Even with covid. ☹️ - Aun con covid. ☹️

in r2cornell •  3 years ago 

Greetings friends.

Saludos amigos.

The last time I posted was 22 days ago, and I was talking about how bad I felt and my suspicions that it was covid. Well, I tested positive. Even to this date I am taking treatment because when I had the X-ray last week, there is phlegm in my lungs, so they prescribed another stronger antibiotic that makes me nauseous and stomach ache, but I have to take it to see if with that antibiotic I improve. I had already taken a box of another antibiotic but I didn't get better with that one. Also I still have a cough that is only strong in the morning.

La última vez que publiqué fue hace 22 días, y hablaba de lo mal que me sentía y de mis sospechas que era el covid. Pues resulté positivo al examen. Aún a esta fecha estoy tomando tratamiento ya que al hacerme la radiografía la semana pasada, hay flema en mis pulmones por lo tanto me recetaron otro antibiótico más fuerte que me produce nauseas y dolor de estómago pero debo tomarlo para ver si con ese antibiótico mejoro. Ya me había tomado una caja de otro antibiótico pero no mejoré con ese. Además aún tengo la tos que solo es fuerte en las mañanas.



Next week I have to go to the doctor again to see my progress, I hope that everything will be fine by then and I won't have to continue taking so many medications.

La semana que viene debo ir nuevamente al médico para ver mi progreso, espero que ya todo esté bien para entonces y no tenga que seguir tomando tantos medicamentos.

My daughter Kathe was sick for 3 days but after a week of being well, she relapsed and we had to take her to the pediatrician and when she did the X-ray she also had phlegm and they sent her antibiotic treatment and she also has a reevaluation with the doctor next week.

Mi hija Kathe estuvo mal 3 días pero luego de una semana de estar bien, recayó y tuvimos que llevarla al pediatra y al hacerle la radiografía también tenía flema y le mandaron tratamiento con antibiótico y también tiene reevaluación con el médico la semana que viene.

I hope to we return us to normal soon.

Espero que pronto volvamos a la normalidad.

Happy weekend to everyone.

Feliz fin de semana para todos.


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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

All the best for you two!!
Good recovery!
Kind regards to Kathe!

Thank you very much.😘

Take care and get well soon @blessed-girl.
Also do try some home remedies to get rid of the phlegm, you can do Steam, you can also boil ginger, mint and fenugreek seeds and have that water. It's very good for immunity building.

Hello, thanks for the recommendation, I had never heard about fenugreek, I thought it did not exist here in Venezuela and I looked for it online and they do sell it in another city, it has excellent properties, I will try to acquire it.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry to hear about this. Did you also take the 2 vaccines and many boosters ? So far I have been able to avoid Covid.

Until now we had also avoided it, but my daughter Kathe took off her mask at school and in music class, she was the one who started with the virus and then everyone at home, but it affected us more to her and me. Here in my city there are many cases, even in the building where I live there are several cases, strong coughing can be heard all day.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Even with the vaccines ?

I can't get vaccinated, it would hurt me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I have 2 neighbours who did not get vaccinated ….. they are both quite sick with something. I will ask them if anything is helping with their illness ….

ok, thank you.

Mejórate linda.

Gracias 😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sorry about that dear friend. I wish you quick recovery. I wish Kathe quick recovery too. Take good care of yourself

Thank you

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Sounds like you have a bacterial chest infection as well. Luckily, this variant of Covid doesn't attack the lungs like the original variant and Delta variant did. That could have been a lot more dangerous if you're already infected with something else.

I wish you the best, get well soon, both of you. 🙏

Thank you.
I have thanked God that it was not the delta variant and I have talked a lot with my daughter about it, so that she is more careful not to take off her mask in the street.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I'm was also wondering why you are not posting @blessed-girl, I thought that you are just very busy with something and not knowing that you still have cough considering that we both got it at almost the same time.

I am vaccinated twice with Moderna plus a booster shot of Pfizer. They say that vaccinated people can also get CoViD but not to get sick enough to require a hospital stay, that is why I recovered after just taking medicine for phlegm, after about a week I am already OK.

Praying that you and Kathe will recover soon. 🙏

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

yes, I remember that we are sick at the same time, and I have read that you got better thank God.
I appreciate your prayers for us.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

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Hola!!! Siempre he contado con tu apoyo a través de @r2cornell pero no sé por qué nunca se me ocurrió buscar tu user hasta ahora. Te agradezco el apoyo. Deseo con todo el corazón y le pediré a Dios por la pronta recuperación de tu salud y la de tu familia.

Muchas Gracias 😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Porque vos sois una ingrata, jajaja.
Pero ya estáis aquí y eso es lo que cuenta ahora.🥰

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Malo!!! 😂

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

OMG!!! I am so sorry to hear what you have been going through. Did you change your diet as well? You should start taking a lot of citruses as well. I will pray for you, dear...I think you should talk to sir as well about what can be done to recover properly...

yes, I'm drinking citrus, ginger tea with lemon, guava leaves with lemon, oregano with lemon, plus vitamin C in capsules with zinc and vitamin D, I just need to get rid of that strong cough that gives me in the mornings, because there are no more body aches and no fever, thank God.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Amiguita hermosa 😔 solo espero que tu organismo responda bien a lo que estás tomando y evolucione hasta recuperarse por completo.

La niña es fuerte al igual que su madre, así que ambas estarán de lo mejor en los próximos días

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Gracias amigo, Amén 🙏

Sorry to hear about this, my mother also got corona once Her condition was very serious, then the doctor injected her with pneumonia and she recovered very quickly.
I pray to god that you too get well soon my friend

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Es un placer para nosotros compartir nuestros mejores deseos y felicitaciones. Usted ha recibido un abrazo virtual de la cuenta de curación @newvisionlife y curado manualmente por @OneRay
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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Con el favor de Dios todo estará bien, te envío un gran abrazo mi bella dama, mucho cariño, agua y buena actitud para controlar tus emociones.
Te deseo lo mejor.
Buena vibra.

Estimada amiga, espero sigas recuperándote y que pronto puedas regresar a tu vida normal. Recibe mis afectos Félix.

Gracias, bendiciones.🙏