Good vibes, is shared on Blurt [ESP-ENG]

in newvisionlife •  last year 

La Buena vibra, se comparte en Blurt



Queridos amigos invisibles

En esta publicación deseo compartir una información para todos los nuevos usuarios en Blurt.
Primero les doy la bienvenida por unirse a esta cadena de bloques, donde compartir contenido creativo y original es importante.

También deseo darle las gracias a todos aquellos usuarios que ya tienen algún tiempo con nosotros y que se han animado a invitar a otros y ayudarlos para entrar como nuevos usuarios.
He podido leer algunas nuevas publicaciones con la etiqueta de #introduceyourself y no quería pasar por alto este movimiento, por ello para todos los nuevos usuarios va dirigida esta publicación.

Información para leer

Como toda persona que llega a una casa nueva requiere de conocer algunas de sus normas, porque no todos llegamos a una casa de invitados y llegamos abriendo la puerta del refrigerador por decir algo, o llegamos preguntando qué hicieron de cocinar, primero al llegar a una nueva casa, se llega con cautela y entendiendo donde están las cosas en la casa y seguimos las normas para poder permanecer en ella, con este corto ejemplo lo que intento decirles, es que así es en esta casa en Blurt, resulta importante conocer algunas reglas de uso dela plataforma, para luego poder desenvolverse como pez en el agua, y todos pueden comenzar por leer la sección de Wecome, también pasando por leer la sección FAQ, además de conocer que otro medio de comunicación un poco más directa y desde donde se puede interactuar de forma virtual es en el canal de Discord oficial de Blurt.

Otro aspecto que también es importante conocer en Blurt, es que somos una red social para compartir contenido propio y somos respetuosos de reconocer los derechos de autor de otros, por ello, si deseas escribir contenido creativo y apoyarte en algún autor como guía, es importante que compartas las referencias, así como también en el manejo de uso de imágenes. Puedo sugerirte que leas a este usuario, quién actualmente está bastante animado en ayudar y escribir contenido que aclara algunas dudas, él es @oneray, estoy segura de que algunas de sus publicaciones, encontraran información importante que los ayude a conocer un poco del uso correcto de Blurt y de la creación de contenido sin caer en plagios.

También puedes buscar en mis publicaciones porque hace algún tiempo publique guías y algunas ideas de ayuda, por ejemplo, como esta publicación Tips para crear contenido en Blurt || Tips for creating content on Blurt [ESP-ENG].

Otro aspecto importante es que al ser una red para compartir contenido esperamos poder leer, nos alegran las maravillosas fotografías como un grandioso arte, pero también nos gusta leer contenido al respeto de esa foto o imagen.

Nota Importante

Guarda tus claves, la seguridad es importante. No compartas tus claves y protégelas.

Un nuevo proyecto está por llegar

Pronto se encontrará activo un canal en Blurt para recibir orientación sobre sus publicaciones y de cómo mejorarlas, será una atención en línea dos días a la semana. Los esperamos a todos.

Este proyecto nace con la intención de poder compartir aportes al respecto, de conocer más a Blurt como plataforma y además de fortalecer los lazos como comunidad.

Luego de revisada, las publicaciones tendrán la opción de que otros curadores de contenido lean sus artículos y puedan recibir algunos aportes. Esto es solamente una parte de las activiades que estaremos realizando en este nuevo canal.


Antes de despedirme deseo felicitar a @ludevielucero por tomarse el tiempo de invitar a tantos usuarios nuevos y de compartir la buena energía en la comunidad, por ello de mi parte deseo hacerle un regalo de 200 Blurt, como una forma de reconocimiento especial, así como agradecer a @yopeks y @psychkrhoz por compartir en el canal del discord a estos usuarios nuevos.

Me alegra ver tanto entusiasmo y alegría, porque esa es la energía que deseamos, que se sienta y se comparta en Blurt, energía bonita, de apoyo, alianza, de amistades, de ayudar a otros con buena vibra, el mundo necesita que se comparta y fluya más buena vibra, convertidas en sonrisas y alegrías, por ello sinceramente gracias a todos los que se suman a mover la energía en positivo en Blurt.

Como esta sección es de agradecimientos y felicitaciones no puedo dejar de mencionar a todos los curadores de contenido activos en la plataforma, quienes todos los días están leyendo y votando contenido, ustedes representan un gran pulmón que llena de aire a esta cadena. También gracias a todos los testigos, inversores y a todos los que hacen posible de que Blurt continúe hacia delante.

Con mucho cariño

English version

Good vibes, is shared on Blurt



Queridos amigos invisibles

In this post I want to share an information for all the new users in Blurt.
First of all, I welcome you for joining this blockchain, where sharing creative and original content is important.
I also want to thank all those users who have been with us for some time and who have been encouraged to invite others and help them to enter as new users.
I have been able to read some new posts with the tag #introduceyourself and I did not want to overlook this movement, so this post is for all new users.

information to read

As every person who arrives at a new house needs to know some of its rules, because not all of us arrive at a guest house and arrive opening the refrigerator door just to say something, or arrive asking what they did for cooking, first upon arriving at a new house, you arrive with caution and understanding where things are in the house and we follow the rules to be able to stay in it, with this short example what I try to tell you, is that this is how it is in this house in Blurt, it is important to know some rules of use of the platform, to later be able to function like a fish in water, and everyone can start by reading the Wecome section, also going through the FAQ section, in addition to knowing that other means of communication a little more direct and from where you can interact virtually is on Blurt's official Discord channel.

