I finished my work. ESP-ENG

in newvisionlife •  2 years ago 


Dicen que nada dura para siempre, sin embargo, puede ser que sea en algunas cosas en específico; Un helado, una buena pizza, un extraordinario momento con alguien que amas o intentas conquistar o un eclipse solar, pueden ser momentos que verdaderamente no duran mucho, pues todo acaba cuando el asunto en cuestión termina.

No obstante, hay cosas que, en mi opinión, son eternas, como los buenos recuerdos, el amor, la fe y la esperanza... aunque en ocasiones parece que se ha perdido.

He concluido mi trabajo de la construcción de la bodega; Por fin la terminé, y justo antes de que la lluvia comenzara, puesto que se pronosticaba 2 días consecutivos de lluvia intensa, los cuales me impedirían trabajar al aire libre, sin embargo, los aprovecho para descansar del trabajo físico y dedicarme al trabajo mental.

Quiero decir que, pensar, es algo que tenemos que hacer, lo queramos o no, y si de todas maneras hay que pensar, prefiero hacerlo en grande, muy en grande, y aprovechando que estoy hablando de esto, me gustaría extenderme un poco más antes de entrar con el objeto de esta publicación.

They say that nothing lasts forever, however, it may be in some specific things; An ice cream, a good pizza, an extraordinary moment with someone you love or try to conquer, or a solar eclipse, can be moments that really do not last long, because everything ends when the matter in question ends.

However, there are things that, in my opinion, are eternal, such as good memories, love, faith, and hope... although sometimes it seems that it has been lost.

I have finished my work on the construction of the warehouse; I finally finished it, and just before the rain began, since 2 consecutive days of heavy rain were forecast, which would prevent me from working outdoors, however, I take advantage of them to rest from physical work and dedicate myself to mental work.

I want to say that thinking is something we have to do, whether we want it or not, and if we still have to think, I prefer to do it big, very big, and take advantage of the fact that I'm talking about this, I'd like to expand a little more before entering for the purpose of this publication.

Source: Pexels

Le he preguntado a la Inteligencia Artificial qué es pensar, y su respuesta me ha puesto a pensar porque desconocía parte de lo que me dijo:

«Pensar se refiere a la actividad mental por la cual las personas procesan información, ideas y conceptos en su mente. Es una función cognitiva compleja que implica la capacidad de percibir, analizar, sintetizar y evaluar información, así como la habilidad para aplicar el conocimiento y las experiencias previas en la resolución de problemas y toma de decisiones.

El proceso de pensar puede ser consciente o inconsciente y puede involucrar diferentes niveles de complejidad, desde la simple asociación de ideas hasta el razonamiento lógico y la resolución de problemas complejos. La capacidad de pensar es una de las características más distintivas de los seres humanos y es esencial para el aprendizaje, la creatividad, la innovación y la adaptación al entorno cambiante.

Las diferentes formas de pensar incluyen el pensamiento crítico, el pensamiento creativo, el pensamiento lateral, el pensamiento sistémico, entre otros. El pensamiento crítico se refiere a la habilidad de evaluar de manera objetiva la información y argumentos, mientras que el pensamiento creativo se refiere a la capacidad de generar nuevas ideas y soluciones. El pensamiento lateral implica la exploración de múltiples soluciones no convencionales a un problema, mientras que el pensamiento sistémico implica la comprensión de las relaciones complejas entre los componentes de un sistema.»

¿Leíste bien? Me dijo: "La capacidad de pensar es una de las características más distintivas de los seres humanos y es esencial para el aprendizaje, la creatividad, la innovación y la adaptación al entorno cambiante."

¡Nuestro entorno es totalmente cambiante!, y pensar, nos ayudará a adaptarnos a los cambios que están ocurriendo a cada segundo.

