RE: My current reaction to rainfall

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My current reaction to rainfall

in lifestyle •  last year 

It is a good writing. You just need to indicate the source from which you obtained the image, and I trust that it is from free pages like Pixabay and not one from the internet taken at random. If you do this, you will receive more visits and more votes on your articles.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Hello @oneray, thanks so much for sharing this tip with me.

I actually had to rush into this place and come and see your comment after getting off a phone call from Chubuzor Wisdom. He told me of a couple of issues that were raised with this account and I'm glad to come across this comment from you.

Thanks so much for sharing this. I will take not of it immediately and start making necessary adjustments. For this particular post, I've already updated my image source.

From the subsequent publications, I will make sure that everything will be of a standard quality. Thanks so much 🙏

  ·  last year  ·  

I wish you much success, my dear friend. I was surprised that you overlooked these details, well, I know about you from Uptrend and the University that LiliTiger directed.

Chubuzorwisdom, is a great character who cares about his peers.

A hug from the distance.