Pub: Like the Coffee Shop I Always Miss

in newvisionlife •  2 years ago  (edited)

This photo was taken by a coffee shop waitress.

Every day, morning, afternoon, evening, sometimes even from morning to evening, I often spend time in coffee shops. There is no day without coffee. Drinking coffee has become a tradition for us Acehnese.

If you visit Aceh, you will easily find coffee shops in various forms in all regions in Aceh. For the people of Aceh, a coffee shop is not just a place to relax or enjoy the food and drinks served. But more than that, a coffee shop for us is a place to strengthen social ties with other people. A place to solve various problems between individuals or groups. Even coffee shops for the people of Aceh have become the center for exchanging information, both on a national and international scale.

Almost every time, coffee shops in Aceh are full. Each stall has its characteristics to attract customers. The uniqueness of the coffee served, snacks, atmosphere, and friendly service are absolute requirements for the progress of coffee shops in Aceh.

The phenomenon of coffee shops in Aceh, then I also found it here, in Blurt. If in Aceh there is a coffee shop, in Blurt there is a Pub which has almost the same function. I deliberately started this article with a coffee shop, because where I live there is no pub and I don't drink alcohol. Two months ago was my first experience with Pub. At that time, as a new user, I have great curiosity about the working system of this platform. I look for various information from the posts that appear in my feed.

Of the many posts that exist, @michelangelo3 post regarding Spam and plagiarism, Blurt Account Recovery Tutorial, has caught my interest, among the Blurt development posts by witnesses. After these two posts, I then started to often wait for the latest updates from him and started trying to have light communication with him and several other accounts that I found in the post. Like @hornet-on-tour with posts about photography that I like. Besides the beautiful photos, @hornet-on-tour is also very friendly in responding to every comment. He is not the type of person who is stingy in sharing knowledge, like photography accounts I've met.

Not long after, I came across a post about the permanent ~pub @double-u meeting point. At first, I only skimmed a few posts there, but because of the language difference, at that time I didn't understand the contents of the posts. To help me understand it, I looked at people's comments, there are hundreds of comments there.

After the next few posts, slowly every week I started following the pub activities. I started to have a bit of an understanding of the purpose of the pub and all the activities there after I read the explanation of The Story of How This Site Became a Pub, which I missed when I read the previous post.

I'm starting to enjoy every comment from the people there, even though I haven't commented anything yet. I found people excited to take each quiz, with one user even happily announcing that he had just met someone at the Pub and they were planning to go on a date. Probably motivated by the Pub owner's announcement, that "when couples find each other at our Single Meeting Point, get married or make love, Jacob will donate 100,000 BLURT to the couple." Hee..hee.

The Pub owner and the users interacted with each other, everyone looked excited. In addition to entertainment, the pub manager also opens a Q&A service about BLURT, Cryptocurrency, Computer Knowledge, and Software. Users can also post recommended Posts in the comments column, info about BLURT Single Meeting Point, and users' Wish Lists for Blurt development which are passed on to the developers.

It's all amazing. Although Blurt also has discord channels, I'm sure not all users know about it. In addition to entertainment, the existence of Pubs has become a liaison between users and the Blurt developers. Of course, this is a rare thing, not necessarily exist on other platforms.

This photo was taken by a coffee shop waitress.

Just like coffee shops in Aceh, Pubs have become a place that can strengthen the relationship between users and users with Blurt. Everyone is free to convey and discuss anything, from trivial things to serious things. From this small space, many extraordinary things are discussed to bring progress more broadly. The interaction and social relations that exist between fellow users/community have made me miss coffee shops every day, the same applies to Pubs.

Besides @double-u, the same thing was done by @dotwin1981 with “Quiz – Time”. Although more focused on entertainment, @dotwin1981 is also trying to bring something different to users. In each of his posts, @dotwin1981 usually posts part pictures of the most famous series, movies, video games, or shows from his childhood/teens.

I often smile to myself every time I read his quiz posts. One time I even ventured to comment, that I had no idea every single movie, video game, or show he watched from his childhood/teenage days. My slightly amusing comment got an equally hilarious response from him that made me burst out laughing and almost choked on my coffee. I enjoy every post of your quiz.

Regardless of the form and the way it is presented, the presence of the Pub has been able to give a different feel to Blurt. Everyone doesn't always have to focus on themselves to make serious posts. Our relationships with others in various forms of community activities (both on and off Blurt) are the main factors to support progress.

For that, through this post, I want to express my special thanks to @double-u who has allowed me to join his Pub. This is a very short time. Thank you for the support you have given me along with the members of the German community. There is a little regret in my heart, why I was late to find your Pub, which is now something I miss.

A strong community will be formed if the community members have good communication relations with each other. So that it will form trust, mutual openness, honesty, mutual respect, and empathy.

This post is in response to @practicalthought's request in his post Giving Thanks To The Pub. A Chain Post. For that, I have also selected some users who will receive 12% of the proceeds of this post: great lady @elkezaksek with her Ugandan project, @asianphotograph, @ifullamri @rahmattrisnamal, tough lady @celi130, and great artist @ronthroop.

Thank you for your visit and support.

Power of love


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

First of all thank you for placing me among the very noble beneficiaries of your part...

the tough lady @celi130

hahaha thanks for this, without knowing me personally you have described me, the "Hard Lady" since I was little has always characterized me in that way for always being the one who defended my sister, in turn because of my strong character, but my great noble heart, who does not like injustice does not remain silent, despite the fact that later I may suffer consequences with it. But we must not remain silent for fear of something, we must be honest, with the truth of our hearts. Fight for our principles, values, and thoughts that nothing and no one take away from us the most beautiful that is ** FREEDOM **.

