How does Voting Power really affect curation rewards on Blurt? Help me find out!

in blurt •  2 years ago 

Please comment here! I'm going to vote myself down below 50% in an effort to learn exactly how VP affects vote size and curation rewards. Does keeping VP in the 90-100% range maximize total payouts and curation rewards? This is the question arising from my recent posts about proper timing of curation (voting). Yesterday, I gathered some data with the help of my wife to find the answer, and the preliminary results are surprising. Now, I need help from the community to take it further and reach conclusions that will benefit us all!



A week ago, I posted The Timing of Curation, where I discussed how Voting Power (VP) influences the value of our votes:

"Without curation, nobody gets paid, and good content is not created or discovered. But there has to be a limit to how many votes each user can dish out - otherwise, someone could drain the limited reward pool and monopolize the earnings. That's why the blockchain limits how many votes each account can make.

You start with 100% voting power (VP). With each full vote made, your VP decreases by 2%. Your VP increases naturally (heals) at a constant rate of 20% per day. That means you can make 10 full votes every day without depleting your voting power. If you're at 100% power and leave someone a full vote, you'll go down to 98%. If you vote again immediately, that vote will only allocate 98% of the rewards the previous vote allocated. But if you wait 2.4 hours (2 hours and 24 minutes), your VP will be back at 100% again, and you'll allocate the full amount.

The lower your voting power, the less ability it has to allocate rewards from the pool. For example, if your votes normally give content 30 BLURT (currently 14 cents), and you deplete your VP down to 50%, your next vote will only allocate 15 BLURT (currently 7 cents). As you can imagine, keeping your VP as close to 100% is vital, as that is what determines how much you (the curator) and the person who made the post/comment (the creator) are paid.

When your VP has healed to 100% for more than a moment, you are effectively wasting it. The platform as a whole doesn't care, because the reward pool - and the rewards paid out of it - are still the same size. It just means that you aren't participating in allocation of those rewards. The users you would have voted on don't benefit from your votes, and you don't get any curation rewards. So leaving your voting power at maximum slows your growth.

The absolutely most important way to increase your personal slice of the Blurt reward pool is to keep your voting power as close to 99.99% as possible, without letting it sit at 100%.

With an understanding of how this all works, a bit of practice, and dedicating some time to curating properly, you'll be able to make almost all your votes in that "sweet spot" of 95 to 99.99%. When you do that, you're throwing away almost none of your potential income, and maximizing the growth of the users you feel are contributing the best content to the Blurt blockchain."

That post was well-received by the community, and did not stir up any controversy. Some users thanked me for explaining it.

Yesterday, I did a post called The top 20 curators on Blurt, which ranked all accounts by the amount of rewards they were bestowing on content (which is also the amount of curation rewards they are earning). The ranking took into consideration not just how much Blurt Power each curator has, but also how much Voting Power they are currently voting with. That's because someone at 30% VP is missing out on 70% of their vote and rewards, compared with someone carefully maintaining their VP just below 100%... or at least that's the current understanding.

A couple people contradicted what most of us believed was already a settled issue. User @leifasaur commented:

"I was also questioning this concept of vote timing being so important and keeping things close to 100% as a way of earning more."

I invited leifasaur to test it out himself:

"Experiment with it! Run your VP down to 0%, and see how much your votes are worth. You will be giving out 0 BLURT per vote, and earning 0 BLURT as well. At 50% (like mk currently) you are giving up half your vote. At 90% you are throwing away 10% of your votes. The alternative would mean that VP does not influence rewards, but you know that isn't true because when you give out several votes in a row, you notice each one is worth less than the one before it."

He did some investigation of his own, and came back with:

"Well @drutter is right if he can truly keep his VP at 100% and just vote every 2 hours down to 98% but this is pretty hard to do" and "from 100-80% this is going to be negligible. For someone with a fixed amount of time that they can vote, using their 24 hour allowance of votes means more earning than letting their VP sit at 100% unused."

It sounds like he came to the same conclusion the rest of us did. Nobody ever said it was easy to stay in the sweet spot near 99%! If you're going to be away from the blockchain for a long time (for work, sleep, family, etc) then going down to about 80 or 90% makes sense, as you don't want to be sitting at 100% and letting your votes go unused. I covered that in my Timing of Curation post.

