If we want Blurt to survive, serious thought must be given to reducing inflation. The Blurt has no restrictions on printing, which will only make it worth very little.
We need to think as soon as possible about how to keep the Blurt alive or it will sink. I realise that a lot of people's only wish is to buy millions of Blurt for free, but that doesn't matter, because probably if Blurt is free, it will collapse completely.
I'd love to know what you guys think, but also whether you think such a move is feasible at all. In my opinion, if we want to do something, we need to do it quickly.
Jeśli chcemy, by Blurt przetrwał, trzeba zastanowić się poważnie nad redukcją inflacji. Blurt nie ma ograniczeń w drukowaniu, co tylko spowoduje, że może być niewiele warty.
Trzeba jak najszybciej zastanowić się jak utrzymać Blurt przy życiu, albo zatonie. Zdaje sobie sprawę, że wiele osób jedyne co pragnie to kupić miliony Blurt za darmo, ale to nie ma znaczenia, bo prawdopodobnie jak Blurt będzie darmowy, to upadnie całkowicie.
Chętnie się dowiem co sądzicie, ale także czy w ogóle uważacie taki ruch za możliwy do zrealizowania. Moim zdaniem jeśli chcemy coś zrobić, musimy to zrobić szybko.
Where do you get such a stupid idea?
Then you get lots of stupid friends agreeing with your stupid idea.
Go on... where did you get it from? with proof.
They dont care about worth , they care about quantity they own ( printing more and more for free in their pockets )
and puppets liars they pay crumbles and used to bring more blind investors ..
( keeping price of coin to a certain level for them to have a decent salary per month and keep on printing ..under 1c is enough when you own 200M blurt or more in long term , new goal is to own 90% of the coin , cause they messed up that part in the beginning , to be fully protected ) this is all a mafia cult ( with more scammers trying to enter it to have a piece of the cake )
Only Employees and founders powerdown ( only them make money )
Quantity of blurt vs quality of price ...to feed only few ( the mafia )
Keeping the price to a certain level by bringing more blind investors .
They chosed the 3 perfect scammers .
"printing more and more for free in their pockets"
Can you please explain this point, and help me also see where this is happening? I would like to understand exactly how BLURT is being printed (aside from the obvious post/comment payouts, and the 2.4% interest rate on BP). Who is creating BLURT for free, out of thin air?
Once I understand the problem, I might be able to suggest some potential solutions. Thank you!
Everyone was looking for you ! :D
You can start reading those posts and ask questions to the people who pin point those problems from start ( and no one listen or bully them )
@ctime @mariuszkarowski @mmmmkkkk311 @double-u
Weirdly enough ...the Largest investors who actually paid for their coin
I did too and so did few others in large quantity
And a lot more in small quantity
Showing how people buy the lie of investment ( in a ponzy scheme )
With those facts , lets not call blurt a decentralized platform , but rather a lucrative ponzy scheme for a little group of people ...( founders and employees )
Using / abusing an inflationary coin for their own good , blatantly lying and playing victims ( saying they regret they created blurt when they see so much hate towards them ..no shit ) and dont even spend their time in blurt since they own/ manage other projects and spend all their time in those .
Employees are working also in many other platforms and projects
I think reducing the inflation will help but that too will not be enough alone to help the token out of what it is facing atm. We need to give reasons to the people outside of blurt to buy our token and how can we do that ?
Few things in my mind are :
I suggested this some 18 months ago - and again maybe 3 months ago - silence. The only defi product is the blurt/hive pool on Tribaldex.
And what about BYT, that is your project with a good idea.
Ah, yes, altho BYT is more fintech than defi, in that it hasnt been turned into an automated algo.
You can already stake 600,000 Blurt power with @upvu and earn 800 Blurt a day.
Nothing is as good as @upvu anywhere.
Delegate to Upvu : https://blurt.upvu.org/
Most of us left vote-buying behind on Hive.
