Flying with Blurt Towards the Full Moon

in user •  2 years ago  (edited)

(Design by @ifullamri with CorelDRAW)

The last few days we've seen that Blurt freefall down like a waterfall in the sun. There must be a reason for the decline in the Blurt price, the saying goes that if there is action there must be a reaction.

Various arguments were presented to the public to explain the causes and consequences of the decline in the Blurt price, some were of the opinion that the Blurt price had fallen due to the impact of the Russian military aggression on Ukraine.

Another view was that the Blurt price had fallen due to a large Power Down by several popes on the Blurt Platform.

In the world of Blockchain, this is considered very common, advantages and disadvantages are considered to have the same value because they both have an element of interest. If the price is lowered, of course, the Blurt developer will benefit from the transaction results, and vice versa, if the price is increased, the Blurt user/member will benefit, this is the business world, we cannot deny that the blockchain world must be profitable and there must be the loser.

I'm sure when you enter into a business you must already know that there are risks that must be borne. Talking about profit and loss, I think you understand very well what else about the crypto world, as we know the price of Blurt is currently falling, if you buy Blurt at a high price of course now is not the right time for you to sell Blurt, I think now this is the right time for you to increase your capital in Blurt, let's say now is the right time for you to invest in Blurt, then please buy Blurt at,, and

What do I want to talk about here? Seeing the price of Blurt go down, of course we all have to make a breakthrough, a new idea accompanied by action to have an effect on the price of Blurt rising. There are some Blurt members who really come here not only to get Blurt and then leave, they want to build the Blurt community to be even bigger, let's give appreciation to those who care about Blurt. (applause for them)

As a Blurt member with a very low Blurt Power level, I invite my friends to actively participate in building this platform so that it can grow even more.

What should we do to increase Blurt transactions?

For users of the Blurt Platform I advise you to try to help Blurt slowly rise to the full moon by doing the following activities.

  1. Every Blurt platform user makes one post a day, quality content, and no plagiarism.
  2. Every Blurt member in one day can comment on other members' posts at least 10 comments a day.
  3. Each Blurt member gives Upvote to other members regardless of the status of the Blurt user.
  4. Every post that has been published is shared to other social media. (Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram, etc.)
  5. Each Blurt member can invite others to use the Blurt Platform at least 1 person in 2 weeks, or 3 people in 1 month.

We need to do the five points above to increase communication transactions on Blurt, it should be remembered that Blurt is not only looking for income for personal interests, but for the common good. The family chain in Blurt must be improved in order to make it easier for Blurt to go up slowly until it reaches the maximum place according to the transactions that occur.

Some of us of course have implemented the five points above, this message is conveyed to those who want to build love and kinship in Blurt. because the Blurt Platform is not just looking for profit, the main thing is to build communication, provide information, and publish the work, if you get Blurt or profit it is a Bonus for us because we have tried. But our focus is to build love so we can fly with Blurt to the Moon.

Hopefully we are always in good health, success for all of us.


Community | Publication | Information

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

By @ifullamri

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Hi, @ifullamri,

Thank you for your contribution to the Blurt ecosystem.

Please consider voting for the witness @symbionts.
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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

As we discussed earlier, this is a normal rhythm in the Blockchain world. I still believe, Blurt will reach its highest peak this year. Let's just wait until the best day arrives.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm also optimistic that Blurt will fly towards the full moon.

Blurt is surely not where we want it to be, but this can also serve as an opportunity for people to buy more and increase their holdings.

People need to be mindful of their choice.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

but this can also serve as an opportunity for people to buy more and increase their holdings.

Of course now is a good time to buy some Blurt. Unfortunately I have not been able to invest. I hope you can invest in the near future.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is very simple. No mystery at all. Blurt price is falling since double-u is selling his Blurt for very low prices.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, I understand about double-u selling Blurt. It is everyone's personal right.

How about we focus on advertising Blurt. For example, every user who shares posts on Twitter and Facebook will be given some Blurt for him. I think it can encourage people to share their posts.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Absolutely. It’s everyone’s right to do whatever they want with the Blurt. Buy Blurt, Sell Blurt, Delegate etc etc etc…

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

etc etc etc questionable.😀