My frustration with contemporary society.

in r2connnell •  last year 



My frustration with contemporary society.


We are all aware that every state and country is making every effort possible to modernize and stay ahead of the pack, even if doing so puts the lives of others at danger.

Despite the fact that my nation, Nigeria, is still in the development stage. However, I have been able to go to the seven continents of the globe and have also witnessed the positive and negative aspects of modernity thanks to study and the internet.

Though they really had a lot of belligerent and cosmetic setbacks that were more noticeable in war, territory, linguistic, and natural calamities, I have always liked the genuineness in the lives of our ancestors and the ancient periods they lived in.

Despite the fact that I see and perceive what we would refer to as modernization differently. The tower of Babel, according to the Book of Jubilee, stands at a height of about 2,484 meters (8,150 feet), but in this age of modernization, the Burj Khalifa in Dubai is the tallest structure, standing at 828 meters (2,717 feet), and it cannot be compared to what we saw in Babel.

Another example is the great wall of China, whose design dates back to the 7th century and whose wall is roughly 8,850 km. No current project has a wall as large as this.

Do we discuss Egyptian magic when sticks changed into snakes at the speed of light but in our contemporary civilization such things are only seen in the virtual world?

In reference to some clear facts in the Christian Holy Book, should we be talking about Babylonian astrologers and star gazers who predicted the future using magic, or perhaps a man like Elijah in ancient times who outran a man riding a horse using only his bare feet, or Philip who vanished and reappeared at the speed of light after meeting an Ethiopian named Eunuch?

All of the aforementioned results serve as evidence that, up to this point, nothing significant has changed from what we understood to be the ancient reality.


My biggest objection to modernisation
However, I'm quite enraged by the way countries are expanding and stepping up their nuclear arsenals in contravention of what ought to be the standard operating procedure for safeguarding both individual national integrities and the wellbeing of the human race as a whole.

I have paid close attention to how the five global superpowers boast about their nuclear arsenals, acting as if their use wouldn't have any negative effects on people. We can also confirm that Putin, the leader of Russia, threatened to use nuclear weapons not only against Ukraine but also against NATO countries if they became involved in their conflict.

Despite how attractive it may appear, I actually despise modernization for its tendency to produce destructive equipment. If something can kill someone or annihilate a group of people, why should I perish in the attractive appearance of what I built to protect myself?

I'm at a loss as to why individuals or governments would go beyond making standard protective gear to building a massively deadly weapon, and this is just horrible in my opinion.

Well! I have also acknowledged that all of these aim to preserve the integrity of a certain landscape, yet modernisation in this regard is not really worthwhile. Why not improve educational research? Why not in other technological instruments, and why more in technology that causes destruction?

We have more and better war aircraft than usual, better war ships than regular cargo ships, and better jet fighters than usual jets. Guns are more prevalent than scientific apparatus like computers in the globe. The amount of people a nation's nuclear defense system can exterminate in the event of usage may be underestimated, and if precautions are not taken, it may wipe out the whole human species.

a fix for the nuclear weapons usage during the modernisation phase.
The truth is that there is always a path ahead if we can adopt fresh perspectives and new behaviors, as Abraham Lincoln, the 16th President of the United States, famously said. The events of the peaceful past are insufficient for the turbulent present, which is stacked high with trouble. We must rise to the occasion since our instances are new, which requires us to think and act in new ways.

I think the scientific community has a mechanism for deactivating the potency of an acidic solution. Contrarily, in order to lessen the pace of human devastation and the worry we have induced in our society via the use of technology throughout modernization, those nuclear weapons may also be deactivated alongside the development and employment of certain advanced weapons.

The non-substitutable lives of people should always be honored above national integrity since national integrity is a byproduct of cosmic integrity.

To lessen the threat of social competition and belligerence, less lethal weapons should be produced. At this moment, I want to pull the curtain. Regards and thanks for reading.

Am @kingworld-line

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