Madrid: un lugar para regresar | Madrid: a place to return [ESP-ENG]

in newvisionlife •  2 years ago  (edited)

Madrid: un lugar para regresar | Madrid: a place to return


En estos días pude leer a mi querida amiga @elkezaksek y ella compartía una publicación sobre su viaje a Barcelona en España, y este país es un lugar el cual tengo en mi lista para regresar, porque desde que tuve la oportunidad de visitarlo me quedé con la promesa de regresar.

Además, también mi muy estimado amigo Karl @reiseamateur se animó a compartir otra publicación sobre España, lo que me hizo recordar mi viaje. Porque coincidimos en pensar que es un país para regresar y vivir en él.


Este viaje lo hice en el año 2013, era una época sin pandemia y los medios económicos hacían posible poder realizar este viaje. En realidad mi primera idea era conocer Grecia, pero la amiga con la cual viaja no quería porque debía ir era a España y como también estaba en mi lista de viajes pendientes no lo dudé. Este viaje fue sin mucha planificación, un día tan solo lo pensamos y no dudamos en buscar los precios de los pasajes y buscar todo lo necesario para poder viajar, recuerdo que lo más complicado fue conseguir la carta de invitación, pero luego de un tiempo no muy largo la conseguimos sin problemas.

El viaje duró 20 días, me hubiese gustado quedarme mucho más tiempo, pero por limitaciones económicas únicamente alcanzó para 20 días; sin embargo, fueron unos días inolvidables, recuerdo que al llegar se me activo un vértigo con el cual no contaba, y este no me abandonó en todo el viaje, los dos primeros días era un malestar muy molesto luego descubrí que con dos cervezas podía sentirme mejor y nivelaba el vértigo, entonces así empezaban mis días lol me produce mucha risa recordarlo, pero como no alcanzaba para un médico, había que resolver y mi medicina fueron dos cervezas lol, esto me hacía caminar bien y equilibrada. Además, caminamos mucho, porque teníamos mucho que conocer.


These days I was able to read my dear friend @elkezaksek and she shared a post about her trip to Barcelona in Spain, and this country is a place that I have on my list to return to, because since I had the opportunity to visit it I stayed with the promise to return.

Also, my very dear friend Karl @reiseamateur was encouraged to share another post about Spain, which made me remember my trip. Because we agree that it is a country to return to and live in.


I made this trip in 2013, it was a time without a pandemic and the financial means made it possible to make this trip. Actually, my first idea was to visit Greece, but the friend with whom I was traveling did not want to because she had to go to Spain and since she was also on my list of pending trips, I did not hesitate. This trip was without much planning, one day we just thought about it and we did not hesitate to look for the prices of the tickets and look for everything necessary to be able to travel, I remember that the most complicated thing was to get the invitation letter, but after a while no very long we got it without problems.

The trip lasted 20 days, I would have liked to have stayed much longer, but due to economic limitations it was only enough for 20 days; however, they were unforgettable days, I remember that when I arrived I had a vertigo that I did not expect, and this did not leave me throughout the trip, the first two days it was a very annoying discomfort then I discovered that with two beers I could feel better and leveled the vertigo, so that's how my days began lol it makes me laugh a lot to remember it, but since it wasn't enough for a doctor, I had to solve it and my medicine was two beers lol, this made me walk well and balanced. Also, we walked a lot, because we had a lot to see.


Las avenidas de Madrid eran hermosas, su arquitectura encantadora, el clima delicioso y la gastronomía ni se diga, toddo me gustó, por eso siempre he pensado que deseo regresar, y espero poder hacerlo este año, ojalá que Blurt pase el dolar pronto, para poder hacer mi viaje, siempr ehe pensado que uno debe declarar lo que desea y creer que es posible, para poder enfocarse en lograrlo.

Ahora bien, me encanta España pero otro país que sería muy interesante es Alemania, Canada, o Australia, nunca se sabe lo que pueda pasar, porque el límite es el cielo.


The avenues of Madrid were beautiful, its charming architecture, the delicious climate and the gastronomy, not to mention, I liked everything, that is why I have always thought that I want to return, and I hope to be able to do so this year, I hope that Blurt spends the dollar soon, to be able to make my trip, I have always thought that one must declare what one wants and believe that it is possible, in order to focus on achieving it.

Now, I love Spain, but another country that would be very interesting is Germany, Canada, or Australia, you never know what might happen, because the sky is the limit.

Paseo el Retiro

Este paseo fue maravilloso es un parque con una gran extensión de tierra con una belleza natural increíble, realmente quedé enamorada.

Viajar me emociona y hace feliz

Desde que tengo edad para recordar, siempre me ha gustado viajar es un momento fantástico, y todo empieza desde la planificación del viaje y todo lo que esto involucra. Claro siempre viaje en auto y dentro del país, pero cuando pude salir de él, es otra experiencia que para los que puedan hacerlo, los invito a soñar en hacerlo.


This walk was wonderful, it is a park with a large extension of land with incredible natural beauty, I really fell in love.

Travel excites me and makes me happy

Since I'm old enough to remember, I've always liked traveling, it's a fantastic time, and it all starts from the planning of the trip and everything that this involves. Of course I always travel by car and within the country, but when I was able to leave it, it is another experience that for those who can do it, I invite you to dream of doing it.


Comparte conmigo tus sueños

Me encantaría conocer si te gusta viajar, y si sueñas en conocer algún país ¿Cuál país te gustaría conocer y por qué? También sería interesante conocer algunas fotos de tus paseos.