Entonces, como alguien que se ha dedicado a trabajar de forma independiente, con el objeto de ser un emprendedor (alguien que busca crear una empresa) pensar en grande no es tener esos pensamientos que pueden atemorizarme respecto de la terminación de un trabajo; Pensar en grande es cerrar ciclos para estar abierto a las nuevas oportunidades que están presentes día a día.

Por lo tanto, creo que, si ya terminé un trabajo, vendrá otro, y luego otro de forma consecutiva, pues mi objetivo principal es capitalizarme, crear una empresa, y dar empleo, primeramente a la familia, y luego a los amigos más cercanos; Creo que enseñar un oficio, es el acto más loable que un ser humano puede hacer por otro, pues de esta manera, jamás daremos un pescado a una persona sino que se le enseña que pueda pescar por sí mismo.

I have asked Artificial Intelligence what thinking is, and its answer has made me think because I did not know part of what it told me:

«Thinking refers to the mental activity by which people process information, ideas, and concepts in their minds. It is a complex cognitive function that involves the ability to perceive, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information, as well as the ability to apply knowledge and previous experiences in problem-solving and decision-making.

The thinking process can be conscious or unconscious and can involve different levels of complexity, from the simple association of ideas to logical reasoning and solving complex problems. The ability to think is one of the most distinctive characteristics of human beings and is essential for learning, creativity, innovation, and adaptation to the changing environment.

Different ways of thinking include critical thinking, creative thinking, lateral thinking, and systems thinking, among others. Critical thinking refers to the ability to objectively evaluate information and arguments, while creative thinking refers to the ability to generate new ideas and solutions. Lateral thinking involves exploring multiple unconventional solutions to a problem, while systems thinking involves understanding the complex relationships between the components of a system.»

Did you read it right? He told me: "The ability to think is one of the most distinctive characteristics of human beings and is essential for learning, creativity, innovation, and adaptation to the changing environment."

Our environment is totally changing! And thinking will help us adapt to the changes that are occurring every second.

So, as someone who has dedicated himself to working independently, in order to be an entrepreneur (someone looking to create a company) thinking big is not having those thoughts that can scare me about finishing a job; Thinking big is closing cycles to be open to the new opportunities that are present every day.

Therefore, I believe that, if I have finished a job, another will come, and then another consecutively, since my main objective is to capitalize, create a company, and give employment, firstly to the family, and then to the closest friends; I believe that teaching a trade is the most laudable act that a human being can do for another, because in this way, we will never give a person a fish, but rather teach them to be able to fish for themselves.




Terminé el trabajo... ¿Debo preocuparme?

Definitivamente no, de hecho, cuando he trabajado para empresas, algunas de las personas que trabajaron conmigo me sugirieron que retrasara el tiempo de entrega para ganar más días, lo cual es extraño para mí, porque cuanto más rápido termino, más rápido llega alguien más. .

En ese sentido, no me preocupo en absoluto cuando las cosas se están haciendo bien; Justo ahora, mientras escribo este post, me han llamado para cotizar un trabajo para reparar el techo de un granero. También estoy cotizando la construcción de un muro de contención, todo en hormigón, y esperando respuesta para vitrificar una escalera de madera.

De modo que dejar en la mente esos pensamientos negativos, para causar miedo a un mañana escaso, no es una opción prudente cuando se emprende con todas las ganas, y prueba de ello es el remate de las cosas y siempre con los precios justos, donde todo, tanto los clientes como yo, salimos beneficiados.

No todo es dinero, ya que hay cosas en la vida que el dinero no puede comprar. Dejar una buena imagen y cultivar buenas referencias hará que más clientes confíen en mi trabajo, y ambas partes podrán satisfacer nuestras necesidades: Mi necesidad de dinero y la necesidad del cliente de recibir un buen servicio en lo que necesita.

Definitely not, in fact, when I have worked for companies, some of the people who worked with me suggested that I delay the delivery time to gain more days, which is strange for me, because the faster I finish, the faster someone else arrives. . .

