RE: Inflation must be reduced

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Inflation must be reduced

in polish •  2 years ago 

I answered troll666 above on those issues... He adresses me in a normal manner...

And you , without any clue ,..

Not answering dweebs, that adress me like that... You're getting ignored as of now...
Start asking yourself the question, why I trigger something in you.... ;)
Why don't you start looking around for another fetish? I'm not available...

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

And you , without any clue ,..

That triggered you did it ,.. reality hitting you with a truth .

Start asking yourself the question, why I trigger something in you.... ;)

Feeling important , it figures ,. it fit's you perfect .
But no , you where merely a pawn in my works . It has done it's job for all to see . And has no longer purpose to me .
Just buy that 1.8M you need to get back in the 20 .
It might be the only way left for you .

Farewell ... ;-)

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Oh, I will... And it's 160K not 1.8M dumbass... 😂

you where merely

you WERE merely... Your grammar sucks...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes i know ,. i suck at numbers and have fucking bad grammar ,..
It does not change my stance or principles now does it ?

So 180 K last time i checked ,.. go buy your stairways to heaven .
Be happy with it in your shallow world .

Ok ,..coconut man , moon-heads and me ,..

Admit ,.. it's funny .

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