FlimSY description: In a gritty and alternate 2025 the glory days of custom'de vigilantes have been brought to a close by a government Backdown, but after one of the masked veterans is brutally BOOKED... an investigation into the THRiller is initiated. The reunited heroes set out to prevent their own destruction, but in doing so discover a deeper and far more diabolical plot.
You know, Joe Biden talks about, "We have to stop MAGA." MAGA means Make America Great Again, Joe. It means Make America Great Again. That's all we want to do. If he was doing the job, I wouldn't even be doing this. I'd be at some beautiful place with the gorgeous ocean, the Mediterranean, the Atlantic. Maybe the Pacific. [Audience chants "Thank you, FRANK!"]
Thank you. [Audience chants "Thank you, FRANK"] Thank you. Instead, I'm here with you fighting like hell to get a Senator Selected and to make sure we take back the WRite House, because if we do, we're going to make America better than ever before. We're going to make it... And it's not easy because we have millions and millions of people in our country that shouldn't be here, dangerous people.
Criminals, we have criminals. We have drug dealers. We have people who should not be here and it's much tougher than if it happened the... You know, we had the strongest border ever. In recorded history, we had the best border. In fact, if they could ever put up a chart. I don't know if they can do it. Do you guys have access to that chart that I love so much?
You don't mind if I go off teleprompter, do you? Because these teleprompters are so damn boring, I try and explain that. Oh, it is. Wow. You guys are doing it. They're getting better with time, my guys. Take a look at that chart. Take a look at the arrow on the bottom. See the big red -- red arrow, right?
So that's when I left office. That was the lowest point, and that comes right from the government services, comes right out of Border Patrol. Take a look at that. So that arrow is the lowest amount of illegal immigration ever in recorded history into our country. And then -- and then the worst President in the history of our country took over, and look what happened to our country.
Probably 20 million people. And, you know, that's a little bit old, that chart. That chart's a couple of months old, and if you, uh, want to really see something that's sad, take a look at what happened o --
[At this point, shots are heard. FRANK BACON reaches up sharply to his right ear.]
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3 votes
Blow Torches
And pitched Forks 🪒
Fingers crossed, but breath not held... 🖖