In that sense, I don't worry at all when things are going well; Right now, as I'm writing this post, I've been called to quote a job to repair a barn roof. I am also quoting the construction of a retaining wall, all in concrete, and waiting for an answer to vitrify a wooden staircase.

So, leaving those negative thoughts in mind, to cause fear of a scarce tomorrow, is not a prudent option when one undertakes with all the desire, and proof of this is the auction of things and always with fair prices, where everything, both the clients and I, benefited.

Not everything is money, since there are things in life that money cannot buy. Leaving a good image and cultivating good references will make more clients trust my work, and both parties will be able to satisfy our needs: My need for money and the client's need to receive good service in what he needs.




En fin, justo ahora recuerdo cómo el águila va quitando del nido aquello que hace sentir cómodo al pichón para que salga a volar y dependa de sí mismo. La zona de confort puede ser el lugar más apetecible para aquellos que no tienen sueños de grandeza en la vida.

Muchas personas viven en ese estado de letargo en esa zona, por miedo a lo desconocido, al futuro incierto y a otros factores que pueden llegar a incomodar si se intenta salir de él, pero la verdad es que, quien sale porque entiende que fuera de esa zona hay un universo de posibilidades infinitas y todas están disponibles para ser aprovechadas, lo hace hasta con miedo, y después que prueba el sabor de la victoria, no regresa al mismo lugar, aunque existe la posibilidad de construir nuevamente una zona de confort, debe ser precavido en no atascarse dentro, porque para el ser humano es más fácil no arriesgar nada y seguir "cómodo" dentro de su inconformidad.

Todos, absolutamente todos (existen algunas excepciones) queremos prosperar en la vida y sentir que a la hora de gastar, el dinero no sea un problema, en otras palabras, todos queremos tener suficiente dinero en la vida con el cual no tengamos que preocuparnos por nada nunca más, pero esto nos lleva a estancarnos sino tenemos cuidados, puesto que la vida es un cambio constante.

Todo es movimiento, aseguraban tanto Aristóteles, en el siglo IV antes de Cristo, luego Heráclito, en el siglo VI, así como Galileo Galilei e Isaac Newton, en la era moderna, y creo que tenían razón.

Nada permanece inmutable, y esto es bien descrito por la arqueología, y ciertas filosofías que aseguran que una persona para dos veces por la misma puerta. De esta manera, debemos asegurarnos que nuestro paso por esta tierra no sea en vano, sino que seamos como una luminaria para que otros sigan nuestros pasos hacia su propia libertad, porque la idea principal de los que venimos a esta tierra es ser felices y ayudar a otros a encontrar su propio camino a la felicidad.

Las palabras finales de mis clientes fueron: "Gracias a Dios todo se terminó y quedó mejor de lo que habíamos pensado. Muchas gracias, Ramoncito"

Anyway, right now I remember how the eagle is removing from the nest what makes the chick feel comfortable so that it can fly and depend on itself. The comfort zone can be the most desirable place for those who do not have dreams of greatness in life.

Many people live in that state of lethargy in that area, for fear of the unknown, the uncertain future and other factors that can make them uncomfortable if they try to get out of it, but the truth is that whoever leaves because they understand that outside of that zone there is a universe of infinite possibilities, and they are all available to be taken advantage of, he does it even with fear, and after he tastes the taste of victory, he does not return to the same place, although there is the possibility of building a comfort zone again, he must be careful not to get stuck inside, because it is easier for human beings not to risk anything and remain "comfortable" within their disagreement.

Everyone, absolutely everyone (there are some exceptions) wants to prosper in life and feel that when it comes to spending money is not a problem, in other words, we all want to have enough money in life that we don't have to worry about nothing ever again, but this leads us to stagnate if we are not careful, since life is a constant change.

Everything is movement, affirmed both Aristotle, in the 4th century BC, then Heraclitus, in the 6th century, and Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton, in the modern era, and I think they were right.