We need this! 👍
inflation is a great asset 😀
That also give great room to founders to print up all blurt for free for themselve
How do we stop inflation ?
What adjustments can be made ?
Nerve the rewards pool rape ?
Get some wise governance on printing ?
As for now i think they print to get themselves payed for the work they do for blurt .
It works like a viscous circle spiraling downwards ,.. they print , they inflate ,.. there salary needs more blurt coin ,.. they print again . What ever the work they do for blurt ,.. if blurt as the product doesn't give the profit , well how then can you ever claim a salary from it .
I could go on , like doing a lot of charity looks good , but if the well is empty your just handing out sand .
But i think i said enough today . Time to let others speak .
No one seems to have read 'the greater fools theory'....
If that's what someone is doing, it's called "theft" in the world of finance, and they will (eventually anyway) be punished for it.
A jak chcesz zatrzymać tę pędzącą maszynę drukującą o nazwie blurtbooster - która posiada coraz więcej bezwartościowego blurta do rozdawania. Jak sprawdzałem na początku, to ten twór miał około 35 milionów do rozdania, dzisiaj jest ich ponad40 milionów. To nie jest przypadek tylko świadomy perfidny drenaż. Oczywiście wszyscy co dostają upwotki od blurtbostera są zadowoleni - ja też! Ale to jest zwykła drukarnia - Odnoszę wrażenie, że Polski rząd się na nich wzoruje :D
Yes. Inflation must be stopped. Completely. Or else Blurt will crash to zero.
Think it through, genius.
So, zero rewards, zero witness rewards too.
That sounds great!
Thanks for the positive feedback as usual. Something needs to be done to reduce the creation of new Blurt. Or at least a discussion about things that could be done to reduce the Supply of Blurt. Any good ideas ? How about something incredibly simple like a report of how much Blurt is being burned with fees …. How about Blurt Core Team not Powering down and selling so much Blurt at low prices ?
What about learning to see the reality of the situation instead of empty words? I know an explorer is only available on hive-engine, but that should teach you a few things about how a handful of accounts working together get to trash a small coin - while blaming others. Coz that's typical psychoscum tactics - blame everybody else, loudly. Go on, analyse actual behaviour.
And Again , blaming @ctime and @mmmmkkkk331 and @mariuszkarowski
How many blurt coin TOTAL have been created ( not in circulation ..yet ) ?
This info no one find it .
are you insane? try re-reading yourself.
"no one can find" what doesn't exist.
the only coins "not in circulation" are those in the reward pool.
Great. Thanks again for the positive feedback.
And what are the supposed investors for?
according to what I read when something doesn't work immediately they say it's the foundation's fault, everything is the foundation's fault, a market in the red is the foundation's fault, bitcoin low is the foundation's fault.
Here you only see people throwing blame but they never put a plan on the table something that is coherent, the example yourself.
you have dedicated yourself to bleed the platform dry and when they stop supporting you as a spammer immediately the foundation is to blame, but while you were squeezing blurt you were happy.
What is your plan or proposal. Stop repeating what others say or at least study why you should do what they say,
The supposed investors, the supposed major investors don't have a plan, they just want control.
Yeah. No kidding.
The narrative of the idiots, blurtbooster to stop voting to all, and the imbecile of ctshit and his bot? where is that bot? he can generate more tokens and profits through the voting process but blurtbooster can't? gentlemen, analyze a little more before repeating and repeating.
Maybe we say there will eventually be a cap of Blurt Created… like 21 Million.
WOOPS, we already have 480 Million … maybe we say only 2.1 Billion will ever be created ?
Then it must be bought from markets to pay witnesses ?
I’m suggesting that something be done to reduce the amount of Blurt supply or the Total amount of Blurt in circulation…. Like maybe explain how the fees when we post or comment are being done to reduce the amount of Total Blurt. This is a genius idea by Jacob and Ricardo but it needs to be expressed in a way that shows inflation is being curbed. That is all I am suggesting.
