The Idea of a Perfect Day

in mindfullife •  2 years ago 

Every Perfect moment makes a Perfect day. A perfect day for me would just be an ideal day my way but that does not mean it would be really a perfect day. For someone a perfect day would be spending time with their family and doing all the household chores and for some it would be a well planned and organized day at work, things flowing just the way as planned.

For me my Perfect day would not be anything in particular but when things would happen just the way I have planned for that day then that would be my perfect day. Everyday I want to do different things and if it is happening that way it would be my perfect day. Though I do not want my Perfect day to be a time machine where I get up at this time, I eat at this time, I sleep at this time. My Perfect day would be more of just doing all that I have in mind for the day going with the flow of the day.


But yes few things I want to be part of my daily routine and that would be my Meditation and spending time in my Crystal work and dowsing work. If for any reason I am not able to do it then that day is not my perfect day.
When I am Happy all day long it is my Perfect day
When I cook a special meal for my family and they relish, it is my prefect day
When I spend time with my Son it is my perfect day
When I spend time with Children it is my perfect day
When I spend time in nature it is my perfect day
When I spend time cleaning up the home it is my perfect day
When I witness a Beautiful Sunset it is my perfect day.

My idea of perfect day does not match the definition of it, but even if I do one small thing that brings joy to me then that day will become my perfect day. I do not have a fix time to get up, sleep, eat or in that case to do anything and I do not even want it. I listen to my body needs and do things. So setting that routine and doing stuff going with the tick tock is not my idea of a perfect day. Some days doing nothing at all is also a perfect day for me :-)

Thankfully I am living my perfect days since the last few years, and I am able to do this because I have started loving myself the most. I have learned to detach and not get into the drama. I have learned to be happy with my ownself in my own company and all of this allows me to live my days just the way I want.

A joyful and a Happy day is my idea of a Perfect Day and I want every single day of my life to be in that manner.
I want to live life every single day living in the present moment and that would be my Perfect Day.
What is your idea of a Perfect Day?

Thank you for visiting my blog. 👼🏻👼🏻💖💖🌹🌺🌸

"Unlimited Abundance, Blissful Happiness and Unconditional Love"

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