Deposit & Withdrawal
EVehicle Charges Inc. accepts deposits and withdrawals in various cryptocurrencies, including BTC (Bitcoin), USDT (Tether), BNB Ethereum, and Litecoin. As part of our commitment to providing convenience and flexibility, we strive to accommodate the preferences of our valued investors.
Note: Please ensure to verify the specific wallet addresses and transaction procedures before making any deposits or withdrawals.
They also have so many investments packages
EV Infrastructure Development Loans
4% for 3months
$ 15,000 - $25,000
Wallet balance of upto $10,000 Payment within 2months
4% interest rate.
Processing takes 10-24hrs
Charging Station Expansion Loans
6% for 5months
$ 30,000 - $50,000
Wallet balance of upto $25,000 Payment within 5months
6% interest rate.
Processing takes 10-24hrs
Clean Transportation Investment Loans
10% for 10 months
$ 110,000 - $150,000
Wallet balance of up to $50,000 Payment within 10months
10% interest rate.
Processing takes 2-3 working
To join view the company profile use the below link
To join use the link below 👇🏻