Tokens must be backed by a solid asset or by scarcity. If you can just print willy nilly you have neither and they're worthless. I thought all crypto's had a cap?
This is madness.
Believing stupid ideas doesn't make you smart.
Please educate me then. I'd love to learn.
maybe start here = https://blurt.blog/blurt/@rycharde/blurt-economic-indicators-explained
Thanx but having read it I'm afraid I'm probably even more confused than I was before I read it.
Is there anyone out there who can apply the KISS method to this subject? I'm thinking an economics major might read that and get it but I'm not one of them.
I appreciate what people like you do but is it wise to completely trust others to handle finances because they 'know what they're doing' and we don't?
I was recently gifted 2 books on the money system written by non-economists for idiots like me and think I got a grip on those but sadly neither knew anything about crypto.
What are the big differences between the fiat system and crypto?
Right, it would be good if more people were informed.
As they are not, I have no trust in their opinions either.
A consensus of stupidity does not miraculously become wisdom.
We have seen such stupidity on an enormous scale - LUNA crashing, now FTX - LUNA was more to the point, as I saw the huge cheering as it scopped up a ton of BTC; I found this suspicious, so instead of "voting" with my small stash, I "voted" by selling most of it (sadly, not all).
Anyway, back to the issue - a crypto 101. Have you really not found one? genuine question. I just wonder if worth my time writing one - most people truly deeply don't care.
I got bored after a couple of paragraphs - it reads like over-diluting cordial to the point it tastes of nothing. lol
This might be a better start = https://www.investopedia.com/terms/d/distributed-ledger-technology-dlt.asp
crypto = DLT
then unpick each part into its components; and how each can be either controlled or distributed.
I rarely recommend video channels, but Anton is good, and intelligent
look at his shorts.
yeh I like this guy. I think I see the problem now, blurt is trying to mix creatives with techies and mathematicians which I'd say is like trying to mix chalk and cheese. Most of the creatives are happy to leave the details to those who deal with them. It's like the school dance with all the men on one side of the room and all the women on the other and the problem is how to get the dance started.
I think what he says about measure of success and going mainstream is the crux of the matter here. There is much talk of attracting investors and now 'influencers' which is an attempt to go mainstream. I think I can say most people here want nothing to do with mainstream and that's why we are here.
This video helped a lot thanx xx
LOL love the cordial analogy. Yeh it IS a bloody boring subject which is why I'm loath to write on it too. I'd only write if I a) know the subject enough to write about it and b) could make it entertaining enough so that others will not give up at the first paragraph.
I think I managed to do that with modern medicine but it took years to understand it enough to have the confidence to blurt out what I knew.
It's a classic joke that accountants are boring but my friend Dawn Lester who co-wrote the book 'What Really Makes You Ill' managed to do it too.
Maybe I should ask her? But then crypto is still another kettle of fish isn't it.
I know everyone hates him but seriously if we could get Lucylin to write something on it we'd have something LOL. But I know he's a techtard too. Maybe I'll ask him.
I've read up on a lot of weird bits of history while studying crypto - maybe those analogies might help people, or at least make the text more interesting.
like adding a sprig of mint to the cordial ;-)
We need new investors, lots of investors, big investors... and that fast! My opinion...
Investors want to see a good working product ,.. investors seem to like that a lot .
Why would anyone invest in a system not even giving enough profit to pay the dev's working on it ?
Why do the "dev's" keep printing to pay themselves anyways ,. causing mass inflation ?
And believe me , i know some investors , like about 120 ancaps who hold this town i live in together .
At this moment they are all holding on to there volume and all real world project behind the invests they hold is stopped for now and planed for in a better future .
For me who does the actual real time work on there projects it has become a very hard time .
And you , without any clue ,.. scream for more investors as that is in your simple mind what will do .
Your opinion ,. yes it is ,.. any ideas on how to attract these investors to blurt in this time ?
With blurt run in this state ?
Your opinion seems very hollow and empty to me .
