An opportunity to buy in to a fortune....

in instablurt •  3 years ago 


I came across a rather entertaining idea that sparked my intrest. We all know how the value of a coin is determined by a number of different factors - age, condition, scarcity, desirability etc.....

So what if, and its a big IF, you could own a small fraction of one of the rarest coins known to have been minted for circulation??? A coin so rare, that throughout the numismatic society its known as the "holy grail" of coin collecting.


Im talking about the 1937 ONE PENNY!! I wont go in to too much detail here, that is what the internet is for. In a nut shell - when the then King, king George V(1910-1936), died, his eldest son Prince (soon to be king) Edward VIII inherited the throne. Back then, Royal protocol dictated that a future king could NOT marry a person who had been married and divorced before, and so King Edward VIII who was in love with an American lass, Wallace Simpson(👈 previously married) had to abdicate(give up) his throne if he intended to wed his beloved..... and thats exactly what he chose to do.

Now whilst sll this lovey-dovey shit is going on between these two, the Royal Mint was busy designing and engraving the next batch of coins for general circulation. The Mint can not second guess what a mans heart will do, so continued to make coins depicting the now King, King Edward VIII, as if he was to reign for years to come.

Never let it be said that a man would put his duty before his dick love.... So King Edwards short reign was over almost as soon as it started.


This now meant our current queen's father, Edwards brother, the bumbling King George VI took over the lineage and stepped up to become king.

While all this crazy will he, wont he abdicate has been going on, lets not forget that the mint had been hard at work making prototype coins for King Edwards reign.


With no Edwars on the throne, there was no need to mass mint his picture on to circulation currency. The few trial coins were locked away and retained by the Royal Mint, and that, in a nut shell is why th coins of King Edward VIII are so saught after and so so so bloody expensive.



Baldwin's auctioneers are bringing to the table the chance to buy a "fraction" of the 1937 Penny. The coin is currently valued at around £200,000, after being last bouggt at auction in 2019 for £113,000 + fees(l (£133,200).

The coin has been fictitiously broken down in to 4000 pieces which can be bought individually for a price of just £50:

£50 X 4,000 = £200,000

**DISCLAIMER- obviously the coin has NOT been cut in to 4000 pieces,vyou would just be buying a fraction of the coin.

All legal documents, proving proof of part ownerships are sent to you. Documents are legally binding, and conform with all UK laws, rules and regulations.


Once you recieve your documentation, you are free to do with your fraction of the coin as you see fit. As prices for these types of coins increase year on year, the value of your fraction should also increase proportionally to the number of fractions you own.

The option to buy using cryptocurrency is also available, so im pretty sure a few of my fellow #silvergoldstackers community mebers might be interested in this??

Link to website HERE


40+yr old, trying to shift a few pounds and sharing his efforsts on the blockchain. Come find me on STRAVA or #actifit, and we can keep each other motivated .


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