Another aspect that is also important to know about Blurt is that we are a social network to share our own content and we are respectful of recognizing the copyrights of others, therefore, if you want to write creative content and rely on an author as a guide, it is important that you share the references, as well as in managing the use of images. I can suggest you to read this user, who is currently quite excited to help and write content that clarifies some doubts, he is @oneray, I am sure that some of his posts will find important information that will help you to know a little about the correct use of Blurt and the creation of content without falling into plagiarism.

You can also search my posts because some time ago I posted guides and some helpful ideas, for example, like this post Tips para crear contenido en Blurt || Tips for creating content on Blurt [ESP-ENG]

Another important aspect is that being a network for sharing content we hope to be able to read, we are happy with wonderful photographs as great art, but we also like to read content regarding that photo or image.

Important Note

Save your passwords, security is important. Do not share your keys and protect them.

A new project is coming

Soon a Blurt channel will be active to receive guidance on your publications and how to improve them, it will be an online service two days a week. We are waiting for you all.
This project was born with the intention of being able to share contributions in this regard, to learn more about Blurt as a platform and in addition to strengthening ties as a community.

After being reviewed, the posts will have the option of having their articles read by other content curators and may receive some input. This is only a part of the activities that we will be carrying out in this new channel.


Before I say goodbye I want to congratulate @ludevielucero for taking the time to invite so many new users and to share the good energy in the community, for this reason I want to give you a gift of 200 Blurt, as a form of special recognition, as well as thank @yopeks and @psychkrhoz for sharing these new users on the discord channel.

I'm glad to see so much enthusiasm and joy, because that's the energy we want, to feel and share in Blurt, beautiful energy, support, alliance, friendships, helping others with good vibes, the world needs it to be shared and let more good vibes flow, turned into smiles and happiness, for this I sincerely thank everyone who joins in moving positive energy in Blurt.

As this section is about thanks and congratulations, I cannot fail to mention all the active content curators on the platform, who are reading and voting for content every day, you represent a great lung that fills this chain with air. Also thanks to all the witnesses, investors and everyone who makes it possible for Blurt to continue forward.

With love

Follow us
For all of you who read me, I invite you to follow us on all the Blurt social networks, and join the challenge of living happily without thinking about age, because we are all going to get old and you decide how to get to that chapter of your life. Share your experience with us at Blurt, help others take care of their health.

Follow the official accounts:

I share my love and good vibes for everyone, because soon we are going for more.

With love

  • Historia original // Original story
  • App: Comica y Canva

Blurt eres tú, soy yo, blurt somos todos // Blurt is you, it is me, blurt we are all

Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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  ·  last year  ·  

Gift for sharing the good vibes in Blurt, for @ludevielucero
Good vibes 😘

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you for the gift and love @angelica7. Appreciate you for acknowledging my effort. It's always my pleasure to promote this awesome platform and community...Good Vibes 🥰💗💞

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

I am glad to see users animated and with good energy, also the energy of gratitude multiplies.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Have a great day angel, thank you for recognizing my fellow Filipino for bringing more users these past days and still counting.

Also, thank you so much for this publication, I hope they would read all the details and check on the links you have pointed for them to be guided on their blurt journey. Of course for the platform to grow healthy as to contents creations.

God Bless!

  ·  last year  ·  

Hello G10a, you are a reference user to follow on this platform, you have been on Blurt for some time and you always share new and creative content. If someone should follow and read the friends of the Philippine community, it is you. I hope you can meet more friends and continue to grow.
Thank you for your words, I receive them very humbly and they help me to know that people can receive good energy, which is so needed in the world.
It is necessary to share more good vibes with all users and with the world.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you so much for the compliment 🙏

Posted from

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for the recognition madam, Highly appreciated ❤️❤️

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you for helping others and for staying encouraged, growing organically and with a good attitude.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Important guidelines that will surely help many. I am glad to know that many new users, here there is room for everyone, as you say, always respecting the community rules and copyright.

A big hug friend.

  ·  last year  ·  

Gracias por compartir y alegrarte también por estos ingresos. Vamos paso a paso.
Buena vibra.

Hi @Angelica7, I loved reading your post about spreading good vibes on Blurt! Your message about focusing on the positive things in life and sharing good energy with others is so important, especially in today's world.

I appreciate how you highlighted the power of gratitude and positivity, and how it can affect our lives in so many ways. It's great to see you leading by example and sharing your positive attitude with others on Blurt.

Keep up the good work, and I'm sure your uplifting message will make a positive impact on the community. Thank you for sharing your positivity with us all!

  ·  last year  ·  

This is one of few blurt post that has captured my attention in recent times. The post is straight to the point with the much needed information.

Thanks @Angelica7

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I'm glad you like it.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks for sharing. It gives me more insights about this platform. This serves as our guides. Hope others could read this. Allow me to reblurt it. Thanks.

  ·  last year  ·  

You can use this medium as an information portfolio for your memories, your business or any other information that you want to share and that lasts over time. In addition to that you also have the opportunity to meet many other people.
Welcome whenever you want, I'll be here.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Thanks @angelica7. You are such an inspiration.

  ·  last year  ·  

You're right in your views mam!

  ·  last year  ·  

Thank you, you are very kind.
Good vibes.

  ·  last year  ·  

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @dsc-r2cornell. You can use the tag #R2cornell. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by Blessed-girl

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Felicitaciones, su publicación ha sido votada por @ dsc-r2cornell. Puedes usar el tag #R2cornell. También, nos puedes encontrar en Discord