Interestingly, the platform's #1 curator @mariuszkarowski disagrees:

"timing doesn't matter at all or it can give you just a couple of %"

"there is no chance that one makes more than other one on curation, no matter what is your Voting Power when you are voting"

"the only scenario in which you lose curation rewards is when your voting power is sitting at 100%."

So, does Voting Power matter?

When trying to maximize your curation rewards, and how much your vote is worth to content-creators you're trying to support, does it matter what your Voting Power is? Or is a vote at 50% VP worth about the same as a vote at 100%?

We can have a look at the FAQ (which calls it by the old name "Voting Mana") for clues:

"Voting mana is like an energy bar in a computer game that goes down a little bit every time you vote. You start out with 100% voting mana. Every time you vote, you will use a small amount of your voting mana. As you use more of your voting mana, your votes will carry less influence. A vote with 50% voting mana left will be worth 1/2 as much as a vote cast with 100% voting mana. Not to worry, the network recharges your voting mana by 20% every day."

"Every 100% vote you cast will use 2% of your remaining voting mana. Your voting mana will recharge linearly by 20% each day. You can vote more than 10 times per day, but each vote will be worth less, and it will take longer to reach full voting mana again."

That seems straightforward, but I decided to run an experiment to find out for sure.

The Experiment

My wife @MediKatie is normally busy taking care of our babies, but she posts about 1 post or comment on Blurt each day. I asked her to make 6 comments last night, all similar in size, and all on the same post, so I can conduct my investigation. Keeping as many variables the same is important, so the comments each have a couple sentences of text and one photo. They're all in the same place, and were all made at the same time by the same account.

Next, I waited until my Voting Power healed to exactly 100%, and began voting on her 6 comments. I gave each of them a full vote, and took a screenshot of the information provided before confirming the vote. It took about 2 minutes to do all the votes and screenshots (about 20 seconds between each).

The results were not as simple as I anticipated!


At 100% VP, my full vote was worth 52.325 BLURT. I confirmed the vote, then immediately went to the next comment.


As expected, my VP had been reduced to 98%. What's interesting is the next vote was going to be 51.92 BLURT, which is only a reduction of 0.774%, rather than 2%. I confirmed the vote.


Two things were noteworthy about this one. One, my VP was only reduced by 1.95%, from 98% to 96.05%. Perhaps VP isn't reduced by an absolute 2% per vote, but by 2% of the current VP? I've never heard anyone talking about that before. (The experiment is still valid, it's just going to make the calculations a big more complicated. More on this below.) Two, the vote was going to be 50.863 BLURT, a reduction of very close to 2%, back in line with expectations. I confirmed the vote.


Again, VP had been reduced by 2% of the current VP, not a nominal 2%, so it went from 96.05% to 94.13%. The value of the vote was 49.828 BLURT, down about 2% as expected. I confirmed it.


Another loss of 2% of the current VP, and about 2% of the vote value. I confirmed.


The pattern is clear, with another 2% loss of current VP, and vote value. I confirmed this final vote.

Without confirming, I checked what my next vote would be:


Sure enough, VP had dropped by 2% of current Voting Power, and the vote would be worth 2% less than the previous. The pattern has been established, and we now have some data to analyze.

So we were right that the lower your VP, the lower the value of your votes. But there's a factor we didn't anticipate...

Voting Power drops by 2% of the CURRENT level, not by an absolute (nominal) 2%!

This was unexpected. I've never heard anyone else say this, even though for a long time I've been working hard to understand all the intricacies of Voting Power, curation rewards, and related topics. It's actually a huge distinction, and has massive implications for how we vote on this blockchain!

Here are my observed VP values:


98.00% was expected. That's a 2% drop.

But the next wasn't 96.00%, it was 96.05%!

When first analyzing the results, I assumed my VP had healed by 0.05% between votes. So I calculated exactly how quickly VP heals (naturally increases). From the FAQ, "your voting mana will recharge linearly by 20% each day". Linearly means on a straight line - at a consistent nominal rate. That makes it easy to calculate.

20% / day
= 0.83% / hour
= 0.014% / minute
= 0.005% / 20 seconds

My votes were about 20 seconds apart, meaning my VP should have been healing about 0.005% per vote. So that doesn't explain why my VP only went down from 98.00% to 96.05%!

The led me to investigate if VP reduces by 2% of the current level, instead of the fixed 2% that everybody assumes.

98.00 - 2% (1.96) = 96.04

Holy shit! That fits the observed result of 96.05% almost perfectly. The other 0.01% was likely due to VP healing.

