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Open your 4th eye
It's important to be open minded about this idea. Although it can be proven to be mathematical plausible, the 4th dimensional conscious realm is one that cannot be physically proven here. Thus I ask you to refrain from the automatic response and consider pondering on the possibility of this philosophical concept as something real.
To understand this you need to be able to accept that we receive of this universe in this visible physical plain of existence is limited to our 3rd dimensional brains capacity to interpretation. And our current physically incapability to meddle with the higher dimensional realms.
Ah but here is the trick to that, we are not this organic spacesuit we call the human body. It is merely a capsule with limitations within it's borders. Your spirit however is not limited to this. It can travel anywhere it wants whenever it wants. And sometimes, we can remember a bit of that through our dream world visionary travels. Call me crazy of you like I actually believe this to be true. Yes I do believe in astral projection to be something very real that we can all do.
Moving on.
Yes we may be moving into the science fictional aspect of this. Our body is 3rd dimensional and is 3rd dimensionally limited to this realm.
That which casts it's light from the 4th to the 3rd will be seen as a shadow just as our current view of the tesseract cube would be seen by our own eyes.
I'm no mathematical genius but here is a couple eye candy gifs of what that may look like. Supposedly accurate.
David Icke mentions the Prison Warder Consciousness multiple times in his lectures and books. And he believes that reptilians are from that dimensions and influence us by attaching themselves through our very low vibration being, controlling our animal side. Potentially veering us off course from our own devine path.
These reptilians are evil and have the high ground in this world, which I think could be a major variable as to why the world is the way it is. However, none of this is to cause confusion or make you believe me by any sense, I am merely saying that they have more influence as is depicted by the vast evil going on here and using humanity to do their evil.
If evil is allowed to enter your heart and soul, if it is allowed to mold you, then these beings will try to capture you into their plot and schemes whatever it may be.
David Icke believes that this is who the elites really serve as displayed here in this hierarchical graph of current world powers.
So they pull energy down into this world and use that power to conquer the world as they have had reigns over us for thousands of years.
From etymology online website:
warder (n.)
c. 1400, "guardian of an entrance," from Anglo-French wardere, wardour "guardian, keeper, custodian" (Old French gardeor), agent noun from Old North French warder "to guard, keep, maintain, uphold" (Old French garder), from Frankish *wardon, from Proto-Germanic *wardon "to guard," from PIE *war-o-, suffixed form of root *wer- (3) "perceive, watch out for."
Ok, so the prison Warden, I think, Are these reptilian race which is NOT from this dimension but from the fourth dimension and they do evil for evil reasons.
Nothing to be afraid of however, because love frequency conquers all. And they themselves are imprisoned and are envious with jealousy in our unique abilities to transcend them.
Those who relish in that low frequency band won't get far at all.
This world is but a little thing of near nothingness and is merely an expression of something internal.
They say there are fallen angels but I think we may be those angels fallen into a prison where life is our punishment and through love and detachment from this physical world, we may thus arise to higher planes. However that may work I have no clue but we do our best nonetheless.
Which is important to be authentic selves as most evil forces despise that put of fear. An authentic person rules over the malignancy. They aren't open to accept evil into their heart, so often times they are subjected to empty threats that most people would consider real. They see past the lies and the fake masks and aren't affected by them.
Breaking the fourth wall
To experience the fourth dimension is impossible for this physical worldly bodies. However, as mentioned before, I think In our "Dreams", when we as the spirit leave the body temporarily, can experience this 4th dimension with ease.
3.2 Dreaming
Dreaming represents a state of consciousness that is markedly different from waking life, characterized by a distinct sense of time and often illogical sequences of events that can defy three-dimensional spatial logic. Some researchers and thinkers have proposed that dreaming might offer insights into higher dimensions of consciousness or alternate ways of experiencing reality, potentially including the fourth dimension.
However the scientific community doesn't accept dreams as something that is no more real than our brains activity playing tricks on us.
I disagree. if these metaphysical scientist want to grow into understanding the fourth dimension, they would have to open to this concept and think of it's real possibility to be accomplished via astral projection. IMO
They reason they do not accept that is because, i believe they are still attached to this physical body of ours as being part of the self. I there again disagree that we are, but merely our tool to use as we see fit within the confined spaces of our dimensional capacity. It is, I think, through the dream control that we may move forward into new mathematical arenas and thus be able to conceive new deeper self control over this 3rd dimension as we shape this world by shaping our world from within first.
Anyways, this has been fun, I'm still barely getting through David ickes works and feel I have barely made scratches on the surface of it all. Currently reading the truth shall set you free and I tend to pause a lot during each chapter to do some research.
Hope this has been entertaining and gets you to think about this fourth wall break.
Because I ain't finished speaking on it just yet. There will be more to share as we discover more on this and it's relatedness to understanding the world as it is now and how we can move forward to making it better.
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