My diary for yesterday, 22nd of February, 2023.

in newvisionlife •  last year 

My diary for yesterday, 22nd of February, 2023.


Walked ooo.... Yesterday was a very hectic day.

Yesterday was very hectic, it's a day I will never forget because of some surprising moments. I woke up at about 4:30am preparing myself to travel to Guyuk, a local government area with my state, Adamawa state, Nigeria. After all my preparations, I left home about 5:56am and was walking to the junction where a will get a taxi going to Numan, before going to Guyuk.

I got to the junction, but everywhere was still quiet. It was like many people were still sleeping. I had to walk down the road where I can easily get a cab.

After spending almost 30mins, I got one taxi driver going to Numan. I boarded and started my journey.
This is me waiting for a taxi.

Finally I got a taxi. On my way to Numan.

Got to Numan

When we got to Numan, I walked straight to the motor park where I could've gotten a nice and fast bus going to Guyuk, but unfortunately, the place was scanty of passengers. I couldn't wait there for them to get more passengers before going to Guyuk. I had to go to a park where market women gets taxi to Guyuk.

When I got there, the place was full and cars are already leaving. I mean this is the fastest place to get taxi to Guyuk. Well, it's not normally a good taxi because it's always used to transport traders, but it's the fastest. I boarded a car and we moved straight to the town of Guyuk.
On my way to the traders park.

This was one of the cars I saw there, filled with traders goods.

Now this was the one I entered, rough right??? But I got no choice, I had to arrive Guyuk early.

This is me in the car, we moved to Guyuk.

We got to Guyuk

When we got to Guyuk, I didn't go straight to the main town of Guyuk. I stopped at my uncle's place to meet him, since he was the one who asked me to come. We discussed about the reason why we had to go to Guyuk for some time before heading to the main town.

Going to the main town, we used his bike since the journey wasn't long again I had some wonderful views and I enjoyed the ride on his bike. We got to the town after some minutes, at about 12pm

On my uncle's bike heading to Guyuk.

Enjoying my humble ride.

Took a picture of some cattles.

A grass land villa. Guyuk is mostly grassy.

The Lunguda area court.

Our main reason for going to the town was to appear before the court for a small family dispute on properties. The court was a local court in my home town for settling small family disputes, land disputes, money and properties issues.


Inside the area court.

We started the hearing in the court and everything ended well. The court gave both the complainant and the defendant time to go and settle their differences. It's something you both could settle.

After the hearing

After we were done in court, my uncle met one of his friends and they spent time discussing. He asked me to go back to Numan that he'll spend some time with his friend before going home.

While on my way home, I took pictures of this beautiful Lutheran church in Guyuk.
My uncle discussing with his friend.

The Lutheran church of Christ, Guyuk.

I had to walk from the court to the bank where I thought I will get cash. When i got there, the queue was too long for me and I couldn't wait because it will take me till evening. I looked for a monie point where I later withdrew some cash for my transport.

Cash withdrawal in Nigeria is the topic of discussion. Everyday, people spend hours at the bank trying to withdraw just $20. A lot of people still won't be able to get the cash even after waiting for hours. The Nigerian government is currently trying to operate on a cashless policy and everybody is being affected by this.

Will this policy help my country Nigeria in the nearest future?? I will talk about it later.


I got to the point where I withdrew some cash and headed back to Numan before going to the state capital where I am currently residing, which is Yola.

My phone went off and I couldn't take more photos of me going back home, but I enjoyed my adventure.... It was really really beautiful.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Here in Chile, there are also Lutheran churches. I have only been able to attend the nearby Presbyterian churches, but I really like listening to the songs that everyone sings.

What a good ride, brother! And It's terrible is that cash issue in your country.

In my experience, this only causes the price of other currencies, such as the US dollar, to rise in price and hyperinflation takes control of the economy.

  ·  last year  ·  

Yeah, currently in my country, people are dying of hunger. This issue of cashless policy is killing us. We are already used to cash transactions and most traders, mostly local traders prefers cash in hand. Now things are hard for everybody. We hope everything settles after the general presidential election which is on Saturday.

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