Okay, so what's 98% of 96.05?

---> 94.13

BINGO! That's exactly what was observed! And what's left after a 2% loss from there?

---> 92.25

The observed result was 92.26%, meaning my VP had healed another 0.01%.

At that point, I went and timed how long it actually took my VP to heal by 0.01%, and it was 43 seconds.



In other words, since my votes (and screenshots) took about 20 seconds each, my VP should have been healing at a rate of 0.01% every two votes. Exactly what was observed!

What's 98% of 92.26?

---> 90.41

My VP must have healed another 0.01 because the observed value was 90.42%. What's 98% of that?

---> 88.61

It had taken me a minute or two to navigate to an un-voted comment for the final reading of 88.63%, explaining the slight difference (caused by healing) of 0.02%.

So there we have it, confirmation that VP does NOT drop at a constant rate of 2% for each full vote, but by a very similar (but not identical) rate of 2% of the current level.

A careful reading of the FAQ actually hints at this, although it doesn't make it very clear, explaining why nobody has fully clued in before: "Every 100% vote you cast will use 2% of your remaining voting mana." The key word is remaining.

What are the implications?

It may seem trivial, but it definitely isn't.

VP heals at a nominal (linear) rate of 20% per day (which we've already determined is 0.83% per hour, and 0.014% per minute). Most of us, assuming full votes bring VP down by exactly 2% each time, have assumed that means we can dish out 10 of them per day. Indeed, many Blurt regulars have a daily routine of logging in, doing 10 votes to drop themselves down to 80% VP, and logging out. The next day, they've healed to about 100% again, ready for another round. While not a horrible tactic, considering it ensures you aren't sitting at 100% squandering your votes and curation rewards, it may not be the only way to do things.

Consider that at about 80% VP, full votes only "cost" 1.6% each, not 2%. Somebody hovering around 80% Voting Power still heals at 20% per day, but can actually give out 12.5 full votes (ie: 12 full votes and one vote at half strength) without any overall depletion of their VP!

And by extension, someone at around 50% VP only loses 1% for each full vote given out, meaning they can vote 20 times per day without depleting themselves. In theory, anyway, since I have never ventured down to those low levels.

That's where you come in.

The next experiment

I'm going to vote myself down to about 50%, taking data all the way. I want to see if full votes really only cost 1% each at that level, instead of the 2% when Voting Power is full.

Please, leave a comment (or three) below, for me to vote on. No links, no images, no videos, just a few lines of text. It can be on the current topic, or even something unrelated. I want them all here, on this post, so they're in the same place (to reduce confounding variables). Once I've got at least 30 comments, I'm going to start the experiment, voting down to levels I previously thought to be inefficient. I'll get screenshots, and record observations, and then post my results.

Hypothesis: At about 50% VP, considering 20% linear healing, and a 2% drop from the current value with each full vote, I will be able to give out TWENTY votes at 100% strength every day - instead of the usual ten - without overall depletion of my Voting Power.

Granted, it appears that my votes will be worth about half what they are when my VP is near 100%, meaning around 25 BLURT each instead of the usual 50. But if I'm able to give out twice as many, that means I'll still be handing out the same amount of payouts, and earning the same amount of curation rewards.

Downfalls? If this works, it means at 50% VP you have to find twice as many posts or comments to vote on, to use your VP as it heals. That might not be convenient for some people. Also, with half the weight behind your votes, you're not able to reward excellent posts the way you can at full power.

Advantages? If this is true, you don't have to worry much about your VP! It means that when you find a bunch of great content, vote away, and don't worry about going down into the 80s, 70s, or even lower. Your votes are worth less, yes, but you get more of them! It could even mean you can vote yourself down to 10% VP, allowing yourself to make ONE HUNDRED full votes every day, without any net loss to your Voting Power! Your votes would be nearly worthless, but all put together, they'd be worth just as much as they do when you're fully charged, and you'd be earning the same amount of curation rewards. Also, this ensures you're never sitting at the full 100%, effectively wasting your votes.

This would explain why mariuszkarowski feels he's not missing out on any curation rewards despite dipping down to 52% VP recently. It is dramatically different from how most people believe things work on Blurt, but after my initial experiment last night, it really appears to be the case.

In theory, anyway. Let's find out once and for all!