Nothing remains unchanged, and this is well described by archeology, and certain philosophies that ensure that a person stops twice through the same door. In this way, we must make sure that our passage through this earth is not in vain, but that we are like a luminary so that others follow our steps towards their own freedom, because the main idea of those of us who come to this earth is to be happy and help others to find their own path to happiness.

The final words of my clients were: "Thank God everything is over, and it turned out better than we had thought. Thank you very much, Ramoncito"

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Tal vez no todos somos grandes escritores, pero estoy seguro de que siempre tenemos algo que contar. Oneray

Perhaps not all of us are great writers, but I'm sure we always have something to say. Oneray

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I just got full in reading your post! It seems that there are so much to digest in here and a lot to take away. It is so genuine, insightful and worthwhile. Anyway, I will say what I want to say. First, congratulations! Job well done @oneray! You are a true engineer!♥️ Second, a very good entrepreneur. Not only thinking for your profits but instead giving more value to the services you give to your clients. I salute you for this! 👏 Third, good writer/content creator. You are able to connect your own experiences into discussing something that is very important, the different ways of thinking. In which I learned a lot from here!👌 Fourth, you offer a good reflection point in which you connect with money thing. It hit me at this point because it is really a sad reality that money cant buy everything but to others even if they have lots of it are yet not contented. ☹️

Final words, thanks for a lengthy yet very comprehensive post. Looking forward for more.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I love reading comments like yours because they are loaded with reflection... with which I can continue delving into many related topics.

Thank you very much for your good words, and I hope that, in the next posts, I will shorten the content more, but it is a bit difficult to mix what the books say with the life experiences in a few words. But I will my best.

It is ok @oneray. Yes its lengthy but it is also full of substance. No flowery words, it is just needed. Keep doing your style of writing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Ramoncito is a cool name : )
"we all want to have enough money in life that we don't have to worry about nothing ever again"
Yes, we want that, but it's impossible to obtain. We always want more, and feel we NEED more in order to be safe and secure. Nobody ever feels they have enough money, and even the ultra-rich are still trying to get more.
So as you pointed out, we are all wanting to have so much money that we never have to worry. I remember you saying recently that people who get more money will find a way to spend that money - our lifestyle expands to the size of our income. And then we need more! The true goal is to be happy, and we will never be happy while we feel we need more belongings and more money. I know you practice gratitude, and abundance, which are great ways of thinking that decrease our worries about accumulating items and money.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

My dear friend drutter, how good it is to read your comment.

Certainly, abundance and gratitude are tools that still work for me so far.

In the beginning, it was very difficult for me to live that way because it is precisely the circumstances that do not allow us to enjoy the process because we are always urgent in the most basic things in life, but after everything begins to take shape in our minds, everything flows easier and patience takes more control of everything.

I have met people who, despite the money they have, want to accumulate more, because their enrichment has come through sacrifice, that is, stop eating to save more.

I also have friends who are wealthy, and money automatically flows to them through businesses they already own, so they don't care about money except for knowing the best place to put it, so it pays dividends.

There is also the largest group: Those who are in need of money, but do nothing to produce it. When I talk about this group, I'm not talking about people who aren't looking for a job, but about those who don't put their minds to work producing great ideas that can help them produce money, keep it, and how put it to produce so that it generates more.

We all need to be on this path... we just need one great idea to work on... and you, my dear friend, have many great ideas to choose from.

I really enjoyed the conversation here. The exchange of ideas is very spontaneous and with substance. It just shows how mature and how you value life. Thanks I am able to follow you both because I have learned a lot from you guys.👏

Congratulations on finishing your work on the construction of the warehouse! You have shown great determination and perseverance in completing the task, and you should be proud of yourself for achieving this milestone. Your positive outlook on life and your willingness to think big and adapt to a changing environment are great qualities that will serve you well in your future endeavors. Keep up the good work and continue to pursue your dreams of becoming an entrepreneur. Remember that every completed project is a step closer to realizing your goals.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very much for your words, my dear friend.

Certainly every day I am one step closer to my life goals.

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