in r2cornell •  2 years ago 


Author: @r2cornell


It has been awhile since I published something on Blurt. I developed a cough, and lung infections around 2.5 weeks ago. Ever since I had Covid in January 2021I have had problems with my lungs. I developed asthma for the first time in my life and it is the second time this year I developed problems with my lungs. I did finally see my doctor, and she gave me medication which has helped. I was able to sleep in my bed last night for the first time since this hit. I slept better although I did have to be propped up with pillows. I am feeling better.

Ha pasado un tiempo desde que publiqué algo en Blurt. He desarrollado una tos, y las infecciones pulmonares alrededor de 2,5 semanas atrás. Desde que tuve Covid en enero de 2021 he tenido problemas con mis pulmones. Desarrollé asma por primera vez en mi vida y es la segunda vez este año que desarrollé problemas con mis pulmones. Finalmente vi a mi médico y me dio una medicación que me ha ayudado. Anoche pude dormir en mi cama por primera vez desde que me afectó. Dormí mejor, aunque tuve que apoyarme con almohadas. Me siento mejor.

Blurt price has been getting hit hard. I see today again someone must have dumped more at a low price. It is always interesting when someone dumps a token at a very low price, because they too lose money. You do not lose money if you do not sell. Stay active and accumulate more Blurt. If possible buy some at the low price. I am still optimistic about Blurt and maintain my hold on what I have.

El precio de Blurt se ha visto muy afectado. Veo que hoy de nuevo alguien debe haber vendido más a un precio bajo. Siempre es interesante cuando alguien vende Blurt a un precio muy bajo, porque ellos también pierden dinero. No pierdes dinero si no vendes. Manténgase activo y acumule más Blurt. Si es posible, compre algunas a un precio bajo. Yo sigo siendo optimista con respecto a Blurt y mantengo lo que tengo.

My curators continue to curate publications. It is a great time to accumulate more Blurt power. I personally would not sell anything if you can until the price comes back. Selling now just adds to the downward pressure.

Personalmente, no venderé nada si se puede hasta que el precio vuelva a subir. Vender ahora sólo aumenta la presión a la baja.

So I can publish this in a timely manner I will move onto some photographs.

Para poder publicar esto a tiempo, pasaré a algunas fotografías.

end of post graphic.png


I thought my cover photograph would be perfect for today. I know I can use a light sunshine in the form of a flower to keep me going as I heal, and deal with life in general. The above photograph is a macro-view of a a small sunflower. This photo was taken a couple of years ago. I did have a few sunflowers growing in a container this year. Even though nit was next to my shop the deer came by for a snack.

He pensado que mi fotografía de portada sería perfecta para hoy. Sé que puedo utilizar una luz de sol en forma de flor para seguir adelante mientras me curo y me enfrento a la vida en general. La fotografía de arriba es una vista macro de un pequeño girasol. Los ciervos se los comieron.

I usually like to find a rose photo for my cover photo, but today I am placing it second. It is cheerful as the sunflower, but the sunflower won out. Hope you enjoy this pink rose. I believe it is one of mine that died out a couple of years ago.

Normalmente me gusta encontrar una foto de una rosa para mi foto de portada, pero hoy la pongo en segundo lugar. Es tan alegre como el girasol, pero el girasol ganó. Espero que disfrutéis de esta rosa rosa. Creo que es una de las mías que se extinguió hace un par de años.

Pink rose-blurt.jpg

This next photograph is of a sunrise when looking out my front door. This time of year there are forest fires in the area and we have to deal with a lot of smoke. Our reward is beautiful sunrises and sunsets. The smoke has cleared out recently, yet when I shined a flashlight into the night sky yesterday, I was shocked at all the particles in the air.

La siguiente fotografía es de un amanecer al mirar la puerta de mi casa. En esta época del año hay incendios forestales en la zona y tenemos que lidiar con mucho humo. Nuestra recompensa son los hermosos amaneceres y atardeceres. El humo se ha disipado recientemente, pero cuando ayer iluminé el cielo nocturno con una linterna, me sorprendió la cantidad de partículas que había en el aire.


Here is another sunflower, albeit unusual. It is the darkest one that I have grown. Hope you enjoy it.

Aquí hay otro girasol, aunque inusual. Es el más oscuro que he cultivado. Espero que lo disfruten.


Here is a photo of a mother deer and her twins. It is in Fall, so they are in very good health. The one is trying to eat an apple so its mouth appears open. I am quite sure this year we have two sets of twins in the area. My trail cameras have not been cooperative and I have yet to capture they on film.

Aquí hay una foto de una madre ciervo y sus gemelos. Es en otoño, por lo que gozan de muy buena salud. La que está tratando de comer una manzana por lo que su boca parece abierta. Estoy bastante seguro de que este año tenemos dos pares de gemelos en la zona. Mis cámaras de rastreo no han cooperado y todavía tengo que capturarlos en la película.


