Let's talk about money: How to live in abundance. ESP-ENG

in newvisionlife •  2 years ago 

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En la primera parte de esta serie, comenzamos diciendo que el dinero para algunos era un "mal necesario" probablemente porque es justamente lo que desde la niñez se le ha inculcado; "la raíz de todos los males es el amor al dinero" 1 Timoteo 6:10

Por supuesto que, cuando algo se extrae de su contexto, se puede aplicar a cualquier cosa, no obstante, el mismo pasaje bíblico explica que, no es en sí el amor al dinero, sino la codicia por este, es lo que causa los problemas.

Bien, debemos tener en cuenta que, para resolver los problemas financieros, es necesario aprender a cómo manejar el dinero que día a día ganamos. En la primera parte titulada Hablemos de dinero: resolviendo problemas financieros., comenzamos diciendo que lo primero a tener en cuenta es que debe existir el firme propósito de que quieres poseer dinero, y estarás dispuesto a hacer lo necesario para este propósito. Para esto, comencé recomendando un libro titulado "El Hombre Más Rico de Babilonia" por George S. Clason, el cual a mí me ayudó muchísimo a emprender este proyecto. Lo curioso de esto es que muchos de los errores que el autor narra en su libro, también los cometí, así que también decidí a no repetirlos de ninguna manera.

Tener el deseo de poseer dinero no lo es todo; Apenas es el comienzo de un largo camino lleno de obstáculos y necesidades apremiantes que te pueden llegar a impedir la realización de tu deseo, así que, el primer peldaño que debemos pisar en la escalera del cumplimiento de este proyecto es el "control absoluto de tus gastos"

Controlar los gastos te llevará a una vida de abundancia

Aprender a vivir con el 90% de los ingresos y guardar un 10% para ahorrarlo, es el primer escalón que hay que pisar. ¿Pero cómo haré esto si el 100% no me alcanza? Evidentemente, no alcanza porque no existe un control de lo que gastas y en qué lo gastas.

Si nos ponemos a reflexionar un poco en esto, nos daremos cuenta de que, aunque no todos ganan lo mismo, tienen el mismo problema económico: No les alcanza lo que ganan, y es porque no tienen control sobre lo que gastan, y por ende, en qué lo están gastando.

Cuando comencé mi proyecto de poseer dinero, una de las primeras cosas que hice fue anotar todo lo que compraba en el día; Todos los días anotaba en la noche en una libreta hasta el más mínimo gasto que hacía, y cuando mi mente comenzaba a fallar, lo anotaba de inmediato en una libreta que llevaba conmigo para no olvidarlo. A final de mes, revisaba cuáles cosas eran necesarias comprar y cuáles no; Justo allí me di cuenta de que había hecho gastos innecesarios, ya que, las "necesidades y deseos" aumentan a medida que crecen nuestros ingresos, si no hacemos algo al respecto.

In the first part of this series, we began by saying that money for some was a "bad necessary" probably because it is precisely what has been instilled from childhood; "The root of all evils is the love of money" 1 Timothy 6:10

Of course, when something is extracted from its context, it can be applied to anything, however, the same biblical passage explains that it is not in itself the love of money, but greed for this, it is what causes the problems.

Well, we must bear in mind that, to solve financial problems, it is necessary to learn how to handle the money we earn every day. In the first part, entitled Let's talk about money: solving financial problems. We begin by saying that the first thing to keep in mind is that there must be a firm purpose that wants to possess money, and you will be willing to do what is necessary for this purpose. For this, I started recommending a book entitled "The richest man in Babylon" by George S. Clason, which helped me greatly to undertake this project.

The funny thing about this is that I many of the mistakes that the author tells in his book, I also committed them, so I also decided not to repeat them in any way.

Having the desire to possess money is not everything; It is barely the beginning of a long way full of obstacles and pressing needs that can prevent you from carrying out your desire, so the first step that we must step on the staircase of compliance with this project is "Control Absolute of your expenses"

Control the expenses will lead you to a life of abundance

Learning to live with 90% of income and save 10% to save it is the first step to step on. But how will I do this if 100% does not reach me?

Obviously, it is not enough because there is no control over what you spend and what you spend it on.

If we start reflecting a little on this, we will realize that, although not everyone earns the same, they have the same economic problem: they do not reach what they earn, and it is because they have no control over what they spend, and therefore, what they are spending it.

When I started my project to possess money, one of the first things I did was write down everything I bought on the day; Every day I scored at night in a notebook even the slightest expense I was doing, and when my mind began to fail, I immediately wrote it into a notebook that carried me not to forget it.

