People call love, as they see it, so they say love hurts!

in photography •  4 years ago 

People call love, as they see it, so they say love hurts. The truth is that love is a healer, love makes you stronger, makes you grow and improve. Love frees you and makes you the best version of yourself!

However, almost everyone in his life has experienced toxic love at least once. If you're one of them, you know what the hell you've been through. After the end of such a relationship, you feel like a whole new person!

There's what you experience after the end:

  1. Renew your interests
  2. You reconnect with people who love you
  3. You will enjoy all the friendly actions, no matter how small they are
  4. The next person you fall in love with will be your soul mate
  5. Your health becomes your priority
  6. Independence will be your source of pride
  7. Take care of people who feel broken and injured
  8. Become more productive at work
  9. Pain tolerance increases
  10. Rebuild

However, if you still have doubts about whether you should try or leave in the end, ask yourself if you prefer to be a prisoner or someone who is about to become the best version of yourself. Whatever you choose, that's exactly what you think you deserve.


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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Love is beautiful, but some relationships are not worth keeping no matter how much you love the person

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

Well said