Concerns Regarding Sin and Prayer

in r2connnell •  last year  (edited)



Concerns Regarding Sin and Prayer.


Nevertheless, Pastor Eli elaborated his message as he quoted other passages from the Bible, among them:

The first conversation that Pastor Eli had was about admitting our sins to one another.
After the event in the Garden of Eden, it is clear that sin has always been a part of man.***

He said that because God has the power to forgive sins, we should confess them to him.

Eli the pastor said something that was very amazing. Don't spread tales about your brother if you observe him sinning; instead, pray for him.
This is one of the reasons why individuals would prefer keep their hidden transgressions to themselves than confess them to others they had imagined would also keep them private.

It is preferable to pray to God to release us from those sins than to risk psychological stigma when we discuss our failings with others in order to avoid falling prey to those whom we believe would defend our interests by joining hands with us in prayer when we confess our transgressions to them.

It is also safe to discuss our shortcomings with our brothers or sisters if we really do have someone in whom we can really confide.

James 5:16 To be cured, confess your shortcomings to one another and pray for one another. A virtuous man's effective, ardent prayer is very helpful.(KJV)

We might infer from this chapter of Scripture that we should confess our faults to one another, but we must be selective about who we confess them to since not all brothers and sisters are equal.

We ought to pray for one another as well, it is said. Every Christian has a responsibility to pray for one another and refrain from criticizing one another for their faults and spiritual shortcomings.

And the Bible claims that a good person's prayer is highly fruitful, i.e., powerful, when he prays.

On the other hand, there are sins that do not immediately kill the offender, and when we observe our brothers or sisters committing such sins, it is our responsibility to pray and not to mock them, as stated in 1 John 5:16.

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Was to pray
I also discovered that the church is a place of prayer and that we shouldn't use words of regret when we pray since God already knows our true intentions before we even begin.

iBut instead of repeating your prayers in vain as the people of other cultures do, refrain from doing so.
Don't be like them instead since your Father already knows what you need before you even ask him.(KJV)

No matter how long we have prayed or how many times we have said whatever we have as a prayer, our prayers are not answered.

When we pray, we respect God by bowed down before him, giving him praise for the things he has accomplished, and then we express to him our precise needs.

Because of Pastor Eli's explanation of prayer, I also learned that it is a doctrine, but we also need discipline. When we pray, we must bow down to God in a way that shows our respect for him before bringing our desire before him.

If you ask, you will receive; if you look for, you will find; and if you knock, it will be opened for you.(KJV)

This verse is a reminder that because God is the one who taught us to pray to him, he will grant our requests when we make them.

While sharing his testimony of how God prevented the plane he was traveling on from crashing, Pastor Eli also said that there are moments in life when men are unable to assist us. In these situations, we must turn to God for assistance.

In truth, there are times when we really need God to step in and help us because no human being can. Therefore, we must rely on God and not on man.

As Christians, what we really need is prayer, as the Bible commands us to do. When we stop praying, we fall victim to our difficulties and, especially, the devil, who is our main adversary.

The teaching also cautions us not to distrust God in the midst of our prayers since there is nothing too difficult for him to do. Only humans are constrained by their own nature and by their limited ability to provide answers to a wide range of problems.

Be concerned for nothing, but in everything, express your requests to God in prayer and supplication together with thanksgiving.(KJV)

We may learn from this verse, as Pastor Eli mentioned it, that we shouldn't worry about anything and but instead present all of our problems to God in prayer, petition, and gratitude.

The problem with us humans is that the majority of us do not really trust that God can perform exactly what he declared in his word.

We have also overburdened ourselves with our difficulties and clung to them, forgetting that only God is worthy of all the praise and that we are unable to adequately meet our requirements as individuals or as a society without divine assistance.

When we pray, we are to kneel down because doing so shows our regard for God and that we have given God our worries.

Am @kingworld-line

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