Beautiful your post related to this cafeteria, we will always have a special place, that we will carry in our hearts and miss.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Haa..haa.. Looks like that character suits you very well. Even though I just imagined it in my mind from your posts. A woman with a strong character, and firmly holding on to principles. And certainly have a soft heart with love and affection. Everything in our life is never without consequence, and it will make us stronger. And most importantly, at least we can be ourselves.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

If those words suit me, thank you for giving it to me, you had a good perception of me. That from now on I will use it. Thanks...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I probably think you're so great because you're so much like me.
It's often not easy to be honest, to stand by your opinion, to stand up for others and to fight for freedom.
I was like that as a child, too, putting myself protectively in front of the weaker ones, helping them and often having disadvantages if I didn't bend.

But I can look in the mirror and like what I see and I don't have to be ashamed....

Dear Celi , you really are a strong woman!
Big Hug!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for your words, I would like to do more for other people, I do little, but I know that later on I will be able to help more people.

It is not easy at all, to be honest, you will always see something or someone who will want to shut you up, but that is where we must be more firm, defend our freedom.

I am glad to be like you, you are a noble woman with a beautiful heart, a fighter, you give your best. You will leave a great mark the day you are no longer here, that is the beauty of life.

My mother always told me but you are not afraid of anything, nor size, nor being able to defend others, or yourself from your thoughts, always looking in the mirror is smiling for everything I have been, and am today .

Big hug, blessings to you...
from the Hard Lady @celi130

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

This is a very heartfelt story, but very captivating. Of a truth, the pub on blurt organised by sir @double-u has made it easier for people of different countries and languages to communicate together.
Although I join the pub activities not quite long before it was closed, which I really missed until today.

From the welcoming conversation aspect to the quiz aspect and to the single meeting conversation and so on. It was really fun.

I also remember when a quiz question was asked twice although I didn't have the idea but it was mam @elkezaksek that quickly gave the correct answer to the question twice. Infact I really miss those time and period.

But on reading this story, I came to understand that some people really loves good things especially the pub on blurt. I hope we still continue to keep the communicating spirit alive @djunmul and learn to stand up for our opinions.

Thanks for this write up.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you.

Thank you for sharing so deeply. At first I was worried you misunderstood when it began with coffee shops, and you beautifully transitioned into describing the connections you had with pub members that drew you into the pub.

For years now double-u and those closest to him have touched so many across the world and I think it important that they be given a parting gesture from some of us to let them know how much their kindness impacted us in a positive way. That way the transition they take now away from here is not filled only with bitter memories, but also good ones as we all let them know the gestures they made over the years were not all in vain. That we are grateful and wish them much success as they move on to another pasture in life.

This post IS EXACTLY the spirit I was looking for. Thank you.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, you're right. Even though I just joined Pub double-u, I can feel the vibe of love and sincerity that drives users to grow together, as the platform grows. From there I also made new acquaintances, and they are wonderful people with different backgrounds. Despite everyone's motivation for being there, the existence of the Pub has been able to tie the social network between users and that I can't find anywhere else. Especially the manager's humility and warm welcome from all members.

Nothing is wasted from every goodness they sow. I'm sure, in the mind of everyone who has been to Pub double-u will feel the longing for good memories while there. Everyone's love will always accompany every step of double-u and friends.

Thank you for taking the initiative to write a thank you note to Pub with all the wonderful memories left behind.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

@djumul All you just said is not far from the truth,

A strong community will be formed if the community members have good communication relations with each other. So that it will form trust, mutual openness, honesty, mutual respect, and empathy.

Your vision here is same as mine! The pub actually has the prospect of harmonizing users, enhancing communication, relationships, respect, and empathy. God really picked out @double-u to save newbies on this platform! @elkezaksek is also worthy to be praised because of her Ugandan project. I read her last article where she paid school fees for some Children in Uganda! It's truly applausible .

Meanwhile I have a final Year Project at hand and will like all your support as my blurt friends. I will make a post on that very soon!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you. I think that every good thing that has a positive impact on many people deserves the support of everyone. I wish you success with your project.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I wish you success too

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for this great post !

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you also for the support you have provided and for taking the time to read this short note. Hopefully we can continue to communicate. Never hesitate to rebuke if something is wrong with me. May you always be given health and strength to spread goodness.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the gift...
It is already in the donation box.
Have a nice sunday!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you very sincerely!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We should be grateful for your kindness and sincerity. I really hope that the communication between us can continue. May you always be given health, strength and happiness.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you sir too

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks @r2cornell-curate for manual curation done by @abiga554.

sorry how do you join the pub? x I met my bf on fb so anything is possible for sure, I should get have pretended it was on blurt for the 100,000 haha

I am happy for you.

The pub is no more. The whale whose idea it was that ran it is leaving Blurt. I wrote on it if your curious.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Very true, I may not have taken part in the pub but seeing the way people talk about it I must say it was a great program that brought about unity in the platform.
Keep up the good work.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks @dsc-r2cornell for manual curation by Blessed-girl.

For me, without coffee, I can't express my activities to the fullest!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I am fascinated to hear the story of your beautiful coffee shop. There are very few coffee shops where knowledgeable discussions and graduates come. It fascinates me that you are sympathetic to one another. Our love for you will be endless. Blessings on all levels of people.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the praise and prayers.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Lost one Pub grew a thousand Pubs.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you so much for the Blurt!
And compliment:)

More of this, please!

A strong community will be formed if the community members have good communication relations with each other. So that it will form trust, mutual openness, honesty, mutual respect, and empathy.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

We are about to raise the price with VKRW, do you want to help get everyone started?