At the end of the month, I reviewed what things were necessary to buy and which were not; Right there I realized that I had made unnecessary expenses, since the "needs and desires" increase as our income grows, if we don't do something about it.


A final de cada mes, me sentaba a revisar mi lista de gastos y fue allí que me di cuenta de que muchos de mis gastos eran innecesarios y que lo podía evitar. Identificar los gastos innecesarios fue lo primero que hice y esto me llevo a que el siguiente mes, tuviera en mis manos más dinero del que tuve el mes anterior. Quiero que sepan que las ganas de gastar y comprar cosas, ese dominante deseo, no desaparece nunca, por el contrario, va creciendo a medida que nos damos cuenta de que tenemos dinero para gastar, y aquí interviene el autocontrol.

El control lo es todo en esta primera parte, ya que por alguna razón que desconozco y de forma misteriosa, el deseo de comprar cosas que no necesito se incrementa día a día, es decir, si no gastas en algo que deseas una vez, el próximo deseo viene con más fuerza que el anterior.

Hay gastos que son obligatorios, como el pago de los servicios y la comida; De esto no podemos escapar, pero hay otros gastos que, solamente identificarás si los escribes, que no son obligatorios, y son estos los que debemos evitar a toda costa si queremos tener éxito en nuestro proyecto.

¿Cómo puedo controlar mis gastos?

Esta parte, mis queridos lectores (si es que los hay) es la más sencilla y a la vez la más compleja. Hacer un presupuesto es la cosa más sencilla de hacer, pero es a la vez la más complicada, porque si aún no comienzas a escribir todos tus gastos, no te darás cuenta qué cosas son obligatorias y que cosas podemos prescindir de ellas, ya que estas últimas, generalmente son fútiles deseos que se olvidan con el tiempo. Debemos hacer que nuestro presupuesto, sea como un faro en la costa, y que, por muy oscura que esté la noche, nos permita guiarnos de forma segura.

Nuestro presupuesto nos dirá cómo podemos gastar en las cosas obligatorias, alguna distracción o en algún deseo sin tocar el 10% destinado a construir un futuro más holgado

At the end of each month, I sat down to review my expense list, and it was there that I realized that many of my expenses were unnecessary and that I could avoid it. ** Identifying unnecessary expenses ** was the first thing I did and this led me to the next month, I had more money in my hands than I had the previous month.

I want them to know that the desire to spend and buy things, that dominant desire, never disappears, on the contrary, it grows as we realize that we have money to spend, and here self-control intervenes.

The control is everything in this first part, since for some reason that I do not know and mysteriously, the desire to buy things that I do not need increases day by day, that is, if you do not spend something you want once, the Next desire comes more strongly than the previous one.

There are expenses that are mandatory, such as the payment of services and food; From this, we cannot escape, but there are other expenses that, you will only identify if you write them, which are not mandatory, and it is these that we must avoid at all costs if we want to succeed in our project.

How can I control my spending?

This part, my dear readers (if any) is the simplest and at the same time the most complex. Making a budget is the simplest thing to do, but it is both the most complicated because if you still do not start writing all your expenses, you will not realize what things are mandatory and what things can we do without them, since these last, are generally futile desires that are forgotten over time.

Let us make that, our budget, be like a lighthouse on the coast, and that, however dark the night is, it allows us to guide us safely.

Our budget will tell us how we can spend on compulsory things, some distraction or in some desire without touching 10% destined to build a more loose future


Tal vez no todos somos grandes escritores, pero estoy seguro de que siempre tenemos algo que contar. Oneray

Perhaps not all of us are great writers, but I'm sure we always have something to say. Oneray

Todas las imágenes son mías, tomadas para realizar esta publicación y pueden haber sido editadas con Canva

All images are mine, and taken for this publication and may have been edited with Canva

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is good advice, Ray!
Living within our means is a basic step before we can begin to have savings or investments. Many people never conquer this step!
My mother always told me that money is not evil. Rather, the love of money (greed) is evil, but "money is just a tool".

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What your mother told you is very wise.

I've read it a bunch of times in finance books, and just yesterday morning, I was talking about it with my boss, who's a millionaire, and we're about to start a business partnership.

Maybe he liked me or just trusts my administrative skills. It is not the love of money as such, the root of all evil, but coveting it.

Thank you very much for such a valuable comment, always adding value to the chain.

To understand money one need to know more about cash flow assets and liabilities in this Robert kiyosaki books talk much about it.

The last I can say is the parkinson's law, when income increases expenses to meet with it.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Kiyosaki is a great author who made himself a millionaire from scratch. His books are good because they are co-published by an accountant named Sharon Lechter.

Now, there are many very good personal growth and finance books that teach financial principles from his experiences.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks :)


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks !