Weekly Riddles Challenge #03 Special Week With Extra Rewards

in riddleschallenge •  2 years ago 


Hello Everyone!

You're warmly welcome to the third weekly riddles challenge! After the first week, the 2nd week's challenge was also successful. As I guessed that after passing each weeks, participants will increase so it occurred in the previous week. There were a few new faces in the challenge. I mentioned in promoting post that the last week of each month would be special with extra rewards and there would be a luckiest comment from all the weeks of the month. So, join us on every Thursday for funs, chats, exchanging ideas, testing intelligence and at the same time a few opportunities to grab rewards also.


Today, I have added three new things :

  • 01- Thought of The Day

  • 02- Five Lucky Comments from Previous Week

  • 03- The Luckiest Comment of The Month



The five lucky comments winners from last week are :
@tariqueshafique, @tanweeralam, @ifullamri, @merit.ahama and @touhid1999. Rewards have been sent to their accounts, here is the screenshot:

The luckiest comment from all the weeks of the month goes to @taquiuddin, here is his rewards transferring screenshot:

From Here Repeated Text

There are three categories in the comments section :

  • 1st category for Riddles Challenge only.
  • 2nd category for General Chats.
  • 3rd Category for Exchanging Ideas & Suitable Suggestions

So, be witty to comment in the specific places for every category.


  • The challenge post is published each Thursday at 09:30 (Indian Time).
  • Total three riddles are asked.
  • After 15 minutes of posting, the first riddle is asked to the participants.
  • 12 minutes is provided to solve the riddle.
  • Whose answer is correct at first, I will vote it to confirm .
  • And then I will send his reward in the 14th minutes of the first riddle.
  • In the same way, 2nd and 3rd riddle will asked in the 30th and 45th minute of posting.
  • Unfortunately, if any riddles isn't solved by any participants within 12 minutes, no one will get the reward for it.


  • On every correct answer, 25 liquid blurts will be given.
  • 100% Upvote from me (@nazirhussain).
  • There will be special rewards for the last week of each month, where 35 liquid blurts will be given for every correct answer.


  • There will be five lucky comments from every week.
  • Five liquid blurts will be given to each lucky comments.
  • It's strong possible that lucky comments should be chosen for different users.
  • There will be a luckiest comment which be selected from all weeks of the month and will be rewarded 20 liquid blurts on the last week of each month.


We are human beings and live on the earth. So, we sometimes fell ill, sometimes disasters ruin our resources and we have to face different kind of difficulties. In these cases, if the challenge is not organised on Thursday, then it will be hold on the next day.


  • To make our community more attractive and fluent.
  • To create a healthy atmosphere.

  • To provide all Blutians an opportunity to meet each others.

  • To have some funs to taste users' minds and bring their intelligence.

  • To produce a nice environment of conversation and exchanging ideas.


  • ❌ Don't abuse anyone.
  • ❌ Don't troll someone.
  • ❌ Don't share nude pics.
  • ❌ Don't raise racism.
  • ❌ Don't do spams.


Perhaps all of you know very well that @rajitsear sir has brought an inspiring and outstanding project called "Blurt Hospital". So, 20% shares of each challenge will go to the project. Share of last week has been sent to his account.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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A nice challenge. I will try to participate next time.

Posted from https://blurt.live

OK bro!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com


Posted from https://blurt.one

Congratulations @tariqueshafique! Your answer is correct at first. You have won 35 blurts.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Wow I am very excited to be first winner of the day

Posted from https://blurt.one


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Waiting for the riddle

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello everybody

Come to 2nd category for chat!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Traffic Light

Posted from https://blurt.one

Wow, again congrats @tariqueshafique! Your answer is correct. You have won another 35 blurts.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

All people wish me good luck

Posted from https://blurt.one

I am so excited I think I am very lucky today.

Posted from https://blurt.one


Posted from https://blurt.one


Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Traffic light

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

An echo.

Congrats @tanweeralam! Your answer is correct at first. You have won 35 blurts!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

An echo

A sound

Posted from https://blurt.one

An echo in mountain or between high buildings

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hello everyone this is my first time in the riddle challenge... Let's get started already

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

After 15 minutes of posting, the first riddle is asked to the participants.

In the same way, 2nd and 3rd riddle will asked in the 30th and 45th minute of posting.

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Nice. You can do it.

Welcome to the weekly riddles challenge

Posted from https://blurt.one


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yesterday I read a news. Researchers found that the King Cobra kingdom was in India and Indonesia.

The four proposed species (which have not yet been officially named) are the Western Ghats lineage in southwest India, the Indo-Chinese lineage in Indonesia and western China, the Indo-Malay lineage which includes India and Malaysia, and the Island lineage of Luzon, found in the Philippines. Source


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Hello guys
Good evening

Posted from https://blurt.one

Good to see you here again!

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Thank you
I am very happy to be here
A part of your weekly riddles challenge

Posted from https://blurt.one

Congratulation luckiest winner @taquiuddin

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I observed that only the Indian time was writing unlike the first contest where there was more efforts to breakdown the different time zones... I think if the team create time to breakdown the different time zones for the post in their work it will be helpful

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

If this timing zone will be mentioned in every riddles post for next some weeks will it be better ?
What do you think?

Posted from https://blurt.one

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I think it will be helpful because many will know when to anticipate the competition

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com


Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Thank you so much for your helpful suggestion! It will be added in next challenge.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much . Thanks for your generosity towards our project . God bless you .

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com