Thanks for getting through all that! I look forward to the outcome. It looks like I was wrong about part of my post on curation, so it will be nice to clear that up. After all, we must follow the evidence wherever it leads. Thank you for your help in the comment section below!



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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'll start things off. Here is the first comment to help the experiment.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes that is the major variable that I did not mention in my analysis if the voter voting down to 80% made 2 more votes than the one keeping things at 98% that difference is gaped. Less of an over all return on each vote but more votes.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You did not mention it because you did not know it existed : )

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is not true. I was trying to look at things on an even footing but it is not a matter of even footing.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Comment #1
Glad your taking the time to research this further. 🖖


You have recieved a coconutty upvote! 🥥
Thank you for contributing to the Blurt Blockchain!
Keep up the great work!

Curated by @outofthematrix!

Please take a moment to vote for my witness.
You can do this by logging into your wallet with your active key! 🗳️

Comment #2
It will be interesting to see the results from this experiment. 🖖

Comment #3
Good luck with your investigation. 🖖

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks! I hope I get some more comments, because I'm only at 81% VP now... I need to go below 50% to really get data I can use!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Interesting to see how this voting experiment works out.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks for running this experiment.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I focus on what my chosen posts will receive from my vote, not what I will receive. My upvote value is so small, it really doesn't matter to me. I try to keep my vp above 90% except for just before bed. Also, as you suggest, the best ways to maximise curation rewards, whether at 50% vp or 100%, would require my sitting at the computer all day long! I've been trying to pull away from the thing!

That said, if you find that your rewards are greater when you keep your vp around 50%, I'll give it a shot.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, it's better to give than to receive! I tried telling the debt collector that and he wasn't impressed. Unfortunately, I need to earn currency, and given my serious neurological and cardiac conditions, content-creation is how I've chosen to do it.
As you know, the amount you receive (curation rewards) is exactly the same amount you are giving to those you vote on, since creator and curator each split everything 50/50.
"if you find that your rewards are greater when you keep your vp around 50%, I'll give it a shot"
Rewards are not greater when you keep your VP around 50%. The surprise finding here seems to be that they are not less, but they certainly aren't more. If that was the case, voting oneself down to near zero would bring the highest rewards, turning curation into a game of how many posts and comments you can find to click on for max earnings. Good content would not be discovered and pushed to the top, but rather every piece of spam would be maximally rewarded.
I think the takehome message will be that watching our VP isn't as important as previously believed - Our rewards (also what we reward others) isn't affected. The only thing that changes at different Voting Power is how much content we need to find and consume in order to hand out all our votes. At 10% VP, we need to dish out 100 full votes per day, for example. At 1% VP it would be 1000 (and they would each be microscopic).

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Interesting! I'll probably continue to give 100% upvotes anyway, because I sure don't want to have to spend even more time perusing posts to find ones I want to upvote.

I found your post on Blurt very interesting, especially as someone who is interested in understanding how voting power affects curation rewards.

Your analysis of the data provided on Blurt is quite insightful, and it's impressive that you were able to identify a correlation between voting power and curation rewards.

However, I have a few questions regarding your findings. Firstly, did you consider other factors that may affect curation rewards, such as the quality of the content being curated? It's possible that content with higher quality could also attract more curation rewards, regardless of the voter's voting power.

Secondly, have you considered the impact of vote timing on curation rewards? Does voting earlier or later affect the rewards earned by curators?

Lastly, I'm curious to know if you have any suggestions on how content creators and curators can optimize their rewards on Blurt based on your analysis.

Overall, I think your post provides valuable insights on the relationship between voting power and curation rewards on Blurt, and I'm looking forward to your response to these questions

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

"Does voting earlier or later affect the rewards earned by curators?"
Yes, voting earlier increases rewards, but as I pointed out in The Timing of Curation, voting in the first 5 minutes reduces your curation rewards.

"I'm curious to know if you have any suggestions on how content creators and curators can optimize their rewards on Blurt"
How to create content that will receive more rewards is the million dollar question on blockchains like Blurt. Thousands of great articles have been created on that topic.
As for how curators can increase rewards, that's what The Timing of Curation and the experiment in this post are about.