The final photograph is a macro-view of a geranium. It was at one time the most standard of the geranium flowers, but in the last decade or so may other color variations are taking precedence.

La última fotografía es una vista macro de un geranio. En un tiempo fue la más estándar de las flores de geranio, pero en la última década más o menos puede que otras variaciones de color estén tomando precedencia.


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I must be feeling better because once I started working on this post it kept flowing, so I have finished it much quicker than normal.

Debo sentirme mejor porque una vez que empecé a trabajar en este post siguió fluyendo, así que lo he terminado mucho más rápido de lo normal.

This brings us to the end of this publication. I trust you will find something in it that you enjoy. In my photography I try to bring out hidden beauty that many miss, and share the wonder I experience when I see a flower. Thank you for sharing these moments with me.

Con esto llegamos al final de esta publicación. Confío en que encuentren en ella algo que les guste. En mi fotografía intento sacar a la luz la belleza oculta que muchos pasan por alto, y compartir la maravilla que experimento cuando veo una flor.

I normally use a Canon EOS Rebel T5 for most photographs, except where noted. I do take some photographs with my Samsung Note 9 smart phone and include them from time to time. The only editing I do on my photographs is some cropping to center the photo, or to bring it closer to the viewer.

Normalmente utilizo una Canon EOS Rebel T5 para la mayoría de las fotografías, excepto cuando se indica. También tomo algunas fotografías con mi teléfono inteligente Samsung Note 9 y las incluyo de vez en cuando. La única edición que hago en mis fotografías es algún recorte para centrar la foto, o para acercarla al espectador.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hi @r2cornell,
I'm sad to hear that you're suffering a hard time this past weeks and wish you a fast and complete recovery.
As always I enjoy your shots, the black sunflower is so amazing, love it!
I wouldn't sell my BLURTs at this moment regarding the low price, tryied to "catch" some good "low" te get some more...

Sending good vibes 🤗

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That dark sunflower is quite impressive. I would like to get another plot of sunflowers going next spring. I mix different varieties of those used for bouquets.

Yes buying on dips is a good way to go. I bought at all levels of price. Right now I have plenty, or i would be buying.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My dear friend, I hope you get better soon at Blurt we need more people like you, who create this beautiful platform.
I love your flowers and you have a beautiful blessing with that wonderful view from your house.
I share a hug and good wishes.
Good vibes.😍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. The last two days feeling better, but low stamina.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Congratulations your post has been curated by @blurt-india .
Support our couration account by delegating some of your blurt power to blurt-india and make it stronger

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

Nice post and beautiful flowers photography 😍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

So sorry for your cough and i wish you quick recovery. These are all beautiful flowers I can see.
I am grateful to God for sustaining your life and he will keep doing even much more.
Check out my last post. Also i have another post,God saved me from a fatal Bus crash last weekend.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I am feeling better everyday, and increasing my activity.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm happy to hear that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

your picture is very beautiful Wishing you better health every day.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Wow great photography.
I appreciate it...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Most welcome sir....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very nice photography.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sir beautiful flower photos are very well made

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

Wow, so amazing photographs with meaningful lines. I like your blogs so much. Thank you so much for bringing such posts constantly!

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks. I appreciate it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Always good advice and always lovely photography. Hope you get well soon :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I am doing bette the last 2 days. Should keep moving forward now

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Good to hear that stay strong my friend 👍

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

It is always interesting when someone dumps a token at a very low price, because they too lose money. You do not lose money if you do not sell.

It's 100% true. Patience is the key factor to success. I will hold my earnings also even under a worse condition than now because I still believe blurt.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

The longest asset I held was for 21 years. I just stayed steady during the ups and downs of the market. When I sold last year I ended up averaging 25.6% annual return over that 21 year period. I made enough profit to pay off my mortgage and put some away in investments for retirement. Like you said "Patience".

  ·  2 years ago  · years means a lot..I don't know I have patience for that much of time😅

It is a pleasure for us to share our best wishes and congratulations. You have received a virtual hug, from the @newvisionlife account. Curation team.
Living better without thinking about age is our motto

Thank you for using our hashtag #newvisionlife


Es un placer para nosotros compartir nuestros mejores deseos y felicitaciones. Usted ha recibido un abrazo virtual del equipo de curación manual @newvisionlife . Vivir mejor sin pensar en la edad
Gracias por utilizar nuestra etiqueta #newvisionlife

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That is why they are called sunflowers, because they always face the sun and turn their heads in the direction of the sun's rotation. In the morning, the head of the sunflower faces east, which is where the sun rises, and turns in the course of the day to the west, which is where the sun sets.

Por ese motivo se llaman girasoles estimado Robert, porque siempre miran al sol y van girando la posición de su cabeza en dirección a la rotación del sol. A la mañana la cabeza del girasol mira hacia el Este que es por donde sale el sol y se va girando en el curso del dia hacia el Oeste que es por donde se pone el sol.

Posted from