BlogHide Reblurtsmtravel in actifit • 19 hours agoThursday is the worst day of the week - My Actifit Report Card: February 6 2025Czwartek to najgorszy dzień w tygodniu Today the weather was very twisted. First a little sun, then heavy snow with rain. Like in March and it's the beginning of February. Dzisiaj pogoda…mtravel in actifit • 2 days agoWednesday is a good one. A beautiful day - My Actifit Report Card: February 5, 2025Środa do udanych należy. Piękny dzień I didn't expect such a beautiful day. Beautiful sun from the very morning. A sensation in February. Nie spodziewałem się tak pięknego dnia. Od samego…mtravel in actifit • 3 days agoBeautiful sunny day, extremely successful walk - My Actifit Report Card: February 4 2025Piękny słoneczny dzień, spacer niezwykle udany The weather forecasts are a bit exaggerated. They scare us with incredible frosts and winter, but in the meantime it is beautiful, sunny and the…mtravel in actifit • 4 days agoZimowo ale bez śniegu. Ciekawy poniedziałek - My Actifit Report Card: February 3 2025Zimowo ale bez śniegu. Ciekawy poniedziałek Today, Monday, a bit sad and pathetic. The neighbor flooded my bathroom from above and claims that it was not him. Hands fall, he will fall as he…mtravel in actifit • 5 days agoCool but pleasant. Good conditions for long walks - My Actifit Report Card: February 2 2025Chłodno, ale przyjemnie. Dobre warunki na długie spacery A chilly day, but perfect for walking. A little sun, a little cloud, no rain. Chłodny dzień, ale idealny na spacery. Trochę słońca…mtravel in actifit • 6 days agoThe return of a mild winter, but still a very pleasant walk - My Actifit Report Card: February 1, 2025Powrót lekkiej zimy, ale mimo to spacer bardzo przyjemny It wasn't as bad as the media predicted. Pretty decent weather. Maybe not too warm, but we still have winter, a mild winter. Nie było…mtravel in blurtlife • 6 days agoFighting, alert, always ready - jackdawsCzujne, bojowe, zawsze gotowe - kawki This bird, seemingly common and obvious, always surprises me with its intelligence. Of course, we measure everything by our own standards, but bird…mtravel in actifit • 7 days agoFebruary is coming, get your boots on. Will winter come back? - My Actifit Report Card: January 31, 2025Idzie luty, podkuj buty. Czy wróci zima? Today it wasn't as beautiful as the last few days. The sky was cloudless only in the morning, then it became covered with dark clouds, it started to…mtravel in blurtlife • 7 days agoStewed pork with vegetables, Chinese cabbage and noodlesDuszona wieprzowina z warzywami, z kapustą pekińską i makaronem Lately I've been enjoying Asian food. This is due to my longing for the region I last visited 5 years ago. There's a good chance…mtravel in blurtlife • 8 days agoWinter is temporarily in retreat, but it will return with a bangZima tymczasowo w odwrocie, ale wróci z przytupem Although the weather outside doesn't resemble winter, you have to be aware that it is here. According to the calendar, it will end in less…mtravel in actifit • 8 days agoIt's unnaturally warm, but it's only a moment - My Actifit Report Card: January 30, 2025Jest nienaturalnie ciepło, ale to tylko chwila Today it almost distributed me. I couldn't focus on anything and I felt like I was drinking a few coffees and I didn't drink any. Such weather…mtravel in actifit • 9 days agoToday, very warm but extremely windy - My Actifit Report Card: Janurea 29 2025Dzisiaj bardzo ciepło lecz niezwykle wietrznie I'll start with yesterday evening, because it's an unusual evening. Without checking the weather or temperature, I decided to go for a walk in the…mtravel in blurtlife • 9 days agoThree parasitic fungi in one place, or rather one on top of the otherTrzy grzyby pasożytnicze w jednym miejscu, a w zasadzie jeden na drugim We all know that parasitic fungi exist, many people know that there are fungi that parasitize on others, but few people…mtravel in actifit • 10 days agoAnother warm winter day. A walk to pure pleasure - My Actifit Report Card: January 28, 2025Kolejny ciepły zimowy dzień. Spacer do czystej przyjemności Zaraz po tym, jak stawy są jeszcze lodem, do napływających ciepłego powietrza, natychmiast i tak, aby były dostępne lód. Z tego…mtravel in blurtlife • 10 days agoWays to maintain hygiene - common sparrowsAs soon as a bit of sun appears and the air warms up significantly, sparrows love to take all kinds of baths. Of course, there is a reason for this - they simply take care of their plumage and…mtravel in blurtlife • 11 days agoA beer from the Kormoran brewery called "Warmian Revolutions" and a Chinese dishPiwo z browaru Kormoran o nazwie Warmińskie Rewolucje i chińskie danie Today, Beer from Warmia and Mazury enters the workshop, namely a beer from the Kormoran brewery called Warmińskie…mtravel in actifit • 11 days agoI even like such Mondays. Nice winter walk - My Actifit Report Card: January 27 2025Takie poniedziałki to ja nawet lubię. Miły zimowy spacer The weather has gone crazy today, it did not resemble winter at all. In the afternoon it was plus 13 degrees, which is an anomaly in…mtravel in actifit • 12 days agoA beautiful winter Sunday with a hint of spring - My Actifit Report Card: January 26, 2025Piękna zimowa niedziela ze wskazaniem na wiosnę Although until noon nothing indicated that the weather would change for the better, around 1 p.m. the sun suddenly appeared and the sky turned…mtravel in actifit • 13 days agoA truly spring Saturday and a nice long walk - My Actifit Report Card: January 25, 2025Iście wiosenna sobota i przyjemny długi spacer Today's sunrise was completely different than those from the previous week. There were no fogs or smog, excellent air transparency, and a…mtravel in blurtlife • 14 days agoAfter autumn walks in the Jurassic forests, memories and longing remainPo jesiennych spacerach w jurajskich lasach pozostały wspomnienia i tęsknota Although the winter period is not a dead period for mushrooms, because there are many species that cope well with…