A new year of life to celebrate. [ENG-ESP]

in newvisionlife •  3 years ago 


I still remember when we left Venezuela for Barranquilla, in Colombia, hoping for a better future.

It's been 5 years since the last time we hugged and gave you that goodbye kiss; I never thought that I would go further, leaving Aybis, your daughter, barely 8 months old.

Perhaps I have come to think that life is unfair because it never crossed my mind that, from that night on, the distance would stand in the way of a new encounter and a new hug on one of your birthdays.

Aún recuerdo cuando salimos de Venezuela rumbo a Barranquilla, en Colombia, con la esperanza de un mejor porvenir.

Han pasado 5 años desde la última vez que nos abrazamos y te di ese beso de despedida; Jamás creí que me iría más lejos, dejando a Aybis, tu hija, con apenas 8 meses de edad.

Tal vez he llegado a pensar que la vida es injusta porque nunca cruzó por mi mente que, a partir de esa noche, la distancia se interpondría a un nuevo encuentro y a un nuevo abrazo de uno de tus cumpleaños.


Despite everything, you are still my girl, no matter how old you are; My eternal pink baby, a description that you have received since you were a baby and 30 years later, it remains.

I am happy despite the distance because thanks to technology I can see them almost daily, regardless of the multiple occupations that my current job brings me.

And what can I tell you that you don't already know?

I only ask the Universe to give me strength and time to return to where you are and hug them again. How many stories will my granddaughter have to tell me?

In each video call, she always shows me her toys or the drawings she makes of me; I think it will be crazy when we go out for ice cream or buy her the stuffed animals that she loves so much.

A pesar de todo sigues siendo mi niña, no importa la edad que estés cumpliendo; Mi eterna bebé rosadita, calificativo que has recibido desde que eras una bebé y 30 años después, se mantiene.

Soy feliz a pesar de la distancia porque gracias a la tecnología puedo verlas casi a diario, sin importar las múltiples ocupaciones que mi actual empleo me acarrea.

¿Y qué te puedo decir que ya no sepas?

Solo pido al Universo que me dé fuerzas y tiempo para regresar hasta donde estás y abrazarlas de nuevo. ¿Cuántas historias tendrá mi nieta para contarme?

En cada videollamada, siempre me muestra sus juguetes o los dibujos que hace de mí; Creo que será una total locura cuando salgamos a comer helado o a comprarle los peluches que tanto quiere.




I have one thing for sure in this life: My love for my family, no matter the distance, is inexhaustible. My focus is that this December I can produce the necessary money to travel to Colombia, and see my two daughters and my granddaughter, before traveling to the USA to embark on my path to success again. It not only fills me with emotion, but also with hope, knowing that time and hard work will pay off at the right time.

Una cosa tengo por seguro en esta vida: Mi amor por mi familia, sin importar la distancia, es inagotable. Mi enfoque está en que este mes de diciembre pueda producir el dinero necesario para viajar hasta Colombia, ver a mis dos hijas y a mi nieta, antes de viajar a USA para emprender de nuevo mi camino al éxito. No solo me llena de emoción, sino también de esperanzas, sabiendo que el tiempo y el trabajo arduo, darán sus frutos en el momento indicado.


Tal vez no todos somos grandes escritores, pero estoy seguro de que siempre tenemos algo que contar. Oneray

Perhaps not all of us are great writers, but I'm sure we always have something to say. Oneray

Todas las imágenes son de mi autoría a menos que indique lo contrario y han sido editadas con Canva

All images are my own unless otherwise stated and have been edited with Canva

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

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Espero puedan verse pronto 😊 🙏

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Amiga hermosa... también espero lo mismo y trabajo duro para ello.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It is the first time, one of my posts appears at the top of the trending page, thanks to the support of the following people:

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I thank each one of you for having taken my content into account and for your voting power to bring it to this place, which drives me to remain committed to creating better quality content every day.

Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

Don't make me cry. Here is upvote for you. Gather money asap & meet your family, meet your daughters & grand daughters soon.

🎉 Congratulations 🎉

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Muchas gracias por apreciar mi contenido :)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks :)

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I hope that the written expression of your feelings has comforted you. It was good to read!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Every comment on this post was worth reading.
Thank you very much.

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

being away from the family is sad but thta' how life is, one had to seek greener pastures to feed the family.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks for your nice comment :)

Posted from https://blurtlatam.com

my pleasure. Have a great day