Investors want to see a good working product ,.. investors seem to like that a lot .
Why would anyone invest in a system not even giving enough profit to pay the dev's working on it ?
Why do the "dev's" keep printing to pay themselves anyways ,. causing mass inflation ?
And believe me , i know some investors , like about 120 ancaps who hold this town i live in together .
At this moment they are all holding on to there volume and all real world project behind the invests they hold is stopped for now and planed for in a better future .
For me who does the actual real time work on there projects it has become a very hard time .
And you , without any clue ,.. scream for more investors as that is in your simple mind what will do .
Your opinion ,. yes it is ,.. any ideas on how to attract these investors to blurt in this time ?
With blurt run in this state ?
Your opinion seems very hollow and empty to me .
You might wanna fill that up a bit to be taken a least bit serious by me ( and many others )
Not expecting any worthy reply from you but the emptiness you behold ,.
so don't bother to do so , it will only hurt yourself some more .
Why should that interest me?
You're so full of yourself... Why don't you go pat yourself on the back?
For the bit you left out maybe ?
This bit ,
I mean , don't mind me ,.. and see ,.. you did it again .
As i predicted you would ,.. ;-)
I answered troll666 above on those issues... He adresses me in a normal manner...
Not answering dweebs, that adress me like that... You're getting ignored as of now...
Start asking yourself the question, why I trigger something in you.... ;)
Why don't you start looking around for another fetish? I'm not available...
That triggered you did it ,.. reality hitting you with a truth .
Feeling important , it figures ,. it fit's you perfect .
But no , you where merely a pawn in my works . It has done it's job for all to see . And has no longer purpose to me .
Just buy that 1.8M you need to get back in the 20 .
It might be the only way left for you .
Farewell ... ;-)
Oh, I will... And it's 160K not 1.8M dumbass... 😂
you WERE merely... Your grammar sucks...
Yes i know ,. i suck at numbers and have fucking bad grammar ,..
It does not change my stance or principles now does it ?
So 180 K last time i checked ,.. go buy your stairways to heaven .
Be happy with it in your shallow world .
Admit ,.. it's funny .
change the narrative that already bore, and the speech of we are the owners of the truth seems to be a phrase that is repeated daily to come here and try to sabotage everything.
Now with this price what will the dogs without balls, mmk and ctshit say?
They will sell everything? they will leave blurt? because that is always the threat.
that they offer to the community as a plan to raise the price?
What precisely are you as leaders offering to raise the price, what is that plan?
The only thing you see are the publications of 5 fools that say that they must stop the printing of Blurt, do not be so imbecile you are not founders of this project, neither are you related to the community and much less have followers.
So either you adapt or just continue with the useless discourse of 10 months ago....