Healthy Amaranth snaps - mostly raw

in vegan •  2 years ago 

I love making super healthy cakes and I had had some amaranth in for a while and not known what to do with it. It is an ancient super grain/seed used a lot in ancient Egypt with a plethora of health benefits. I adapted a recipe and changed it quite a bit to make these a bit more raw and healthy than using processed chocoalte and they are absolutely delicious I ate almost the whole lot I made in a day :o thats a lot of cacao even though cocao is healthy that was too much lol but the way they snap and crunch is just addictive as hell!

I am a bit of a throw it in type cook or uncook as I like to eat raw food mostly but I'll do my best to tell you what I did.



You have to start by popping the amaranth grains, you need to heat a saucepan so its super hot and then drop in a table spoon at a time of amaranth seeds and move them around with a wooden spoon till they start popping like mini popcorn (you'll probably need a lid or something to use as a lid). I used about 10 tablespoons of seeds.



once popped I then made some raw cacao. To make raw cacao I gently melted 1 small cup of cacao butter over hot water (you can use coconut oil if you like) then stirred in cacao and a tiny bit of maple syrup to taste. I added a tablespoon of almond butter into this mix and a tablespoon or two of coconut oil. I then poured this into my popped amaranth and added some salt to taste, a few shakes of cacao nibs and a little vanilla. I then spread them out in a baking tin and popped them in the freezer for a couple of hours. Once set you can just snap off or cut into little bars and enjoy! be careful though although they are healthy they are VERY addictive.





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Oh my days, I have had some amaranth in my cupboard for ages and no clue what to do with it. Well now I know, thanx to you. I never would have guessed to pop them first hahaha. Thankyou.

same! I bought it and cooked it once and it was soggy and terrible and I never used it again but now I'm obsessed with these!!! this is defo one of the ways to use it.

not a massive fan of raw chocolate but I cook the same way as you, just guesstimate and hope for the best. I will give it a try. Reminds me of those rice crispies cakes we used to make as a kid.

The original recipe was actually just with melted chocolate I just only eat raw really so I changed it

I'd love to do more raw but I'm too damn lazy to change. Keep posting ur recipes tho it might catch on especially with the price of fuel hahaha

Are you kidding raw is expeeeensive

It won't be expensive if no-one can afford fuel hahaha. I do eat raw when I'm pottering in the garden, always picking and eating there. Had a raw brussel sprout today nomnomnom