A dream and a thought

in newvisionlife •  8 months ago 

This morning when I woke up, I was dreaming of a former co-worker, Lucy, whom I have not seen for many years. In the dream, I had met her by chance, hugged her tightly and was very happy to see her.

However, her reaction was not as effusive, she gave me a forced smile, which made me understand that my joy was not shared.

Dreams are unpredictable, often far-fetched, but sometimes not so far-fetched.

As I told my husband about this new development, I reflected that she was not happy at work, so I don't doubt that she was not happy to see someone to remind her, that time of life was not pleasant for her.

Lucy came to the management to which I belong, by a forced transfer, I explain: She worked for one of the transnational oil companies that were in the country and then had to close due to changes in oil policy.

Given this circumstance, she had to choose between terminating the labor relationship, in which case she would be paid her social benefits, or being absorbed by the State oil company, which would recognize her labor continuity.

I imagine that in order not to be left without a job and also to keep her years of service, with which she would have the right to a retirement in the future, she accepted the transfer to the national oil company, although her salary would be 70% less than the one she had. At first glance, this is a good reason to feel dissatisfaction.

Moreover, she had a position with some hierarchy in the old company, while now she would be a junior engineer, as if she were new.

Not to mention that they are two very different worlds, in the transnational company where she worked, the human resource was considered important within the organization (as it should be), while in the national one, we are told that no one is indispensable, that whoever wants to leave has the doors open, that there are many professionals outside wanting to enter.

She sat next to me, I had little time in the company, it was very easy for me to get attached to her, who did her best to smile and did not complain. Still, I felt that she was not comfortable, but it is only now that I can really understand how hard it must have been for her.

Lucy got sick, was on bed rest for a long time and the management decided to retire her prematurely due to disability.

I remember that I was able to talk to her in those days and she was not happy, she said that she could not see herself not being able to work for the rest of her life, because when she left under that condition, she could no longer have another formal job in which she could practice her profession.

That was about 10 years ago and that was the last time I saw her. However, I have been able to hear from her on social media and she looks good, although a photograph does not show what is in the soul. I wish with all my heart that she is happy.

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