in photography •  2 years ago 


Hello friends, This story begins on Saturday morning, and ends on Saturday afternoon. My co-workers and I went to clean up the tiredness of office tasks that made the head need a refresher on the brain. Me and four other friends went to a tourist spot not far from where I live, it only takes about an hour to get to the location, for the location of the waterfall is in North Aceh Nisam Antara, and this waterfall is called the "Blang Kolam".


And what is challenging here is the path after we park the vehicle, there requires us to go down the stairs on the way to the waterfall, we have to go down 1400 stairs to reach the waterfall, and to go back home we have to climb back 1400 stairs, on the same day 2800 steps traversed by this foot, we didn't count it, this is the result we asked the local resident named Hasan, he said thus. Okay friends, below are some photos of the trip to the waterfall and some photos when we went home up and down the stairs. It's really tiring :'D



And upon arrival.... Below are some photos of the waterfall we went to, there we can pamper ourselves by bathing to our heart's content and enjoying the splash of water because the wind that occasionally makes my camera lens sometimes get wet, if friends go here, I suggest not leaving on Sunday, because on Sunday it will be very crowded and to take photos of the deserted waterfall view will be difficult to get.


And after I finished pampering my body with a bath, I tried to look around and found a large wood filled with mushrooms, here is a photo of the wood;

Panellus Stipticus is the name of this mushroom, the name I found when I matched photos on Google lens, and here I also quote a little explanation on wikipedia about this mushroom, there it is explained that;Panellus Stipticus is the name of this mushroom, the name I found when I matched photos on Google lens, and here I also quote a little explanation on wikipedia about this mushroom, there it is explained that;

Below are some photos of Panellus stipticus that I took at that time;





Let's look elsewhere, maybe we will find other mushrooms too around the location of this waterfall, and yes I found this big wood, look at it filled with mushrooms ;

And at first I was interested in the large mushrooms there, I thought the mushrooms were called Trametes, but I didn't quite understand which trametes belonged to this mushroom, because when I read on wikipedia there it explained that;

Because of the many species of Trametes, so I can't identify Trametes what this mushroom is, Here below are some photos of these large mushrooms;




Let's also see what's on the other side of the wood, of course mushrooms and not aliens belonging to @mipiano :p, and here's a look at other mushrooms, let's call them Tramates from another genus ;




Call it the mushroom below with the name "Turkey Tail Mushroom", because after I matched the photo on the google lens, I feel that the name is a suitable name for the type of mushroom I share below, and below are some photos of the mushrooms I made. mean in this paragraph;




We went home in the afternoon, and my feet felt very light to lift, my legs seemed to be lost when I walked on the ground, and when I stood holding the camera I felt very shaking.


After returning from there, my body didn't feel well, my throat was itchy, and I wasn't looking for mushrooms this week, the photo of mushrooms that I share this time is what I found on Saturday, and on the way to the waterfall I found a lot of mushrooms there, mushrooms which is large and there I also found some small mushrooms, but my smartphone battery ran out.

Okay buddy, maybe that's all my photos and writing, sorry if there are some words that are not understood, that's all my posts on this day.

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