Sea is passion not only for photography

in photography •  2 years ago 

The sea is a world haunted by secrets and great beauty, it takes minds with its magic, and here are beautiful phrases about the beauty of the sea: Whenever I contemplate the beauty of the sea, I plunge into its wonderful magic and its waves take me to a fantasy world that never resembles reality. The sea is like life with all its vicissitudes. In its stillness, it is like a meek child, and as soon as its waves move, it becomes a frivolous child who wants to run in every direction.

The sea is a source of inspiration. As soon as one sits in front of it, one feels that it is just a grain of sand standing on its shores. A sea that seems so meek becomes in an instant like a raging volcano. If the blue sea gives a feeling of hope and calm, the blue in its waters gives a feeling that all the blue eyes are but a part of the sea water in which he deposited his secret.

Each sea of ​​the earth has a specificity that is not like any other sea, and for this reason one feels different feelings in every sea he stands in, as if the seas have tales that are similar to the stories of humans. The sea is the most beautiful and most intriguing of nature's possessions, and it stores many secrets in its depths that people threw into the sea water in a moment of honest revelation while standing on its shores. The sea takes up a large area of ​​poems, thoughts, stories and novels, perhaps because the sea inspires the soul to speak and refines thoughts to be more clear and beautiful.


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