Poem: My Heart Can Speak

in r2cornell •  2 years ago 

I listened once and heard twice
My heart can speak, yes it can
The voice is deep and small
Only for those who listens.

It speaks so well, I can attest
The words are carefully constructed
The person next to me can tell
Exactly what he heard it say.

My heart can speak just as it beats
The words come with heat
It feels so good to hear it
You can respond if you want.

Deep and deep the sound goes
As I smile and decode all
The messages it sent to me
To free myself of every bond.

The volume, I have turned on
So I can hear loud and clear
Everything it has to say
I'll do accordingly, sure!.


To care for all it tells me
To forgive all I heard it say
To love with pure intentions
And lift all burdens deep within.

The speaking heart is never mute
Words of wisdom it mutters
My ears are glued to my heart
I can't take it off for now.

My heart can speak, I'm so glad
When in need and when confused
I'll ask my heart to talk to me
And tell exactly what to do.

You can also read on my Serey Blog

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