Many thanks, both for the kind thoughts as well as the information. I forwarded the link to my partner, as she is drawn to the type of information you share in your post linked.
She gave it a brief look over this morning and wants to read it more thoroughly as we discuss some kind of regimen she wishes to join with me. She will be more vigorous than myself though because much of that stuff makes me go blehh and to her its fine dining and such, lol. So she can be my drill sergeant.
Not sure of its efficacy, but offgrid mentioned olive oil so I began putting it on the spot although I'm doubtful that will affect the actual spreading and symptoms I see taking place.
As always, it's a gift to partake in your sharing. You possess a lot of information that those in power structures would suppress.
No problem, this was written a good few years ago and I do have some other info if you need it. I'd recommend flooding your system with vitamin c, I put liposomol vitamin c in the article as it bypasses the stomach (hence high dosage with no stomach upset) but it can be pricey. If that's prohibitive I'd recommend a high quality (non GMO) vitamin c powder. Start on lower doses and gradually build yourself up to a really high daily dose. At these doses it creates an an environment that is difficult for the cancer to survive in. Black seed oil has been around for thousands of years - and has some amazing health, and anti cancer properties - get a good quality organic brand and take it with warm water and honey 2 x daily. Medical grade cannabis oil applied to the cancer, and a good quality Chaga mushroom tincture (pref shipped in from Syberia) taken orally. Have a look at the G Edward Griffin video I added to the post - discussing apricot kernels and vitamin B17. Anyway, lots of info to get you started. :)
Just too add, I know I originally said to apply black seed oil to the cancer as well as ingest it - but i forgot to re-iterate it - I've looked up some further studies that have shown positive benefits with skin cancer treatment and metastasis. Not sure if you can get it in the US, but this brand is great - it's organic, but doesn't have the soil association accreditation - hence its pretty cheap.
I took black seed oil after I had that huge abcess from a spider bite and it my wound healed in half the time I was told, along with tumeric it stopped a secondary one before it became anything too. Did you also hear of black salve? I don’t know anyone that tried it but saw tons of ppl on the internet use it for skin cancers. It looks pretty scary as it eats away at it and leaves healthy tissue. It’s a lot more risky than the other things I think. I have seen the budwig diet work miracles my parents still take it every other day as maintenance I would jump right on it myself if I needed it. I’ve seen it work twice now. Rife tones and the proper canabis thc work as well along with vitamin c drips I guess it’s up to the person / practical thought to work out which, resonates most for him. But there are so many options out there now without any need to take pharmaceuticals it doesn’t mean there is nowhere left to turn and no hope. Nature has everything also something as silly as visualising yourself in twenty years time alive and well and what you would be doing can be such a powerful tool.
Thank you. I did a search for it and appears it is available here in the States.