Ahora que celebramos el mes del amor, sería maravilloso conocer tu país para enamorarte.


Share with me your dreams

I would love to know if you like to travel, and if you dream of visiting a country, which country would you like to visit and why? It would also be interesting to see some photos of your walks.

Now that we celebrate the month of love, it would be wonderful to know your country to fall in love.

Dedicado a todos los usuarios soñadores y enamorado que nunca dejan de soñar.

Dedicated to all dreamers and lovers who never stop dreaming.

Thanks Blurt, I love you all.
Good vibes.

  • Historia original // Original story
    Fotografías: Propias

Blurt eres tú, soy yo, blurt somos todos // Blurt is you, it is me, blurt we are all

Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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I used to travel a lot. Now, because of the animals, I can't do it as often as I would like. Unfortunately, I have not been to Madrid, but now I will definitely plan such a trip for myself.😊

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh! I love knowing that you like to travel. I used to do it more often before now due to the economic situation it's gone down, but I'll be spreading my wings again soon lol.
My canine daughters are taken care of by my mother, thank God that I have someone who takes care of them with love, because if it wasn't like that, I wouldn't be able to go on a trip.
I love reading you, I like you very much, I think you have a very good energy that I like.
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I often hear and read about the beauty of Spain, especially the cities of Madrid and Barcelona. I have the desire to one day be able to come there, enjoy everything there is, especially the beautiful football, although I don't know when.

Thanks for sharing.

Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

One of the first things we must do is dream and think that it may be possible, this attitude towards life allows us to go beyond our dreams and be able to achieve them.
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes, almost everything that happens in our life everything comes from the mind. Sometimes without us realizing it, the big desires that we dream of enter our subconscious and it becomes a prayer as well as enthusiasm to make them come true.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I also love to travel in different countries..Still I am n't capable of travelling overseas..But oneday(may be after one or two year) I am thinking to start my overseas journey..

I think you should add Sri lanka also to your pending travelling country.. And I have heard madrid is a beautiful and you're like to travel there..

Spain is one of my dream places where I want to go for a trip. I don't know when it will be fulfilled but I can release the beauty of Spain through your images and magical words.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Dreams can be fulfilled. You just have to put thoughts and dreams into action
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

España es uno de los paises que mas quisiera visitar, justamente Madrid seria el sitio a llegar, pues me encantaría ir a un partido del Real Madrid eso es un sueño para mi y bueno espero poder hacerlo en algún momento. Tu escrito me a motivado mucho, realizar viajes es una actividad asombrosa, aun no e podido hacerlo fuera de mi pais, pero hare todo lo posible por hacerlo.


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Todo puede ser posible, no tengas dudas de ello. Me alegra que te motives.
Buena vibra.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for sharing @angelica7. Really traveling is part of education and I love doing that most of the time if I have the means to.

Two very wonderful places I would love to visit are Dubai, I heard it's very good for tourists purposes and Brazil because I also learnt they beautiful women 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Hey, well, the United Arab Emirates, in particular, Dubai is also an interesting place. And you're right in Brazil there are beautiful women with tanned skin and long hair, they also dance beautifully, I hope you can travel and fulfill your dreams.
Good vibes.

I often see Spanish cities on YouTube. The cities are really very beautiful. This is truly a developed country. I really want to feel the atmosphere there and be able to walk around and enjoy the city and the area there, such as Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Llastres, Asturias and several other places.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Certainly, it is beautiful, if you have the opportunity to travel, do not think about it, do it and then tell about your wonderful experience.
Good vibes.

Of course, I really want to go there. May my wish come true and have the sustenance to go there!

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Never been to Madrid. Wanted to watch football in Madrid if there was enough budget. Hehe

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Dream about it, save, invest, and plan. When you want to do something, you have to prepare for it.
I was able to visit the Santiago de Bernabéu Stadium, and it is immensely beautiful, a modern marvel of architecture.
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for the advice. May that dream come true. If I have the opportunity and time, I will meet with Blurt friends in Spain. especially with @angelica7.

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Gracias por el apoyo. Buena vibra.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Spain is my dream world. And when I told my colleagues about Spain, they showed a lot of interest and they also said that Spain is my dream world.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Seems like you really enjoyed it a lot:) One question - what do you mean when you say “not enough for a doctor”? Well, I heard that in some countries you have to be almost dying to get help, but still…

I haven’t been traveling for so long that I almost forgot how it feels. But I hope that soon it will change. My biggest dream at the moment is to travel somewhere to seaside:)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I did that trip without medical insurance and in Spain a medical consultation for that time was very expensive, it was not within my plans to get sick, and I did not have the money to pay for a medical consultation.
Where I live is a coastal beach area, so I have it close every day, but there is a place that I would love to know for its beautiful beaches and that is the Philippines.
A hug.
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Oh, now I understand. Sure we never have plans to get sick:(

I have no sea coast where I live, only a lake nearby, my dog usually enjoyed walking there with me:)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Dogs enjoy anywhere as long as they get love, and I'm sure you give them a lot of love.

Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de @blurthispano.
Te invitamos a usar el tag #blurthispano. Nos puedes encontrar en Discord.


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Posted from

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Gracias por el cariño.
Buena vibra.

You have explained your trip very nicely.
Thanks mam for sharing your trip with us.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thank you for commenting, I'm glad you liked it.
Good vibes.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  