Ok, I will go through everything a drop a comment if there be any suggestions

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Isn't there an upvote curve that has to be taken into account regarding rewards? So that a high earning post will earn a curator more than a low earning post, even though your upvote is the same in blurt for both?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

There's nothing in the FAQ about this topic, but I believe it is the case. We know for certain it's how things work on Steem and Hive, and you will see whales there only voting on posts that they know will do well. It's a "rich get richer" concept, as MK pointed out on my last post. Those who become popular will be targeted for votes by whales, knowing other whales are going to vote there too.
I'm pretty sure that's how it works here, too. For example, on the test comments by MediKatie I talked about in this post, one of my votes was worth 48 BLURT. After @primeradue came and voted on the comment after me, my vote was worth 51 BLURT. You can test this yourself by voting on a new post you think will do well. Come back a day later (after it has received many other votes), and check the value of your vote - it will have gone up. This is why most curators focus on curating posts, not comments - because votes get far more other votes than comments do.
Supposedly, this is done to encourage good curation. Those who find and curate good content will get a bit of an extra reward for doing so.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yeah I know it happens here, but I think Hive has done away with it. That was the intent but, as usual, the developers had the good of the larger accounts in mind, and didn't notice that the curve made it nearly impossible for a small account to make anything on a post unless a large account voted on it. Here, it is less punishing, but still in effect.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well said, I agree completely.

I want to be a guinea pig! Awesome post... This is really interesting! 👍🏽 You know... I'm a big fan of wearing down my VP! 😜

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I have been analyzing this situation, but not in Blurt, but in HiveStats, because there I had everything delegated, getting around 4 hives per week. It seemed like a waste to me, so I started pulling some delegations to review how I'm doing with auto voting and how I calculate my APR, which is closely related to curation earnings.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Based on the above, and in my research with curators in Hive, whose APR reaches almost 30%, I have discovered some things that, although I still do not understand them, I continue to analyze them to find out what is the correct way to increase the profit per vote, the time in which you can vote (everything indicates that in Blurt, it must be after minute 5) and how much would be the percentage of the vote to give.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

wow is all I can say here after reading through, thank you for putting out time highlighting errors which seems common to most of us that don't know. Tho I don't have much power but I still someow try to upvote some posts I like after reading it and end up sometimes voting unnecessarily now I have the idea, I most o change thee way I do things.

Thank you, your points really helped me and did educate me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

A really nice experiment and well documented!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Can't wait to see the end results.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I did notice one thing when I looked for some answers: I found users who, despite voting for a publication in minute 1 of the article being published, their percentage of efficiency (I'm talking about voting) had increased fivefold in some cases and others with more than 300% effective, making the curation reward return affected by the same percentage.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

From "The Timing of Curation:"

"Voting on content within the first 5 minutes throws away a portion of your curation rewards. The creator will still be allocated the same reward, but as the curator, you're penalized for voting too quickly. If you vote the moment the content has been made, you forgo the whole curation reward. If you vote after one minute, you lose 80% of the reward. If you vote in the second minute, you lose 60%. In the third minute, you lose 40%. If your vote is made in the fourth minute, you only lose 20%. And after 5 minutes, you get the full curation reward. This means you generally want to wait until at least 5 minutes after a post or comment is made before giving it your vote. Curation is meant to be done carefully and with consideration, not merely out of loyalty to another user or for your financial gain. This penalty allows the creator to make any quick edits, and encourages you to read it and not just blindly dish out a vote."

You can read about it in the FAQ.

I don't know why you see curators getting better results by voting within the first minute. I have never observed that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nor had I seen this, until I looked at him in Hivestat.

Look at this in Hive:

</ center>

When voting in minute one, I should not have any reward, and there you can see how much he is winning for that vote.

Unless all that is reading, and if you know, I would appreciate you explaining it to me; The publications I have achieved are not deep in this issue.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I don't know what "efficiency" means on that graphic. Very strange that something can be more than 100% efficient.
"Weight" refers to the portion of the vote that was given, between 1% and 100%. Looks like he was giving mostly full votes, but some votes at half weight.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

In Hive, I had all of my HP delegated, and while it produced some earning interest, I thought it wasn't enough. So, I came across this tool recently (because I wasn't interested in writing there anymore) and I started to study those numbers, finding users who had a profit of more than 30% just by following curation paths and automatic voting.

My APR was 0.00%, and I removed 1500 delegated HP, started using Hive.voter, and started to study, with another person, how to get the most out of it; I talked to a lot of people to find out how he did things, but few go into studying these issues in depth since they are guaranteed a strong vote from some whale.

