Poem: The love We Shared

in r2cornell •  last year 


Under the gentle caress of twilight's shade,
Our love flourished, untouched and genuine.
A harmonic fusion of spirits, a graceful waltz,
In one another's presence, our identities were formed.


Through life's intricate maze, hand in hand we strolled,
Sharing laughter and tears,
through endless hours and days.
Your smile, a radiant guide within the darkest of nights,
Leading me towards the everlasting glow of love.


Affectionate whispers, like a gentle breeze's kiss,
Carried our dreams to distant shores.
Within your gaze, I discovered my haven,
A sanctuary where love roams freely.
With every tender contact, a spark is ignited,
In your embrace, my heart soars skyward.


Our journey intertwined, a tapestry entwined,
Two souls joined, destined and chosen.
Though time may pass, and the seasons transform,
Our love remains resilient, never to estrange.


Forever etched in the memories we dared to build,
The love we shared, forever cherished.
Beneath the starlit canvas above,
Our love blossomed, defying the notion of goodbye.
Like vines interwoven, our hearts embraced,
An unbreakable bond, one of a kind.


Through laughter and tears, together we stood,
Facing life's trials with unwavering pride.
Your presence, a solace, an everlasting embrace,
In your love, I discovered tranquility and elegance.
Each moment treasured as a precious gem,
A symphony of emotions, a symphony of delight.


Your laughter, a melody that warmed the depths of my being,
Within your arms, I found my completeness.
In whispered confessions and stolen glances,
We discovered a realm where love thrives.
Handwritten notes and vows exchanged,
Engraved eternally within our hearts.


As time dances forward, our love endures,
A symphony of memories, a love that sustains.
No distance or obstacle can sever our connection,
For you are forever ingrained in my heart.
So let the pages of our love story unfurl,
A tapestry of sentiments, a love unyielding.
In the chapters that lie ahead, whatever may come our way,
Our love shall shine brighter with each passing day.


Posted from https://blurtlatam.intinte.org
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