusion whether or not it is worth investing in the token, therefore, it seems sensible to me to leave the survey for six more months, my friend. Thank you for taking my opinion into account, even if it may have a little or a lot of influence on the final results of your research survey.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  



Sanders 🥓

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

And here's a question for you: do you want me to leave this survey for another six months or do you think it's worth ending it at this stage?

I think it's better to leave it for another six months to know if there are changes in the following months on how the new users get to know about Blurt.

Personally, I think that for blurt to be successful, position 3 should be the first position 2 second and position first, third. So there is something to work on.

I agree on this. To make Blurt more successful, we users should advertise or introduce Blurt on other social media platform to make it known because just like me, I had known Blurt through so if there are more people who come across about Blurt and how good this community is through our post in other social media platforms surely many people will get interested and join us here.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

It's easy to find Blurt and use Blurt coming from Steem or Hive.
It's not easy to find Blurt or use Blurt coming from the general internet.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

I think it needs you to continue for another six months. So that the views of the new people who are joining are better known.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

And here's a question for you: do you want me to leave this survey for another six months or do you think it's worth ending it at this stage?

Yes. This action could help to notice changes, correct errors and further feed the strengths that the blockchain has.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Where is the survey?

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Oh yes, that one. I answered 6 and 7.
In regards to timing, I think the six months already given is a long time, and provides a decent snapshot of reasons why people join Blurt. It doesn't hurt to keep taking opinions on the subject, even keeping data if it pleases you. Maybe the answers will change over time. I'd sure like to see more interaction with the outside world! Sometimes it feels like we're just in a little blockchain blog bubble here. I remember when some of my Steem posts went viral on FaceBook and google searches, that was nice. Haven't had much like that happen since.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Well, our plan is that I will create a new post on the survey only for new users now and it will be there for half a year and then we will have a comparison :)

  ·  2 months ago  ·   (edited)

I had a few people join Blurt via the Discord Account-Creation link shared on and Nostr ….

Account-Creation :

But it is not easy for them to figure everything Out. Even basic things like Posting Key , lower case hashtags etc etc…. I had the same problems when I joined 7 years ago. Nothing has improved with the sign up process …. The same on Hive / Ecency …. It is very difficult to Join Blurt, Steemit or Hive and even make your first post.

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

I don't think onboarding is that hard at all, especially people who have ever used a crypto wallet at the very least.

I tried your Link to create a new Hive blog.

This is what I get…..


  ·  2 months ago  ·   (edited)

Also, regarding logging in to Google or other popular services, there is the so-called expectancy-value theory effect. Google and Facebook are popular and everyone knows what to expect from them and why they register there. Even if it requires a lot of effort for someone and for example for an elderly person it is complicated, they can often devote an entire day to finding out how because they are determined to be there because for example all their friends are there.

In the case of blurt users often do not know what they are dealing with and what exactly the benefits will be. Sometimes they also approach blurt with suspicion. The level of motivation to find out what and how is therefore low. That's probably why one of the two heads of the groups that come to us are hive/steem users (who already know what and how) and people introduced by friends (who have this level of motivation based on the principle of my friend is there and recommends it and how he wants to be)

  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Great 🔥🔥🔥
We really hope we achieve such goals soon.
Personally for me, I think you should allow the survey for another six months.

Nice, thanks for mentioning

  ·  2 months ago  ·  
  ·  2 months ago  ·  

Buen día 🌞 gracias por la mención. Creo que año nuevo encuesta nueva ❤️ feliz año 2025🤗

  ·  last month  ·   (edited)

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