RE: The Ultimate Property Right

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The Ultimate Property Right

in life •  2 years ago 

No problem, this was written a good few years ago and I do have some other info if you need it. I'd recommend flooding your system with vitamin c, I put liposomol vitamin c in the article as it bypasses the stomach (hence high dosage with no stomach upset) but it can be pricey. If that's prohibitive I'd recommend a high quality (non GMO) vitamin c powder. Start on lower doses and gradually build yourself up to a really high daily dose. At these doses it creates an an environment that is difficult for the cancer to survive in. Black seed oil has been around for thousands of years - and has some amazing health, and anti cancer properties - get a good quality organic brand and take it with warm water and honey 2 x daily. Medical grade cannabis oil applied to the cancer, and a good quality Chaga mushroom tincture (pref shipped in from Syberia) taken orally. Have a look at the G Edward Griffin video I added to the post - discussing apricot kernels and vitamin B17. Anyway, lots of info to get you started. :)

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