Enjoy coffee in a lovely café

in r2cornell •  last year 


Coffee is a drink that has a taste that makes us feel comfortable when we enjoy it, and for some reason coffee is always synonymous with men, even if you don't consume coffee in a day, it feels like something is incomplete in you. everyday life.



There are lots of coffee connoisseurs, many business people are competing to create a place where we can enjoy the best coffee they have, and this happens in every corner of the area, both in my area and in any corner of the country, and this time I will try to tell you about a cafe that has a good taste of coffee and of course the place is also very interesting to visit

Ali Kopi , that's the name of this place, a cafe that has a cool cafe design, especially at night, the bright light from the cafe's lights can be seen from a distance and its strategic location has made this place very busy lately.

This place is quite far from my house, they built it in a paddy field where the air is cool, and it was the first time I visited this place out of curiosity to say that this place is very beautiful at night.



There are a number of beautiful cafes in this area, but this is the place that I visited. Although some of the other cafes are also very attractive, I prefer this place, because I think this place is quite comfortable to relax.

As soon as I arrived, the lights installed in every corner greeted me with enchanted eyes, the interior was quite beautiful, the lights were dimmed and some plants were also visible in the courtyard of the cafe

A fir tree standing firmly right in the middle of the courtyard of the cafe, its beauty made me curious and brought me to see it closer, the green leaves covered in yellow light made it look even more beautiful, it was truly amazing.


In this cafe there are several corners that we can choose to relax, and after choosing my friends and I finally decided to go up to a unique building that has a beautiful shape using a classic theme.

The shape of this building resembles buildings that existed in the past, the cafe owner deliberately did this because he wanted to preserve the existing culture, some traditional houses are now rarely seen, even though the shape is very beautiful with an extraordinary design.

Some of the lights installed in the places we chose are also quite unique, really taking on a classic concept with a mix of contemporary styles, the whole building is made of wood and thatched with thatched roofs, like old buildings.


The silence of the night with the wind really makes me feel comfortable, I deliberately came to this place at midnight, so it's not too crowded and noisy, I just want to enjoy coffee in peace while enjoying the natural atmosphere around it, it's really amazing

The coffee does have a delicious taste and the price is also quite cheap, so there is no more reason to refuse to visit this place, and I think that's all I can share for this time, thank you and see you soon

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