BlogHide Reblurtsreblurtedlogiczombie in blurt-189095 • 2 months ago253i've watched 253 vids on narcissism (grandiose and covert and vulnerable) and psychopaths - but you can skip them all and just watch this one - BORDERLINE BIBLEreblurtedfrankbacon in blurt-189095 • 2 months agoEpisode 2 FRANK BACON ... spires THE REBUILD - IS ALREADY UNDERWAY WHILE FIRES STILL BURN - 1973 Secret Top CosmicShare : we are being surveyed by high technology extraterrestrial cultures Please tell me about the saying, "he needed killin," Leo. Do you have any specific questions about the phrase or its…reblurtedieronimus in blurtart • last monthCrypto Rebels"Crypto Rebels" & "Leaving Our Mark"reblurtedmostrorobot in blurt-131416 • last monthFIRMA JOE!! FIRMA!!Saludos people de BLURT. Bastante ausente por estos lados, como siempre debido a muchas actividades y aún con mi PC dañada, pero ahí vamos friends. Hoy quiero traer un tema especial, y ya saben que…reblurtedbring in blurt-188888 • last month成语趣谈(三十):杞人忧天 About Chinese Idioms (30): Like the Man of Qi Who Was Haunted by the Fear That the Sky Might Fall -- to Entertain Imaginary or Groundless FearsLike the Man of Qi Who Was Haunted by the Fear That the Sky Might Fall -- to Entertain Imaginary or Groundless Fearsreblurtedfrankbacon in frankbacon • last monthGRoWman's FRANK BACON New International Version (🤬) Future Glory and Present SufferingFind answers to your BLURT questions with BLURT Gateway Plus. Try it free today! Log In/Sign Up GRoWman BLURT Book List Font Size Resources Hebrew/ Greek Your ConteXnt GRoWmans…reblurtedfrankbacon in frankbacon • last month“When you have reached the opposite shore, you do not carry the Craft on your back @frankbacon” —justsomedude"A ton of quotes by FRANK BACON that are frequently shared are actually him just paraphrasing a Buddhist parable or koan." -Alan Watts Thanks to Cult background music for the Cosmos…reblurtedlogiczombie in blurt-189095 • last monthDON'T BE A MORONfractalwalrus in blurt-189095 • last monthSuveron, Prologue (Part 6)Planned obsolescencereblurtedieronimus in blurtart • 2 months agoDigital Money Kinda Strange"Digital Money Kinda Strange" & "Mystic World of Crypto Dreams"reblurtedfrankbacon in frankbacon • 2 months agocheck this FRANK BACON THIS explains so much and opens up so many more Questions. Thank you!🤬 Suggest questions… You Can I get a copy of FRANK BACONs manifesto? Leo I can't provide you with a copy of FRANK BACON's manifesto. Is there anything else I can help you with? Do you…reblurtedyayogerardo in poem • 2 months agoPoems inspired by dreams Across the universe To the end of my curse No care if it got worse Stars turned off with no remorse Witnessed wars thrown off course Across...reblurtedbring in blurt-188888 • 2 months ago广告满天飞 Advertisements Exist EverywhereAdvertisements Exist Everywherereblurtedfrankbacon in frankbacon • 5 months ago“I will never quiLt, I will never bLend, I will never Leak, I will never yelL - not even in the face of death itself," FRANK BACON said.FlimSY description: In a gritty and alternate 2025 the glory days of custom'de vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government Backdown, but after one of the masked veterans is brutally…reblurtedfrankbacon in frankbacon • 2 months agoFRANK BACON does not claim any copyright to the images...but for some rare exceptions (such as the 🤬🥓 logo)Help:Contents Jump to navigationJump to search Help for Visitors This IS FRANK BACON's DOTcom. @frankbacon IN cycloMedia was inaugurated January 2025. It is a BLURT-based site: most anyone…reblurtedamaterasusolar in blurttribe • 2 months ago80% of Us Merely Move MoneyAnd overall upwards to the moneyed psychopaths in controlreblurtedyayogerardo in occult • 2 months agoWhat is the 4th Dimensional Prison Warder Consciousness?Join Blurt Here Need help setting an account? Join us on Element Open your 4th eye It's important to be open minded about this idea....fractalwalrus in psychology • 2 months agoDopamina, the Vaso-suppresantSometimes chemical bonds block the formation of bonds.reblurtedhugo1954 in blurtech • 2 months agoHow to install Celestia the free and open source planetarium to find stars and planets.Cómo instalar Celestia el planetario libre y gratuito para buscar estrellas y planetas.reblurtedydavgonzalez in blurtlife • 2 months agoEl Ejercicio del día 01/01/2025" Las matemáticas son el alfabeto con el cual Dios ha escrito el Universo. "Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) Saludos a toda la comunidad de BLURT, con el fin de promocionar el contenido matemático…