You might wanna fill that up a bit to be taken a least bit serious by me ( and many others )
Not expecting any worthy reply from you but the emptiness you behold ,.
so don't bother to do so , it will only hurt yourself some more .
Why should that interest me?
You're so full of yourself... Why don't you go pat yourself on the back?
For the bit you left out maybe ?
This bit ,
I mean , don't mind me ,.. and see ,.. you did it again .
As i predicted you would ,.. ;-)
I answered troll666 above on those issues... He adresses me in a normal manner...
Not answering dweebs, that adress me like that... You're getting ignored as of now...
Start asking yourself the question, why I trigger something in you.... ;)
Why don't you start looking around for another fetish? I'm not available...
That triggered you did it ,.. reality hitting you with a truth .
Feeling important , it figures ,. it fit's you perfect .
But no , you where merely a pawn in my works . It has done it's job for all to see . And has no longer purpose to me .
Just buy that 1.8M you need to get back in the 20 .
It might be the only way left for you .
Farewell ... ;-)
Oh, I will... And it's 160K not 1.8M dumbass... 😂
you WERE merely... Your grammar sucks...
Yes i know ,. i suck at numbers and have fucking bad grammar ,..
It does not change my stance or principles now does it ?
So 180 K last time i checked ,.. go buy your stairways to heaven .
Be happy with it in your shallow world .
Admit ,.. it's funny .
change the narrative that already bore, and the speech of we are the owners of the truth seems to be a phrase that is repeated daily to come here and try to sabotage everything.
Now with this price what will the dogs without balls, mmk and ctshit say?
They will sell everything? they will leave blurt? because that is always the threat.
that they offer to the community as a plan to raise the price?
What precisely are you as leaders offering to raise the price, what is that plan?
The only thing you see are the publications of 5 fools that say that they must stop the printing of Blurt, do not be so imbecile you are not founders of this project, neither are you related to the community and much less have followers.
So either you adapt or just continue with the useless discourse of 10 months ago....
change the narrative that already bore, and the speech of we are the owners of the truth seems to be a phrase that is repeated daily to come here and try to sabotage everything.
Now with this price what will the dogs without balls, mmk and ctshit say?
They will sell everything? they will leave blurt? because that is always the threat.
that they offer to the community as a plan to raise the price?
What precisely are you as leaders offering to raise the price, what is that plan?
The only thing you see are the publications of 5 fools that say that they must stop the printing of Blurt, do not be so imbecile you are not founders of this project, neither are you related to the community and much less have followers.
So either you adapt or just continue with the useless discourse of 10 months ago....
Well, I haven't seen much till now... Apart from the curation they are doing...
My hope is a few dapp devs... Maybe coming over from Hive, doing some nice stuff here like D.BUZZ, LEO or similar and then some investors might follow...??
I must admit that the waiting is turning out to be quite sluggish... ;)
Silence is horrible, megadrive censors, he's a bastard because now he silences everyone. Three minutes later the dog with no balls, use the extended mute.

change the narrative that already bore, and the speech of we are the owners of the truth seems to be a phrase that is repeated daily to come here and try to sabotage everything.
Now with this price what will the dogs without balls, mmk and ctshit say?
They will sell everything? they will leave blurt? because that is always the threat.
that they offer to the community as a plan to raise the price?
What precisely are you as leaders offering to raise the price, what is that plan?
The only thing you see are the publications of 5 fools that say that they must stop the printing of Blurt, do not be so imbecile you are not founders of this project, neither are you related to the community and much less have followers.
So either you adapt or just continue with the useless discourse of 10 months ago....
Fervi, I was away from the internet for 3 weeks, so missed this post. Thanks for bringing up an important topic.
"Blurt has no restrictions on printing"
Can you please explain this point, and help me also see where this is happening? I would like to understand exactly how BLURT is being printed (aside from the obvious post/comment payouts, and the 2.4% interest rate on BP). Who is creating BLURT for free, out of thin air?
Once I understand the problem, I might be able to suggest some potential solutions. Thank you!