I had to learn, and I still do, because I don't have, as I did before, the strong vote of a hive whale. I began to analyze and see, how a person (regardless of the percentage of their vote) could have a return of up to 500% of their vote in rewards. Something I never thought would happen, but the numbers don't lie. People who vote before 5 minutes, and obtain higher benefits than those who vote after. In fact, I have seen rewards with 300% profit voting after 14 hours of posting the article... I am still analyzing how it works so that this can happen, and the best, it happens to me too.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Well without knowing any of the details, it sounds like you are misunderstanding something, because that's definitely not how it works on Hive. Almost all whales and bots attempt to vote at 5 minutes, not at 1. The Hive FAQ is clear about this issue. When I had a lot of HP (like in 2021) I noticed my Hive curation rewards went up when I started to vote at 5 minutes instead of before.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So something must be wrong in HiveStats because it's the numbers it gives me, just as shown in the image.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'll have to trust you on that, because that's now what it seems to be telling me! Maybe I just don't understand.

C'mon buddy!!! 50% is still a long way to go!!! ;D


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm working on it! LOL
I may have to give up on part of the experiment, and just go find random posts and comments to upvote. That will still allow me to get down below 50% and do some calculations there, so it's still going to be a success in that way.
Feel free to leave a few more comments here, and recommend it to Blurtians you know, maybe they'll help us : ))

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I knew that the 2% that decreases on each vote is based on the remaining PV at the time of voting, and not based on 100% at the beginning. At the time that I learned it, it did not seem important to me because it was in mid-2016, when I started with steemit... but just as I learned it, I never took it into account because I did not have the necessary guidance at that time, nor the willingness to learn more, as indeed, I am doing now.

Lastly (I don't want to make more than the three comments you suggested, even though this is the fourth), I can say that I found users, both on hive, and also here on Blurt, who give 12 100% votes every day. What I didn't do was review his healing rewards in Blurt, but that won't be a difficult task to accomplish.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm sure you and many others knew this all along... but it's strange that nobody spoke up until now, and nobody (except perhaps MK) has been acting accordingly ; )
I noticed a while ago that when doing several votes in a row, starting at 100%, the final vote did not reduce my VP by a full 2%. For example, if I had to be away from the computer for a full day, I would vote down to 80%. Starting at 100%, I would make 10 full votes, assuming it would bring me to 80%... but it would actually take me to about 81%. It wasn't until now that I learned exactly why, and how important this nuance is.
"I found users, both on hive, and also here on Blurt, who give 12 100% votes every day"
It appears that users who keep their VP in the 70-90% range can vote 12 times per day without depleting their VP. They don't earn more, but they can vote more times. It's like spreading the same amount of rewards/payouts over more content.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

With all the honesty that characterizes me, so far (because of your publication) I did not see the importance, since, I carry my VP calculating until I know when I will come to the computer to vote. I calculate two hours for a vote approximately and just when I return to check Blurt, only miss half an hour or less for it to reach 100%.

When I am going to travel, and I will be two or three days without connecting, I spend the VP until it reaches 100%, just when you can check Blurt again.

There are things that I still don't understand at all, but it's never too late to learn.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

first of all, great work

second of all, you forgot to mention the transaction fees for voting

which means that larger votes get "taxed" at a lower percentage

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That's true, fees are nominal, not a percentage of the vote size. Which makes sense, because the fees are to pay the blockchain costs, which would be the same regardless of the value of the vote. I think they're pretty minimal, expect for users with less than 500 BP (less than $2 invested in the platform).

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

10 votes a day, for a hundred days, that's 1000 transaction fees

sure, it's mostly negligible, especially compared to credit card transaction fees (3%)

but it can still be calculated

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Why not take on the job, then? Sounds like you could make a post about it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

not exactly "the top of my list"

besides the fact that it would seem to incentivize fewer and larger upvotes

in my opinion, delegation is much more altruistic than "curation"

because it incentivizes the individuals who receive delegated stake

to vote more often

and this has a decentralizing effect

but of course

delegating (instead of "curating") is not "optimal investment strategy"


you consider a more engaged and broader user-base to be a valuable "long-term-investment"

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If your BP doesn't incentivize YOU to vote, why would it incentivize somebody else to vote?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

i vote like a madman

and i've delegated to 21 other accounts

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We're going to need a LOT more comments here (like 40+) to reach 50% VP, and new comments have slowed to 2 per day!
Here's another contribution.
